I saw him standing there

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I run around the palace like a lost dog dodging the thousands of laser beams tearing through air to get to me. Marie was as cold as I used to be and followed his every command. I had utility of my own.

I pose behind a pillar and quickly charge my finger pistols. Before I could aim I sense a beam incoming.

Like a lion, I leap  out of the way flipping through the air like a whip. The pillar collapses exploding in the process.

Marie crawls up the wall like a spider aiming at me from behinde. I point my fingers at her and fire, she drops and glides through the air dodging.

From the corner of my eye I see Morty with a rocket launcher.

Shit! I'm being simultaneously targeted!!

I was so busy looking out at Morty I didn't evade the strike of light that hits my left arm. I curse lungeing to the side to prevent any further damage.

I detect rapid movement from Morty. But Marie was also onto me. I unleash lengthy bladed knives from my fingers, Marie doing the same.

I block her thrusts at my torso, she dodges mine. It was like a computer generated sword fight. I bore into her irises to read her movements as well as the swift motions of her arm.

Our blades in a cliche 'X' as we look each other dead in the eyes. 'I'm just a machine fulfilling my duty...' Marie says coldy.

'Fuck your duty I'm just a y/n fulfilling mine....'

Marie twirls suddenly, I see a massive bullet aiming at me full speed. I catapult from the fleering impact. Only 14% of my body destroyed.

I missed the bullet by 2 inches. I curse to myself rolling on sharp rubble. He hasn't won not yet...

I jitter trying to use my regenerative mechanism. A sharp object pierces through my torso. I gnash my teeth. I hear Morty laugh. I could see Marie peering at me through her blood red hair. She had stabbed me. A sword was impaled through me altering any further movement from me. Is this really how it will end?

I curse. No way! I've only become a person....

Tears roll out my eyes as I claw the floor.

'You loose D-001 time to say goodbye...' Morty says from above one of his balconies.

A spine crunching explosion could be heard through the citadel buildings causing many heads to turn.

Marie was in bits and pieces now. Scattering around me. My eyes shift to the source of the noise.

Detective Jessica is holding a giant laser gun over her shoulder accompanied by a few others.

' Jessica!!??' I manage to say reeling my head to witness the massive gnash in the wall of their entrance.

'MARIE?! M-MY CREATION!!!' Morty screeches clawing his face. 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN HERE!!'

A figure makes it's way to the front of the crowd. It was by no doubt 002. Before she could speak a infuriated Morty fires the rocket gun at them causing the crowd to disperse.

002 pov

'TAKE COVER!!' I shout as we scatter away from the cruel bullet that lands near our spot. Only a few slow ones get hit.

But it wasn't over. Explosion after explosion after explosion causes us to decrease in numbers. Jessica aims at Morty but he scampers around dodging her blasts.

Renji and I hide behind a large fallen pillar. 'At this rate we won't have many people left!!' He says peering over the pillar to see bodies and explosion flying everywhere. Our groups screaming and flying.

001's pov

The blade embedded into my torso is removed and I am freed from my demise. I look up to see robotic Y/ns helping me to my feet.

Evil Morty had run out of ammo. Before he could recharge Renji uses his laser revolver to blast it from his grip. 'Good shot Renji...' I praise running to the center of the fallen room to raise my hand.

Jessica aims the laser in his direction. 'DON'T FUCKING MOVE YOU ABOMINATION OF A PRESIDENT!!' She roars at him. He silently raises his hands.

002's pov

My troop and I circle the villain. We get closer and closer. Evil Morty clears his throat.

'Come now, don't you all understand what I have done...for all of you....'

Nobody answers. 'You're OUTNUMBERED Evil Morty let it go....' I say looking down him bitterly. I almost felt sorry for him.

'The last time the people of our citadel were given free will it caused nothing but it's destruction, what good is people arguing when they could all be obligated to believe one thing?'

Renji shoots his left leg, Morty hisses in pain and clatters to the floor.

'Take him in....' I say as some abled y/n robots help subdue and drag Evil Morty away. He screams profanity at us crawling at their arms.

'YOU THINK I'D LET YOU VIOLATE ME LIKE THIS AND LET YOU PREVAIL?!' He screams at me violently pushing at the y/ns until he was free. He pulls a gun from the shadows and fires too fast for me to react.'YOU THINK I ONLY HAVE ONE W-

Everything turns in slow motion. I see the laser light of death coming my way. Everything goes white.

I hear their voices screaming and shouting.

Data corrupt..........System shutting down......

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