Chapter 7

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[Name]'s POV

The rain stopped when we arrived at our destination a.k.a home"well that was fun!"wind said while closing his umbrella.

All of us then got inside the house,

"Easy for you to say!,look at me I look like someone poured a bucket of water on me!"fire said while his arms are crossed

"You should change your clothes,so you won't Catch a cold"I said with a worried expression,a light blush crept on fires cheeks,

"A-at least someones w-worried about me!"he replied as he dashed to his room

"That escalated quickly"lightning claimed and placed his bag down on the couch" did he even get wet in the first place?wasn't he sharing an umbrella with gopal?"I asked,which made wind and leaf to start laughing.

"Oh...well,PPFFTTT....h-he tripped on a rock and then g-gopal didn't notice so...PFFTT--gopal continued r-running while fire was there s-showering in the rain!"wind explained while he and leaf were laughing their butts off,I laughed then saw everybody staring at me with sparkling eyes

"What?"I asked,then i tilted my head to the side.

"SO ADORABLE!!!"they said in unison,

My eyes widened as i began to turn redm


Third Person's POV

[Name] had finally finished doing her homework,she stretched her arms and placed her stuff back on her bag"well that was easy!"the [Hair color] haired girl said and looked out of her window"the stars are shining as always"she was amazed by their beauty.she sat on her bed while looking at the ceiling

"I miss fairy tail already...."the girl didn't finish her sentence she quickly fell asleep.

>The Next Day<

[Name]'s POV

I woke up and did my morning routine,I was almost done until someone knocked on my door,

"Come in"

"[Name] it's me leaf!"

"What is it leaf?"I asked while wearing my backpack"let's go"he said and smiled,I nodded and went down stairs and yelled something

"GOOD MORNING GUYS!!!"I yelled on top of my lungs, wind fell backwards

"Are you ok?"quake asked me I nodded and started eating,


"Hey guys!"I greeted the gang.they greeted me back,we all headed to school

"Hey,guys have you heard that there's a talent show!"yaya said while pointing at a poster

"Hmm....seems so,but what about it?"I asked out of curiosity,they all looked at me with blank faces"what?"I asked again

"Nothing...."ying's sentence trailed off"well it seems fun so maybe I'll join!"I announced"do you even have a talent?"fang asked,I gave him a glared

"Sorry for asking"he quickly apologized"of course I do,but for now it's a secret!"


"Ok I'm ready!"I said,while fixing myself for the talent show"you'll do fine!"ying and Yaya reassured me I nodded

"Ok now may we Welcome [Full name]?!"the announcer said'oh god I'm up'i said to myself

I was in front of a huge crowd"well here goes nothing"

"HEY GUYS READY TO SEE ME SING?!"I said in an energetic tone,all of them cheered.

I took a deep breath and held the mike with a small smile,


I've been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
And every melody is timeless
Life was stringing me along
Then you came and you cut me loose
Was solo singing on my own
Now I can't find the key without you

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

I'm sorry if it's all too much
Every day you're here, I'm healing
And I was runnin' out of luck
I never thought I'd find this feeling
'Cause I've been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
(A rhapsody for you and me)
And every melody is timeless

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth
(Oh, oh, oh)

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

After the song,the crowd was wild"and again [Full name]!"I went down stage and greeted by my crazy friends cheering like there's no tomorrow!,

Once i got to the backstage,They started cheering on me too.I couldn't help but smile and chuckle at them.

"Whoah,I didn't know you can sing!"gopal said in amazement,I smirk and nod.

"Of course,i don't usually do so yeah."

I usually don't sing infront of people.So why not give it a try?And what's the worst that could happen?At least everyone enjoyed it.And so did i,

"You were amazing!"fire said while blushing,The others nod at him with smiling faces.

I chuckled and scratched my cheek with a small blush,"T-thanks..."

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now