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I was looking myself into a mirror.

"Be happy" my reflection started to talk "oh god, i'm going crazy" i jumped 

"no, you are not" reflection said "it's me, Sabrina, i will leave you now honey" she said "you can go on with your life now, you know the truth and you have people around you who will be there for you"

I'm feeling weird.

"Iris is going with me too, she said that she doesn't have to be there anymore cause you don't want to die anymore" she said

I don't?

She stopped with talking. I guess she is gone.

This was very weird.

I came into living room and saw them all laughing and having fun.

Then i looked at Jungkook.

I was so broken with my life. I was so hopeless, and I was going through bad times. Then I found a person who cared about me even though we just met. It really made me feel happy.

Not once did I expect this to happen. Never in my wildest dream i ever thought that i will fall for him. It must been his sweetness that melt my heart, or his gentle smile could be the start.

"You like him a lot don't you?" i jumped and saw jimin next to me "do i?" i said "you know you do, and he feel the same" he said and go to be with them.

Jungkook looked at me and came closer.

"Can we talk?" he said and i nodded

We go up into my room.

"is it something wrong?" i asked "no, i just.. i want to tell you something" he looked down

"what is it?" 

"when i first saw you i thought you are rude and annoying" he said "wow thanks" 

"anyway, then i saw you again at the store with that guys over there and i thought you need help, but you manage to deal with them alone, i was impressed" he said "after that i found out that they are not bad guys it was only some misunderstanding with you guys and we became friends"he looked me in eyes 

"i started to like you" he said "every day more and more, you change your mood all the time, you know how to handle every situation, i really like that, i  saw you once before, you get into a fight, you didn't needed anyone, it was scary" i smile "are you confessing?" i asked and he nodded

"i like you too" i said "i think i like you from the first day i just didn't want to admit that" 

he smile and kissed me.

When our lips glanced at each other,  i could have sworn the eclipse happened, time paused for the beauty, the angels sang. When weird and beautiful mix, something beautifully magical is created. I could feel my soul burn from your passionate fire.  

We're kissing like there's no tomorrow. It's sweet like candy.

He stepped back.

"I promise to be there for you always whenever you need a helping hand. I promise to think about you daily wherever you are in the world I promise to never let you down" he said

"I promise to support you in any decisions you may make, no matter what they are. I promise to be your support, when you need it the most" i said

"i promise" we said in the same time.


After drinking night i went into my room and go to the bathroom.

I looked into mirror. "Aish i look like alien" i rolled my eyes

"you are right" my reflection said

"this weird thing again" i said "yeah whatever, it's me amber" she said "i just came to tell you that i'm leaving too, you get yourself confidence so you don't really need me anymore, this sucks" she rolled her eyes "anyway, bye" she said and stopped talking

Are they leaving? Only Lucian didn't leave. Why? 


Tomorrow morning was really hard..... We drink a bit too much.

We came in school with no word. I guess we are all fighting hangover.

Teacher came in.

"Okay kids, today we are learning about sex" he said "oh you want us to teach you today?" i said and everyone start to laugh "please stop talking" he said "anyway, don't have sex, you will die" he said "yes, you will die if you have sex with someone who you don't want to, so you will die from embarrassment" i said

Teacher opened the window and leave trough it. 

"HE REALLY DID THAT?!" I screamed.

Everybody laugh "this was amazing" tae said "too bad it's ground floor" i said

"let's just leave" suga said 

We left to eat and i saw my brother in front of my school. I came closer to him

"What are you doing here?" i asked "well, you know i want to act like a real brother so i came so we can go shopping together and then we will have a lunch" he said "i hope it's not too late for that" 

"okay, let's do that" i said and we left


After some shopping we go to eat

"i want to ask you something" i said "shoot" he said

"why my parents left me?" 

"they didn't. They are always watching over you, they just can't face you like they use to do" 

"i don't get it"

"well, out father feels responsible for what happened, that woman, the one that abused you, loved our father and wanted to be with him, that's why she took you so she can have something that's his, she had mental sickness" i was shocked " and your mom feel guilty too, cause she wasn't with you that day, if she was with you that wouldn't happen"

I never thought about it in that way.

"and i feel guilty too, that's why i was away, i tried to find you help" i get up and hugged him "i'm sorry" i said "no, no, i am sorry" he hugged be back

I sit down and i heard some voice in my head.

It's like when you think and you have that voice in your head, but it wasn't me who was thinking. It was Lucian.

"I'm glad you forgive your bother and now he is there for you, i should leave too, enjoy now"

they all left.

I don't have DID anymore?

"Namjoon" i looked at him "my personalities left" i said "what?" he looked shocked "they all said good bye and left" i get up "i'm normal now" i smile


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