Chapter 8

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[Name]'s POV

"Thanks guys"

"So....what are you gonna do when you win?"fang asked"...I dunno besides I was thinking of ditching this contest anyway"I said with a shurg.

They all laughed except for lightning". . .is there something wrong?"I asked

"A-are you j-joking?"gopal asked catching his breath,I was really confused at this moment.What the freak is happening-

"...n-no!..beside I really don't wanna win,I just wanna have some fun"




Silence then filled the air,and i couldn't do anything since i don't know what to say.

"Oh,is that so then we're sorry for laughing about it"quake apologized,I gave them a closed eye smile"no worries!"

"Well,I'm heading home now so I can do something"I exclaimed

"WAIT!!!"Ying grabbed our attentions

"What is it ying?"Yaya asked,everyone turned their attention to ying.

"How about we have a sleepover!!!!"she jumping around

"Where?"gopal asked while eating some chips

"At a house,you dumbass"fang slapped gopal's head

Gopal then hissed in pain glaring daggers at fang,who was just smirking"you deserved it"fang stated

"Come on you two cut it out!"leaf butted in,making the two boys huff and turn to opposite direction

"Stop acting like 5 year olds! Already!!!"ying snapped at the two boys,Yaya tried to calm ying down

"These idiots..."lightning then placed his hand on his forehead in a sign of irritation

"Hehehe..."I sweatdropped while scratching my cheek,when young calmed down quake then started speaking

"So...guys are we really having a sleepover?"Quake asked totally confused

"Yes.yes we are!-"ying was cut off by Yaya

"And where?"Yaya Butted in their conversation

Ying started thinking for a moment,then a light bulb appeared on top of her head"Boboiboy's house is big!!!,lets do it there!"

The elements we're shocked,the others looked at them then slowly nodded.Making me just stare at them

"So...that means we're sleeping in the living room?"I said,completely confused about everything.

Ying smiled and nodded"yup,that's what i was exactly thinking!"

All of us agreed on having a sleepover,good thing lightning agreed.If not then one of us might force him-

Gopal then said something,

"Someone tell me how we got lightning to Join the sleepover"

All of us stopped on our tracks and looked at eachother"I don't remember"I replied,

||Time skip||

Once we reached the house,we moved the tables and the sofas out of the living room, placing sleeping bags and pillows.Yaya and ying were preparing some snacks and the rest were helping set up our sleeping bags and such.

We played some games first while thinking of a movie to watch.Such as truth or dare,but it would be ruined once some of us wouldn't dare answering some of the truths,Gopal would often back out from a dare and fang forced him to do it-He mostly threatened him-But hey,at least it worked.And then there was me,i just laughed my ass off since the dares were so cool and entertaining to even begin with.

"Let's watch a horror movie!"Gopal suggested turning on the tv,Everyone nods at him.We just finished a game to it was time to do something else,

Ying and yaya then come back with a tray of snacks in their hands.

He then searched for a movie on the cabinets"What's on your mind you guys?any suggestions?"

I then stopped fixing the pillows"How about Slenderman? (2018)"I said while taking a seat

Gopal then nodded finding the CD and playing it

"Come on everyone,let's watch it!!!"I said, catching their Attentions.

We turned off the lights,and got into our own sleeping bags"oh,oh,oh!!!.Can I sit next to you?"Wind said holding his pillow and moving closer,

"Sure"I smiled,he happily sat next to me our shoulders touching.My cheeks turned pink,but I focused on the movie.

The scary part

Third Person's POV

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"girly screams can be heard on the living room,can someone guess who it is?

Gopal,a scaredy cat.He keeps on screaming and hugging his pillow, everyone was looking at him weirdly

"Come on gopal that's not even scary!"Ying said,glaring at the boy who was shivering in fear

"What a scaredy cat!"fang said, earning a laugh from [Name].who was just comforting gopal

"I don't wanna die..."gopal mumbled rocking back and forth like a kid"That's alright gopal,it is a bit scary"the [Hair color] girl comforted gopal

"Tch,Just get over it"lightning said,clearly jealous because [Name] was close to gopal.Scratch that all of the elements we're a bit jealous.

"I'm scared too [Name],"Leaf said,you pat his head while he hugged your side.

"It's alright leaf,"You said with a reassuring smile,Leaf smiles back and continued hugging you.

After the movie

Let's just say that gopal fell asleep,and well ying and the others were quietly drawing things on gopal's face with permanent markers [Name] was just playing pillow fight with Wind and leaf,until the two of them pulled out a trump card and started ticking poor [Name],

"I give up!"[Name] said,while laughing. because cyclone and thorn won't stop tickling her"P-please have mercy!"

The two boys were laughing and blushing at the same time, because of the cute face she was making,and they didn't wanna stop.

Meanwhile,the other elements we're doing different things.Such as glaring at the two from afar and trying to stop themselves from murdering someone that night-

Once Yaya,ying and fang were done drawing on gopal's face,they got inside of their sleeping bags and fell asleep.

"*Yawns*come on you guys,let's sleep"[Name] mumbled,going inside of her sleeping bag and falling asleep

"Goodnight,[Name]"the elements said, going inside of their own sleeping bags and falling into a deep slumber.

The Magic Of Our Love |Boboiboy × Reader| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now