5. Gone Too Soon

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Back in North Carolina December 1990

Back in North Carolina December 1990

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Donald 'Devante Swing' DeGrate

We were finally home, and it was like 2 something in the morning our parents were waiting on us the whole time. We just got done dropping off K-Ci and JoJo, I know we finna get into it.

"We have been worried sick about you guys!" Mama said.

"I didn't know you guys were going to actually go to new york, we had to ask Alexander where you guys were at," Dad said.

"You guys should be proud because we just got signed to uptown records," I said.

"I don't care if it was uptown records you guys aren't about to take this deal," Dad said.

"This is a gift from god, and we are going to use it if you like it or not!" Dalvin said.

"I can't see why you guys ain't proud of us doing what we love, you got us into the music and we can't even use it!" I said.

"It's for the music of god, not this R&B type of music," Dad said.

"We will discuss this in the morning," Mama said.

"There's nothing to discuss, we ain't going to change the minds of our decision!" I said.

We both went into our rooms I was so upset I just wish our parents were supportive but they were not which sucks. I took a hot shower and after that, I got done putting on my night clothes as I started to think about Alexandra I really want to see her but she lives 2 blocks away from my house I ain't going back into the car because it's so loud and they will know I went out late, plus it's cold outside for me walking or riding a bike. I decided that I will see her in the morning, and spend some time with her.



Dalvin was still tired from the drive so he was going to sleep in, so I went over to Alexandra's house. I rang the doorbell as she opened the door when she saw me she hugged me as she cried onto my chest. She was the only one at home I carried her upstairs to her room as I laid her down on the bed, I closed the door and laid right next to her.

"Where're your sisters at?" I asked.

"Amerie took Alyssa out somewhere, I caught Alyssa coming in real late and she was at some party. She has been doing that ever since mom has been in the hospital, it's like ever since Amerie came back she just let her slide and I am not about to let that shit slide she hasn't been home in 2 years... I was there for her when she wasn't like this is too much for me." Alexandra told me.

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