Chapter 11

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Heyyyy-Back with another update :D,Sorry again for the ling wait-You Know how hard hell--I mean school is.Moving On! XD


Third Person's POV

It was finally Another day of school,All of the elements including [Name] And The gang.Where walking to the school,While talking about random things.

"Ugh...Can't believe We have school!"Gopal Said,Looking like he's About to die in seconds

Making everyone sweatdrop at him

"That's gopal for ya!,And i have to agree--School is soooo boring!"Fire said

[Name] Chuckled,All of them then stopped infront of the school's gate.


"Attention Everyone!,Today's agenda We will be electing our newest student council members.The nomination will be held at the gym After Recess,Please Pick the best candidate that sets on your mind,And the voting Process will be tomorrow,That is all,Have a good day,thank you."

"Waah!,Sounds awesome!,I think I'll vote for quake for the position of student council president!"[Name] Said,Making quake blush in response

"R-really?"he shyly replied At the [Hair color] haired girls comment,The girl Just gave him a nod along with a sweet smile

"How about Me sweetheart~?What position do i deserve?"Light said,Grabbing your hand in the process then intertwining it with his.You could feel your face heat up at his sudden actions But nonetheless You gave him a bashful response.

"O-oh,V-vice president fits y-you,L-light"Scartching Your cheek with your other free hand,Solar chuckled And let go of your Hand patting your head In return.

"What about me [Name]?What position Fits me!?"Fire Butted in,You were shocked at his question but quickly responded

"Uhmmm...Public Information Officer?"

Fire Smirked at your reply,Turning his back at You guys then Made an evil laugh that was barely audible for you.

You then checked your watch,Eyes widening at the time"Um..guys?We're late for class"

After that,All of you ran for it-

○Time Skip○

Recess time,Finally The elements along with you and the gang headed to the Cafeteria.After grabbing your own Trays filled with food,All of you sat down And started chatting while eating.

"Can't wait for the Nominees for this years student council members!"Ying said Her voice filled with excitement,Eyes sparkling.You on the other hand Nodded,Taking a bite of the sandwich that You purchased.

"Guys look!,The Meeting in the gym is about to start!,Let's go~!"Gopal said,Everyone nodded in response Standing up then Started heading to the gym.

[At The Gym]

"Please Raise your right hand when you want to nominate someone for a certain position,And of course We'll start With President!,Time check 12:30 The table is now open for the nomination of Student council president is now open

[Name] Shyly Raised her hand,When her name was called she careful stood up from her seat

"I gladly nominate Earthquake for the position of Student council president"Once you were done speaking,You sat down Quietly Fiddling with your fingers.

Amaia,A girl from the other section then stood up"I gladly Nominate Fang As the student council president"And with that being said,Your eyes widened Fang?!You stole a glance at the said boy,His expression didn't change he was still in his poker face.

Unexpectedly gopal stood up"I Hereby Close the nomination for the student council president position"

"Second the motion"

[Name]'s POV

It's Settled then,Fang and quake are nominated for the Position of student council president...Well Sounds interesting,I'd rather vote for quake.Since knowing it's fang he might screw up.

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