Chapter 13

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[Name]'s POV

'𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒊 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒎. . .?'

"You see Light. . ."I started off,Unsure of what i should say.To be honest I don't even know what's happening to me!.

"Yes?"He continued,Making me snap out of my thoughts.

I looked down on the grass"I don't know. . .But something has been bothering me,Just this morning everything was ok,But now I just feel like something's missing"

It went silent for a moment,He seemed a little shock to say something.

'This is hopeless. . .What's the use?They wouldn't understand it anyways'I thought before Standing up,But stopped one he held my hand.

He just stared at me,still saying nothing.I clicked my tongue in annoyance,Forcefully pulling my arm.I started walking away ignoring his calls.


◦•●◉✿ 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑 ✿◉●•◦

Third Person's POV

Light told The gang and his brother's on what happened when he talked to you,All of them were worried about you now.

School ended early,You didn't even wait for them.Going straight to home,Without giving a care about them.The truth is You wanted to wait for them,But your mind wouldn't let you,Quickly entering the house then Rushing upstairs.Tok aba and ochobot weren't here,The two were at the kokotaim.

Opening the door to your room,Scanning the room to find the suitcase that had the book "Edolas".

Finally after a few minutes you manage to find it,Quickly Opening the book then Shifting through the pages of it.Stopping at a certain page that made you remember everything.

Meanwhile,The gang and the elements were walking to the kokotaim.

"[Name] must have gone home without us. . ."Wind pouted,He was clearly worried about you,From the way you acted.Someting was wrong,But the couldn't do anything since you never talk to them,Except this morning while having breakfast.

"Don't worry Wind!,I'm sure she'll be fine"Fire Tried cheering His brother up,But it's no use when He too is worried about you.

Grandad noticed that his grandsons were looking a little gloomy.

"You alright,Kiddos?"

They shook their head in unison

"It's [Name] grandad,She was ok this morning but then. . .Her mood change,Her eyes were dull,Light tried talking to her,But she just shut him out."Quake explained,The old man raised a brow.Placing a finger on his chin

"Marakov never told me about her Sudden mood swings,Don't worry to much boys.She'll feel a little guilty,Maybe tomorrow she'll tell you everything.Here have a drink first."

"Thanks Grandad"They said in unison.

Dinner passed by and you didn't come out of your room,Ochobot Went up to your door and knocked

"[Name]Here!,You need to eat"Opening the door you held the tray,Flashing the robot a weak smile.

"Thanks ochobot. . ."He noticed that the lights weren't on,He was about to ask but you already closed the door.

Ochobot got back to boboiboy's Room,Where all the elements hangout before going to bed.

"So...Did she say anything??"

The robot shook his head

"No. . .She just thanked me and closed the door,The lights on her room weren't on so i couldn't see anything."

That was in,The three troublemakers Were going crazy.At this time,the three of them including you would play,But now it never happened because you were not in the mood.

Cyclone started shaking quake"Come on!,We need to Check on her!!"

Fire tried to calm himself but no use,He started throwing fire balls everywhere.Water putting them out.

"Calm down fire!,Snap out of it!"

Then leaf started crying his eyes out while hugging Light,Light on the other hand just patted Leaf's head.Desperately trying calm him down.

"S-stop shaking me W-wind!!"-Quake

"What the hell wind?!"Lightning Gripped both of Wind's shoulders then stared at him

Before everything could get worst,A girl with [Hair length] [Hair color] Stood infront of their open door.

With a whisper she said"Could you keep it down?Someone's trying to sleep here. . ."Even if it was just a whisper,The elements stopped.


She ignored their calls yet again,And headed back to her room.

After that,The elements went on their shared rooms.Still upset about what happened to you.

[Name]'s POV

I heard all of the doors close meaning that the elements got to bed already.I got out of my room,And went downstairs.

I saw Grandad,a hot chocolate drink on his hands.He was In the kitchen Dinning table,I sat down besides him.

"Eh?You're still up [Name]?"

"Grandad. . .I need to tell you something"Completely ignoring his first question,He notice my expression then stood up,Grandad started preparing a hot chocolate drink for me.

"Here,Drink this first before telling me."

"Thank you,Grandad"

After i finished the drink,I Cleared my throat then Took a deep breath.

"I need to go back to magnolia,Grandad."

"But why?"You thought that everyone was already fast asleep but much to your dismay,A certain yellow robot was listening to you and Grandad's conversation from the stairs.

"It's for a mission Grandad,Master Told me that i need to go there tomorrow and help them on the mission. . ."I lied,Master haven't Called me for a week.

"When are you coming back?"

I paused,I didn't even know if I'll come back alive.

"After 2 months or so,Please understand"

"Alright then just be careful,Did you tell this to the other's?"

I shook my head

"Haish,You should've told them.boboiboy might even beg you to stay here,You know how my grandson is."

"Sorry Grandad. . ."You felt a light pat on your head

"It's alright,Now go to sleep and get ready tomorrow"He said before giving me warm smile,i returned it and started heading upstairs.

Ochobot Quickly rushed back to boboiboy's room,He wanted to tell him but.Quake,Wind,And Lightning were already fast asleep.

'I Guess I'll just tell them tomorrow. . .'

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now