Chapter 20

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[Name]'s POV

Dear Diary:

It's been a week since i got back,A lot of things changed,Everyone in the guild Looked a little different,But their personalities didn't change nonetheless,As for the gang.They stayed by my side while i recovered,Especially Boboiboy.

I missed all of them so badly,I can't believe that i left them,And lied to them...They still managed to forgive me,I missed the elements the most,Once that boboiboy splitted into seven they all tackled me into a hug,Except for Lightning.

I told master that i can no longer Use magic,And it didn't bother him at all.He said that at least I'm back,Safe and sound.Me and boboiboy's relationship was official.The gang supported us like there was no tomorrow,Ying and yaya fangirled while gopal started fake crying,Fang on the other hand just smiled and congratulated us.

I wish to have more adventures with boboiboy and the gang. . .But there's one problem.My magic,How can i protect myself?Wouldn't i be just a burden to them?

I placed down my pen,

"[Name],Master wants to see you"I nod and stood up,as i exit the room and head straight to the bar in the guild where master usually hangs out.

I sat down besides him,"You called master?"

The old man looked at me with a closed eye smile

"You want to have more adventures with them right?"He said,pointing at the boboiboy and the gang who were hanging out with natsu's team.

I looked at them,Me and boboiboy's eyes locked.A blush made it's way up to my cheeks as i shyly looked away,While master chuckled at my behavior towards the dino capped boy.

"You two are together,right?"I nod,My blush slowly fading."Then why act like you two just met?"

I fiddled with my fingers,And looked down"A-ano. . .It's just that It's been so long,I can't help it".

He held both of my hands,Staring at my Eyes.

"Then be with them."

I was surprised by his sudden word.

"B-but fairy tail-"

"You can no longer use magic,right?That means you can't join a guild anymore"

My heart shattered,As i nod

"So,Go with them and have the time of your life."


"No buts Ms.[Full name],follow your master's last order."

I can't help but smile and nod again.


"It's time to go [Name]"I took one last glance at the guild.

"I'm gonna miss this..."

"Then visit us,Whenever you like"Natsu suddenly butted in with his usual toothy grin,

Boboiboy intertwined both of our hands,

"Will do"He said with a smile.

"Now go on,Live your live My child.And find your own fairy tail"

Boboiboy then Pulled me and started running to the spaceship.

"Bye everyone!,Be safe!!.i'll miss all of you!"

Third Person's POV

It was night time,Stars shining brightly.While a [Hair color] haired girl sat outside watching the stars,Along with her lover.Their hands intertwined,Enjoying eachother's warmth.

"boboiboy?"The girl started,as she stared at the stars.

The said boy hummed in response,

"I don't want to be a burden to you guys. . .I can't use magic anymore,What else can i do?"

Boboiboy let go of her hand,Which made her turn her gaze towards the boy who stared at her lovingly,Cupping both of her cheeks.

"You will never be a burden to us,You don't need magic,Cause I'll protect you.And all you have to do is stay by my side,Forever."

[Name] burst into crying,She wrapped her arms around her beloved's side.

"Thank you boboiboy,Thank you."She said between cries.Boboiboy smiled and brushed your hair with his fingers.

"You don't have to thank me,I should be the one thanking you"

The girl lifted her head,Tilting her head to the side"Huh?Thanking me?For what?"

He chuckled and kissed her cheek,Making her blush and look away.

"I should be thanking you for showing me love,Without you My life would be plain and lifeless.I owe it all to you,So let me say this.Thank you,For showing me. . .

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆."

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