21. Valentine's Day

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February 14th, 1993

Valentine's Day

Joel 'JoJo' Hailey

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Joel 'JoJo' Hailey

I was dropping by Devante's crib as I had roses and some chocolates for Alexandra. Ya know gotta be sweet she's like a sister to me, I rang the doorbell when she opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hey, JoJo!" Alexandra said giving me a hug.

"Hey, Alex! Happy Valentine's day!" I said giving her the roses and chocolates.

"Awww this is so sweet, thank you! Come in!" Alexandra said letting me inside.

"I don't see why you don't have no one like damn you the sweetest guy!" She added as I laughed.

"I don't know Alex, I will find somebody one day!" I told her as she put the roses in the Vase.

"So where's De at?" I questioned.

"Somewhere in this damn house," Alexandra said rolling her eyes.

"Yall good?" I asked.

"Ever since his parents came he been constantly drinking, and smoking nonstop. I tried talking to him, but we end up having arguments so I end it real quick because I am not trying to stress and raise my voice." Alexandra said as I nodded.

"I feel that, Just give him time," I said.

"I gave him a few days to have his space but nothing. It's Valentine's Day and I didn't get anything from him like I am having his baby and these hormones are all over the place." Alexandra said.

"I know his parents hurt him for not supporting him with his music career, but I don't have my dad or mom. My father died when Alyssa was born, and then losing Mama in 1990 didn't make it any better. At least he has both of his parents, he's lucky to have both of them ya know." She added as she wiped her tears.

"I wish that I can have both of my parents right now," Alexandra stated.

"Yeah, I know Alexandra! He will get over this, hopefully." I said.

"So what are you doing for this valentine's day?" Alexandra asked changing the subject.

"Probably gon treat me with food and shit ain't nothing special, its single awareness day for a brutha!" I said making her laugh.

"Okay, well thanks again for stopping by and giving me these roses and candy," Alexandra said as I smiled.

"Anytime, I see you whenever Devante gets his head together so we can finish this album," I said.

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