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Y/n 002's pov

My eyes open with a flicker. Digital numbers and codes flash before me. I blink again and again.

My arms and legs felt stiff.

I move around a little bit and then I realise I was on a operating table, wires and input devices connected to my arms and legs. I groan from the pressure of currents whizzing through me.

'You were in pretty bad shape when I found you, I had to fix you up' I lift my head to see a Y/n sitting at a table with a mug of coffee and a lap top.

'What- who- where am I?' I stutter.

The Y/n puts down her coffee cup and walks over with a warm smile. 'I got access to all your memories and files on this laptop....I know what you've been through...' She puts a warm hand on my head.

' a human Y/n?' I croak looking up into her f/c coloured eyes slowly.

'Yes and I saw and read about everything that was happening at that 'Citadel'.

I stretch out a hand to the lights above me. 'It...needs to end...those y/ns have lives...they have rights...he took it from them and I'm the only one who can see that...' A single tears escapes my forged tear ducts.

'They're looking for you y/n, I know you want to free them from him Evil Morty....'

I look at her. 'Evil?' She nods. 'From the way he expresses himself in these files it's what I came up with' .We smile at each other.

'I have a plan...' She says to me pressing a key on her laptop and all the components connected to me disengage themselves.

Y/n 001's pov

Jessica was sitting at her desk angrily looking through 005's past files. She must of missed her alot by the way she keep reading and rereading them.

'Detective Jessi I understand that you are upset but I've been asked to go over these files on 002 with you that 005 had left off at' Jessica glares at me from her tablet.

'You have no idea do you? I never even said goodbye..they just took her away like she was just an old antique thrown away when old....'

'She was an old model and her programs could no longer be updated...'

'At least she had emotions...'

'I am installed with all the current programs and advanced utility...'

She smirks a little.' So when you get old you'll be replaced too then?'

I nod. 'Yes precisely detective'

'Doesn't that bother you at all? Don't you feel there is more to you then just...all this?'

'Sorry but what are you implying? We are being sidetracked from our current activity Detective Jessi'

Jessi was smirking at me as I broke away from the question 'I'm just saying...send me those files...' I do as I am told and already she looks a little better then our previous chat.

Y/n 002 's pov

I begin pacing the room of the y/n that found me. She was typing vigorously on her laptop trying to hack into the government's secret files using some of the programs from my software installed onto her computer.

Y/n calls to my attention 'two face I managed to download a soft ware that could hack into the government's secret files without my alias being traced but they all seem to be redacted or expunged, I have a few friends that can help us translate and rearrange them but I can't connect at the moment or our location could be traced'

'Two face?'

She laughs. 'It's my nickname for you it sounds better then just D-002 right?' She goes back to typing. I smile to myself. I can't remember having friends back at the citadel, Though back when all the y/ns could feel emotions we could chat about personal stuff and speak our minds, but Evil Morty took that away from us....I will prevail.

'If you want y/n I could send a signal to your friends through my wifi programming if you want me to, I still need to use my software if I want this plan to work' I offer stopping her from grabbing her phone.

'You can really do that for me?!' She says clutching my hands. I nod and place my hands over her phone. The screen flashes as it automatically changes to cryptic coding and morse code She watches in amazement. All the wires and metal casing under my skin were now visible, my face was now that of a robot as my skin is deactivated in the process, it felt horrible for someone to see me like this.

'I promised I wouldn't use any of these robotic features, I don't feel human doing things I did at the citadel , I feel like I'm giving in to my cybernetic structure once and for all...' I turn away as my robotic face is all she could see now.

She reaches to touch it. 'No ordinary human can give the people what they need two face, if you want to prevail use what they have given you to your advantage it always works trust me....'

My skin reappears at her touch. I close my eyes as her warm hand resonates heat to my cheek. 'Thank you...' I whisper making eye contact with my human counter part.

There is a knock at the door. 'They're here' She says getting up.

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