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"give me map, maybe it will help, i think we are lost" i said

"Oh god" he said "I lost it"

"you what?" i yelled "i-i can't find it" he was looking into his bag "aish, really? What now, huh? You were so confident when you said give it to me, and now you lost it-" he cut me "why you talk so much? Where do you turn off?" he yelled "mouth on the mouth" i yelled back

Why did i say that?

He came closer to me, put his hand around my waist and kissed me.


I close my eyes.

His lips are so soft and warm. It was so nice. For the first time i'm feeling nice.

He stepped back and i opened my eyes.

I turned red. "YAH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" I yelled "you tell me that's the only way-" i cut him "ARE YOU CRAZY?" i slapped him and run away.

I hit my head. You stupid idiot, why did you slap him? I'M GOING CRAZY WHY DID I CLOSE MY EYES?????

Suddenly i felt dizzy. I fell down and my personality changed.

-Sabrina came out-

"Wohooooo, WOOODSSSSSS" She screamed "AA FRESH AIR" She take a deep breath "aaah it smells nice" she looked around. "oh right i'm lost, i should look around" she started to walk, and walk and walk. 

"well now i'm even more lost" she rolled her eyes. 

She sit next to big tree and close her eyes. What now? Am i gonna die here?

She put her head on her knees and started to cry. 

It's getting dark and she is alone. She heard foot steps. It's not bear right? She looked up and saw Jungkook "OH MY GOD" She get up "i'm so happy to see you" she hugged him "R-rose" he hugged her back "i thought i'm gonna die here, alone" 

"Me too" she said. They stepped back. "were you crying?" he asked and she waved her head "your makeup is messed up" he pointed his finger on her eyes "that's not it, it was because.. i sweat" she said and he laugh "right" he said

"anyway let's walk around maybe we found something" she said "or we get lost even more" he said.

We walk and walk and walk.

But nothing. 

"What are we going to do?" she said "i'm tired" she sat on the big stone "me too" he sit next to her "and i'm cold" 

He took his jacked off and put it on her "but you will get cold" she tried to take it of but he didn't let her "okay, then let's do this" she said and come closer to him, then put her arms around his waist "put your jacked around you and me" 

He put his jacket around them and hugged her back. They were like that for few minutes. It was so nice. He is so warm. Too bad Rose can't enjoy this. I had to do this for her and i will make sure that she remembers this. I guess she is afraid of letting people in her hart. I need to help her.

Ah i could stay like this forever, she thought, but of course i couldn't... 

They heard some noise and they get up. "It's deer" she said and made a big smile "It's so cute" she started to climb on big stones so she could see it better. "you will fall" jungkook said and he was right. She felt so dizzy so she lost her balance and almost fell down but jungkook catch her.

-personality switch; Rose came back-

I was face to face with jungkook. I looked at his eyes. They were so pretty and then i look at his lips. I want to kiss him so bad..

"Yah you two!" we heard someone and jungkook just let me go and i fell down "yah! you idiot!" i screamed

It was Jimin "what are you two doing?" he asked. "Nothing" jungkook said "thank god someone find us"i said when i get up.

I'm actually so glad we get lost. I made some good memories with Jungkook.

Teacher came with rest of boys and we started to walk back.

I was talking with Taehyung. He is such a good friend. "are you okay? You are not hurt? Did something happened? I'm gonna make you dinner when we came home" he talked to fast, he is adorable. Wait! Home? "H-home?" i said and he nodded "we are gonna sleep over at your place" he said with smile"say what now?" 

"It's gonna be fun, we will just go home and take our stuff and come back, your parents are not home anyway, we will stay few days there" jin said "yeah sure, don't ask me, just come, like it is your own house, don't feel like there is need for asking me" i said "great!" tae said "no, not great, you can't come" i said

"why not?" suga spoken "w-well, it's not appropriate" i made excuse "well, you live with 3 man and 1 girl and it's not appropriate for us to stay too?" suga said "oh god, okay come" i rolled my eyes

"yaay! it's gonna be so fun" tae said. I guess it will.

Jungkook's pov

While they were talking Jimin and i walked behind them

"do you like Rose?" i asked Jimin "yes" he said "o-oh, i actually said that to tease you but.." i was surprised he admit it

"but that doesn't matter, don't tell her, she likes you" he said "w-what?" 

"you didn't notice?" 

"no, she doesn't like me" i looked at her

"riiiight.." he rolled his eyes.

Well it wouldn't be so bad if she do. Cause i may like her too..


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