||The Magic of our Love||

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[Go and listen to the song up there :3]

Thank you for showing me. . .

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆."

Third Person's POV

"If [Name] accepted The real Boboiboy's confession,Does that mean. . .She's ours too?"

"Yeah,I think so"

"Sweet~!-Hey [Name]!,Let's go on a date!"-Wind

The other's glared at him,

"No fair!,Pick me [Name]!"-Fire

"You two idiots shut up,I should be [Name]'s First date."-Lightning

The three of them started arguing,But stopped once light cleared his throat,Catching all of their attentions.

"The coolest one shall have the first date with [Name],Nothing more nothing less,Period."-Light

"And we care why exactly!?"Fire exclaimed pointing his index finger on the light element.

Quake Sweatdropped at his brother's behaviors.

"Calm down you guys,Why don't we just ask [Name]?"all of them stopped and agreed to his idea.

"Hey [Name]-"Wind was cut off by you giggling in the distance.

They all followed your giggle and spotted Leaf and water with you,Siting on a bench.

Water is currently sleeping on your lap,While you and leaf were giggling to eachother.

"That's so cute of you leaf~"The said boy turned red and smiled cutely,As you placed a small peck on his cheek.

"Dang,Leaf is so lucky"

Quake knew that his brother's would be jealous, "Don't you dare hurt my precious leaf.Got it?"A deadly aura surrounding him.

They all nod in an instant,



"I have to go [Name],I forgot to water my plants"Leaf said as he sleepishly scratched his cheek.

A soft giggle escaped your lips,slightly shaking your head"Go on,"

The leaf element nods then starts walking back to the house with a smile plastered on his face.

[Name]'s POV

I looked at water whose still sleeping on my lap,I placed my hand on his head and started stoking his hair gently,He snuggled at my touch.Slowly opening his eyes,

"You're finally awake,"I said,He nods then lifted his head,And placed it on my shoulder.

"This feels good..."i heard him mumble,A giggle escaped my lips.

"Ahem,"A voice cut us off,We both turned our heads to only see Lightning.

"Oh hey Lightning!,Is it time to go back?"I asked tilting my head to the side,Which made his cheeks turn red and look away trying to avoid eye contact as he lowered his cap.

"Y-yeah,It's time for dinner"

I nod and stood up,i looked besides me and saw that water's already gone.So i shrugged and followed Lightning back home,To my surprise he suddenly intertwined his big hand with mine on the way home.

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now