Chapter 6

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[Name]'s POV

Urgh!another day,but wait there's school today...right? My thoughts were stopped when the door opened"[Name],wake up we have school today"I think it's light so I opened my eyes and yawned"what time is it?..."I asked while getting off of my bed"5:00"he replied....WHAT THE-its too early I said to myself and went to the bathroom

I weared my uniform and went out of my room,instead of hearing a good morning I heard screams"FIRE,COME BACK HERE!"lightning yelled while running after fire"shut's too early!"Water said while yawning he saw me and smiled sleepishy"morning,[Name]"he greeted"morning Water!"I greeted back"breakfast is ready!!"quake yelled down the stairs

I quickly ran down stairs"STEP ASIDE MORONS!!!,IM HUNGRY!!!"I yelled while the others were looking at me"ok..."they responded I started eating,when I was done I got my backpack and went to the door

"COME ON GUYS!!"I yelled in excitement while the others just stared at me with 'what the hell' faces

"Fine"they all gave up.all of us were walking to our school until I forgot something"I think I left my....notebook,well I better go back"I said but lightning held my hand

"I'll get it for you"he said while blushing"r-really?"I stuttered"yeah"he replied then he used his lightning move,slowly disappearing

"Quick question [Name]"Light said
"Hmm?"I hummed in response"your not gonna get embarrassed while introducing yourself?"Light asked"no,not at all infact I'm super excited!!"I exclaimed while smiling at them

"Here you go.."lightning handed my [Name] notebook.i hugged him and smiled"you're a life saver~"I thanked him,he patted my head in response

"Let's continue our journey then!"I pointed forward.we reached our destination a.k.a my new school!!!!

"It's pretty big!"I stated"I better get to the principal's office first"I added and walked may be wondering how I knew where the principal's office is located to answer the question I know everything—No jk,i did a little research about this school.

"[Full name],it's nice to meet you...please here's your schedule and quake will guide you to your room"the principal explained"yes,sir"I closed the door and saw quake smiling

"We sure have the same room"he said while leading me to our room"yeah...and sorry I didn't even tell you my story when I got here"I apologized,he smiled and patted my head"it's alright maybe another time!"he said,as we enter the classroom I saw a fat man....weird,He must be the teacher here,

"You can introduce yourself now!"the teacher said I nodded and looked at my classmates.First i took a deep breath and gave them my signature smile.

"Morning everyone,My name's [Full name] but you can call me [Nickname]! It's nice to meet all of you,well first of all I'm from magnolia,my hobbies are [your hobbies],I hope we can be friends!"I bowed and smiled all of them were clapping while the others were blushing

"You can sit next to Light then!"teacher said,then solar raised his hand I walked to the seat teacher assigned me"told ya I can handle it"I whispered to solar while he smiled in response.

Timeskip:after school

Once class was done,i grabbed my bag and headed out of the room.I gotta admit though,the lessons were pretty fun and boring at the same time.I mean,i already know the most of them,

Let's just say that,back at magnolia,i read a lot of books,and i wanted to learn on my own since master said that it would be fun if i learned everything all by myself.And i had no doubt in him,but turns out that going to school i kinda fun,You get to meet new people,Even friends.

Recess was a blast,gopal started a food fight—And of course i had to join.

I shook my head and removed those thoughts as i walked down the empty school hallways,with a couple of books in my hand.

If my guess is correct,the others must be waiting for me outside.

I was organizing my books in my locker until I heard someone yelling my name.I looked at the person with a glare,I closed my locker.

"[NAME]!!!"Turns out it was gopal.

"what the hell?!—"don't shout!"I yelled back then rain started pouring on the roof"good thing we got our umbrella's!"they all said'well sheet I didn't know it was going to rain!!

"Wanna share?"yaya asked I shook my head in no"well how are you going outside?"ying asked"I have my ways!"I said and ran outside while they followed me

"Ice make, umbrella!"I made an ice won't break that easily"!!"gopal said in amazement"well let's go you slowpokes!!"I said and ran away from them

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SLOWPOKES!!"they all said and started chasing me all our us started laughing while running.

Best part is that,the rain can't stop us from having fun.Lot's of laughs were heard from here and there,

"Admit defeat!!"I said while sticking out my tounge"never!"they replied while laughing.

My first day of school ended in a rainy day.

Nope,it wasn't bad at all,in fact i had so much fun!,All of us started chatting and laughing at the same time.What a great way to end the day,huh?

"Come on [Name]!,we're almost there!"Wind shouted from a distance,I quickly snap out of my thoughts and smiled at them.And i realize that I've found another family here...

"I'm coming!"I said with a smile before catching up to all of them.I better make the most out of everything now,before it starts fading...

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