Chapter 9

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[Name]'s POV

"Be more careful fire!! You might wake the others up!"

"I'm trying ok!,just give me the damn marker"A certain fire manipulator half-yelled.

I groaned turning to the other side

"Shhh.... you're gonna wake [Name] up!"a voice said,it sounded like it came from cyclone

I slowly opened my eyes rubbing them"What's the meaning of this?it's the middle of the night"I whispered a small yawn escaping my lips

"Great,you woke her up.we were just about to write something on gopal and fangs face"Wind said,and started drawing on gopal's face with a marker,a permanent one to be exact—Just what the heck are they planning?!

"You sure about this?"I said,they both nodded.they then placed their hands on their mouths preventing their laughs to be heard,I could tell that they were definitely enjoying this,heck there's no doubt in that.

Well except for lighting,the male groaned and opened his eyes only to see us looking at him with wide eyes.

""Fire mumbled, lightning saw the three of us.Ah yes,from the looks of things...i think we're dead.

"Why are you three still up?"he said and looked at the three of us with his eye brows furrowed.

I pointed at Wind and leaf"They planned on drawing things on gopal and fang's face,they were quite noisy so I woke up..."I explained with a yawn,

Lightning nodded,turning to his siblings he glared at them.making the boys to jump a little and back away with scared faces.

"Stop what you're doing and go back to sleep."he commanded,the two then pouted going back to their sleeping bags and closing their eyes as they started snoring.

He then looked at me with a small smile—Yeah this dude just smiled-"Go back to sleep, goodnight"he then leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead,My face turned red.nodding quickly I buried my face on the pillows and got back to sleep.

Lightning's POV

Looking at [Name]'s cute sleeping form,I then looked at fang and gopal's face.Gopal had a huge mustache and big eye brows,fangs cheeks had swirls and they draw some glasses and more,I can't help but snicker,they did a good job and I'll give them that.

I got inside of my sleeping bag and got back to sleep.

Third Person's POV
Quake was the first one who woke up,feeling something heavy on top of him.the boy tried moving but no luck,Looking down at his stomach

He was greeted by water's Sleeping and snoring face, slowly breaking free.Quake looked at everyone...who's places were in fetal positions

[Name] being hugged by leaf and wind on both sides,while lightning's foot was close to light's face,then light's foot was also close to lightning's face.both of them had disgust written all over their faces—What a great sight to see.

While ying was snoring like crazy,Yaya on the other hand was punching the air like a boxer.Fire was hugging leaf legs,he was kinda pulling him away.

"What a mess.."quake mumbled sweatdropping,making his way towards the kitchen he started preparing breakfast for all of them.


Everyone was already awake,gopal and fang were laughing their asses off.

"Y-you look like sh*t!"Fang pointed at gopal's face.He had Huge thick brows,And a mustache

Gopal laughed in return the pointed at fang's face"Look w-who's talking!,You look like you've been awake for a month!"He spat back.

Yaya And ying,Were laughing at them.While the other elements We're Tidying the sleeping bags and pillows,Small laughs can also be heard from them

"Wake up everyone!, breakfast is ready!"Quake said,gopal and fang stopped arguing and quickly ran to the kitchen.

"This looks delicious!!"Gopal exclaimed,Admiring the food that's in front of him.Taking a seat he started feasting on it along with fang

"Calm down you two!!!,You're gonna choke if you eat that fast!"Ying Said taking a seat besides [Name],who was nervously laughing at them

After breakfast...Mostly gopal and fang eating everything,All of us started cleaning the house.Yaya Ang ying washing the dishes

Water and Fire were cleaning the Living room,More like fire cause Water's sleeping on the couch

"Damn you water..."Fire mumbled, continuing on cleaning the Living room

Wind and leaf were watering the plants outside, Lightning and light Cleaning upstairs

While Earth and [Name] were at the grocery store,buying their daily needs and Food Stocks for the fridge that fire and wind emptied.


Ying,yaya,fang,and gopal headed back to their own homes.Giving their goodbyes,Once they were gone the siblings and [Name] were all watching TV

"What a day"[Name] let out a long sigh,making the others nod at her in agreement.Yeah who wouldn't be exhausted while doing all of those things and so much more?Let's take water out of the picture since he slept like a log for the whole day.In the end,Earth lectured him,but it was no use since water just nodded at him and went back to sleep—Yikes,better prepare his funeral before it's too late,

The door opened, signaling that tok aba and ochobot were home.

"How was your day,kiddos?"He asked as he stepped inside the house while carrying a couple of plastic bags,the other elements helped him.

"It was fun and tiring at the same time"Earth replied while Sweatdropping, earning a Chuckle from the old man.

And so that's how their day came to an end,dinner was up and next it was heading to their own rooms.After an hour or two the rest go to sleep and some still stay up till midnight,

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