Chapter 1

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[Name]'s POV

Hi there my name's [Name],right now I'm riding a train to Pulau rintis to see master Makarov's friend tok aba and I'm also gonna move there

"Attention all passengers,we will be arriving Pulau rintis in 5 minutes,please carry all of your things and have a nice day!"The announcer said as the train took a halt,

"Better get my stuff then,"I said and held my bags,I'm not carrying that much so it's not that heavy,the train stopped and opened the doors,I went outside and looked at the picture that master gave me I averted my eyes on the picture and started looking for tok aba

"[Name] over here!"I saw tok aba waving his hands signaling me,I smiled and went to him

"Hi tok aba!"I smiled,"just call me grandad"he said with a warm smile"sure grandad,oh and where's that boboiboy you were talking about?"I asked looking for the boy

"He's not here yet,you can meet him later but for now let's go home,you must be tired from the journey you've been"grandad said,as i nod and follow him to his motorcycle.

"It's fine,infact it's super fun I got to see different places!"I replied in excitement,grandad chuckled

>>Time skip<<

"Here we are"grandad said I looked at his house"wow it's so big"my [Eye color] eyes sparkled in delight,as i exclaimed,His house can be called an antique but i choose not to say it.

"Thank you,and your room is upstairs,your door's color is [Favorite color]!"grandad said as he walked to the kitchen,I went up stairs and saw seven different rooms with different colors I didn't want to open them so I went to my room,I opened it and saw everything in [Favorite color] but not that girly,I'm more of a modern style freak.

"Wow, awesome!"I exclaimed in excitement,and started to unpacked my stuff and placed them on my drawer"I'm not that tiered so I'm going downstairs"

"[Name] let's go to my shop!"grandad said from outside of the house"sure!"I replied and went outside,

"There's my shop!"grandad said pointing at his shop?"it's quite big actually"I said

Then a huge spaceship landed besides the kokotaim I didn't gasped or anything it was just normal for me I mean I've seen a flying cat and more weird things and stuff so this is normal.

"[Name] come here I want you too meet someone!"grandad called me,I saw seven boys with the same faces but different colors and designs of their clothes,I placed a finger on my chin and raised a brow.

"So this is what elemental power is"I said,the boys were shocked at what i just said so i quickly giggled and smiled.

"Oh my bad,my name's [Full name]"I introduced and smiled there faces quickly turned red

"M-my name's quake!"the first one introduced himself,I chuckled at him.

"You can call me lightning"

"You're really pretty!,oh sorry I'm Wind by the way!"

"The name's Fire,beautiful"

"C-call me water!"

"Hi!! And I'm leaf!"

"Light,My dear~"

"[Name] here is gonna stay with us so be nice to her!"grandad said while getting back to work,His shop was filled with customers,

'Grandad's shop must be famous,'I thought.I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when a floating robot got in front of me it was color yellow"hi! I'm ochobot"he said"my name's [Name]"I replied"so you're not freaking out?"Fire asked,I chuckled and shook my head,"no,infact I've seen more weirder things,so this is pretty normal. "that's the only thing I said,the robot started scanning me"what are you doing ochobot?"quake asked at the yellow robot"hmm.....she doesn't have a powerband nor a power sphera but I can sense something coming from her"ochobot replied then stopped scanning me,I was about to say something but grandad cut me off,

"I forgot to say this but [Name] has powers not from powerbands but from her body!"grandad said while wipping a cup,The elements including Ochobot looked at me with Curiosity.

"Is that so...can you show it?"ochobot asked while stepping closer"sure"I replied,before taking a deep breath as i started to focus."sky god's roar!"

I released black wind from my mouth and pointed it to the sky "Thats impressive,you use that kind of magic at your age?"ochobot asked in disbelief"oh yeah it's one of my simple attacks!"

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I released black wind from my mouth and pointed it to the sky
"Thats impressive,you use that kind of magic at your age?"ochobot asked in disbelief"oh yeah it's one of my simple attacks!"

"Simple?!"all of them said in unison"why is it that weak?"I asked"n-no but what we meant is, that attack almost made the sky turn completely black?!"quake explained"what are your powerful spells then?"ochobot asked"well it's fairy law,katsu,and formula 100!"I replied

"Those attacks need tremendous magic energy!"ochobot said"i'm an S class wizard so it's not that big of a deal"

"An S class?!"ochobot yelled"oh about that I'll tell you on another day!"I noted

"Come on let's go home!"grandad said,we all nodded in agreement at started walking to the house.

Whoah,I never knew it could be this fun!,I can finally have some freedom while I'm here,And that boboiboy. . .I can't believe he can split into seven different people who can control elements,let alone them having their own personalities and such,

Sounds fun and exiting,I hope to experience a lot of new things and fun adventures in the future.Maybe master makarov was right with this decision.

Maybe this isn't that bad,But things from here are really different,it will take some time before i can get used to them.But still,I'll take my chances and just go for it.Besides,The elements are really something,I can't wait for some adventures to begin.

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now