1. The Beginning

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October 1990

Alexandra Crane

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Alexandra Crane

I had to watch my little sister Alyssa she ain't little she is younger than me by 1 year but she's still considered little she acts so grown which is a pain, but she acts like a lil girl when it comes messing with me which is hella annoying, I'm getting off-topic... ANYWAYS!! knowing I had plans tonight to hang out with the DeGrate brothers and the Hailey brothers. Moms had to come in the work last minute and she went in but I couldn't get mad at her though because she needs all the money that she can get. The phone started to ring as I was about to answer the phone that is when my sister answered it knowing that she was going to embarrass me if I knew the person.

"The Crane's residents!" Alyssa said.

"Who is it, Alyssa?" I questioned but she didn't answer my question making me mad.

"Hey, Donald! Alexandra is shaving her legs right now! They get hairy this time of year." Alyssa said as I grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I answered the only thing I heard was him laughing.

"Devante!" I yelled as he stopped laughing.

"Aye, I thought you were coming over in an hour to hang out with us?" Devante asked.

"I was but my mom had to go to work last minute so I am stuck babysitting that devil," I said as he laughed once more.

"Were you really shaving your legs?" Devante questioned.

"No, I wasn't she was trying to embarrass me as usual," I said.

"Whatever," Devante said.

"Hey, yall can come by my crib and chill or something?" I suggested.

"Aight I will ask them, even though they are probably down to do it," Devante said.

"Cool! They already over your house?" I asked.

"Yeah, hold on," Devante said.

He left the phone but I could hear his loud mouth anywhere asking as I heard them saying yeah it's cool that is when he returned to the phone.

"They cool with it? We gon order some pizza over ya crib if that's cool?" Devante asked.

"Yeah sure that is fine!" I said.

"Aight cool, see you in a few," Devante said.

"Okay cool, lata," I said.

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