Chapter 2

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[Name]'s POV

We were currently in the livingroom,while the elements and ochobot are currently asking me questions,and Some compliments once in a while.
Of course,i can't help but blush at them from time to time,

"your eyes are really pretty!!"leaf said while smiling,my face quickly turned red,as i looked away in embarrassment.I'm not used to these sudden feelings,everything feels new to me and now i just keep blushing and stuttering!

"She's not your's leaf! So back off!"fire warned leaf while glaring at him,Ochobot stopped fire from starting a fight with the innocent smol bean.

"Don't you dare start a fight in front of a pretty lady"quake said as he glared at fire.I heard fire grumble in response while Ochobot just sighed and Sweatdropped at them,i would to the same to be honest.

"Yeah have some respect! You idiots!!"Lightning said with his arms were crossed,oh God better get out of this fight before things could get worst.

"I-im going upstairs now,thanks for the questions and compliments,Bye!"I stuttered while quickly running upstairs to my room,I closed the door and went out of the window and sat on the roof"well master,you were right I'll be just fine."


"Great now you scared her!"Fire said while impatiently taping his foot"calm down I'll get her"light volunteered as he started walking to [Name]'s room to check on her.

Third Person's POV

Light slowly opened the door while searching for the girl but no one was there he spotted that the window was open so he went there and slowly went to the roof and he found the girl he was looking for.

"There you are"light said while sitting besides the girl"oh,sorry I walked away"the girl apologized while looking down"I should be the one apologizing, because of my brothers behavior"he stated as looked into the girls [Eye color] eyes like he's in a trance

"What are you doing here?"he asked at the girl"I always want to see the moon before I sleep it makes me calm all the time"the girl stated as she looked on the moon the boy didn't say a single word which made the girl say something unexpected

"You may think I'm weird but it is true"the girl said,the boy then cupped her cheeks and looked her in the eye"you're not weird,but you know I do that too"the boy replied the turned red

[Name]'s POV

". . ."

silence filled the air"really?"I said in a shocking tone light Chuckled and pulled me closer in his chest"your just too cute y'know"he stated while gently brushing your [Hair length][Hair color]"no one ever said that to me"I said while looking at his eyes with a tint of sadness

"Well I'm here and my brothers too,and my other friends"he said while smiling"do your friends have powers like yours?"I asked in curiosity"yeah-"I cut him off

"Time manipulation,shadow manipulation, gravity manipulation and food transformation"I said Light was shocked"oh,but it's just a hunch"I continued"but you're right!"he said in amusement I summoned my orb"I can see the future with this"I said,with the orb in my hands.His gazed focused on it.

"Anyways,what's your reason for moving here?"

I was taken back by the sudden question,nonetheless shrugged and said.

"I dunno,I was sent here to experience new things?Master makarov said that a vacation here would fit for me and i agreed since i have nothing to do back at magnolia."

Then after a couple of chats i accidentally yawned,making him smile.I raised a brow at him,Completely confused at his sudden smile.But of course his reply caught me off guard.

"Everything is cute about you"Light commented"but we should get you in bed"light added and carried me bridal style"l-light!"I stuttered in embarrassment"don't worry you won't fall I got you"we went inside,he placed in my bed a d tucked me in and kissed my forehead"Goodnight Dear~"I flushed in red after he gave me a nick name he closed the door,I was squealing nonstop,I couldn't help it at all.

Light's POV

I never knew that [Name] would be that interesting to even begin with.But her laugh though...It's really cute,and that smile of her's is driving me insane!.I was about to enter my room but a hand stopped me,it was none other than my brother's,

"What did you do to her?"Quake asked with the others behind him,i simply shrugged and entered my room.

I heard them argue from outside,causing me to smirk and lay down on my bed.

[Name]'s POV

Aww man~All of them are so handsome,oh god why am I feeling this it feels like my heart's beating faster when light kissed me,I feel butterflies in my stomach right now,this isn't good at all. . .

"Is this love?"I said all of a sudden,but then slapped myself,"Shut up [Name]!,Love is a strong word and you can't just say that when you just met them!"With that being said,after a while i fell asleep.

|Bonus scene|

"That light element is so gonna get it!"fire Exclaimed,quake smacked his head in response.

"Shut up fire!,We don't want to wake her up."

Wind then placed a finger on his chin"But still,we have to give light a punishment for doing that."

Lightning was the one to respond and said,"Let's kill him."

The other elements looked at him in pure shock,

"We can't just kill our brother,especially light.Right quake?"Leaf said,quake nods in response.

"I recommend that we just sleep and shut our mouths up."Water butted in while hugging a pillow,his eyes were barely open.

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now