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001 pov

'There's no one here D-001' says one of the Rick soliders.

I look around the abandoned church. Empty. I put a hand on my chin. But This was the location....

'Shit...' I curse. I could of gotten here sooner if-.....

I point a manufactured finger at Jessica who was standing near one of the church pillars smoking.

'This is your fault, if you let me look at that robot sooner we would of cornered 002 by now!' I slap the cigarette out her fingers. Jessica stares at me in suprise.

'Oh so first your a cold obeying machine and now your a BLAMING BITCH!!' She stomps towards me as we were now face to face.

'We went to the disposal dimension to locate 002's location and you wasted my time crying over a pathetic model!!'

She looked hurt. 'DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER PATHETIC AT LEAST SHE WASN'T A FUCKING OBEYING JACKASS LIKE YOU!!' Jessica pushes me but I move only an inch.

I grab my gun and point it at Jessica's forehead. 'Not only have you broken a citadel code by falling in love with a a machine but you let it get in the way of the investigation, I have every right to terminate you right this instant..'

Jessica shocked expression changes to daring.  'You're the one to chat about relationships, I know you got something going on with the President, you Robot whore'

My nose scrunches for a slip second.

'That's different detective Jessica...'

She tilts her head slightly.' Was that an emotional response when I mentioned his name D-001?' She laughs with her wide red lips. My finger pulls back slightly.


I bolt a look at Jessica and bolt for our portal. Every body following behind me.

002 pov

As Yanna, Renji and I were vandalising a statue of the President we hear the sound of lasers being fired. We look at each other.

I run in the middle of the commotion and put up my hands. Every body drops their weapons. A helicopter flies upon us.

Without warning a ladder tumbles from it. They were coming. Renji grabs the portal gun.

He pulls my arm 'Quick! We need to get out of here! We need to go back!!'

'We can't go back to the church they would of found our location because of Yanna's break in!! What about that place you talked about earlier!!' I shout as we both hide behind a broken car.

Renji nods grabbing out the portal gun. 'I'll try detonate the portal where those guards can't see it so we can get our people together without hassle!!' He says getting ready to run.

'TWO FACE!!'he calls out again. I turn back quickly.

'Be careful!!'

I nod running off to save anyone I can.

Citadel guards begin firing at our groups killing countless y/ns and Renjis. I grab a laser gun on the floor and shoot off a few. 'Go to Renji-5676 he has shot a portal back at the wastelands go find him and go to our new location!!' I shout out to the few survivors.

I hide behind a damaged statue and fire at some guards who were about to shoot some supporters.

I had run out of juice and more guard Ricks were coming. I catch y/n laying against an old van opposite mine clutching her shoulder . 'Y/n!!'shout. I could run over to her but an army of guards was approaching.

'Y/n we need to get back to the wastelands!!' I shout-whisper to her. She shakes her head with her wounded face.

'I have to to it...'

'Do what?!'

She shows me a sharp object glowing red stuck to her shoulder. My damp eyes widen. 'How did that get there!! Y/n get it off and thrown it at them!! Buy us some time!!' I say mimicking throwing.

'A guard somehow attached it to me it won't come off!!' She tries to lurch it off.

I stare at her in shock.

'I'm gonna do it Two face...' Tears we're running down her sweaty face. No matter how much I wanted to hold her I couldn't. I pound the floor till I heard metal.

She gets up and looks into my eyes for the last time.

'You must prevail two face...I believe in you....' She smiles for what seemed like forever.


Then with a strike of determination she runs for the group of guards, before they could raise their lasers the bomb on her is detonated. I use this opportunity to run, wind and rocks hitting my back from behind. Your death will not be forgotten Y/n my dear friend.

I reach the waste lands as I seemed like the last one to get there. Before I could go through the portal which was behind a rusty maintenance truck, a massive light shines on me from behind.


I block it with my hands.

'DON'T YOU DARE MOVE IMPOSTER...' I recognised this voice before....that y/n from my Russian escape.  I hear the crunch of footsteps in gravel. I raise my hands slowly.

As the figure approaches I get a clearer view of the face. I grit my teeth.

'I've made a accurate scan on your left iris...002 Even if you change your face I'd still know it's you' the y/n was holding a lazer gun at me. It was then I realise I was surrounded by some unfortunate supporter corpses. I curse under my breath.

'Where are you off to D-002?' The machine says to me using her gun to point at my head.

With raised hands I sigh. ' To a place of hope...hope for you won't have to follow the orders of a liar....a-'

She shoots my left leg, I drop to the floor cursing furiously, I couldn't move it. This time she wasn't holding back like last time.

'I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to pull any stunts like last time D-002 come wit-'

A swift object hits the head of the Y/n. It drops to the floor like rubble. I stare in amazement. I look up to see a young lady with red hair smiling down at me. I blink twice.

'Sorry about her...she's just a big Jackass....' the lady kicks the y/n's head.

'I know you might not trust me much but I want to join you...A partner of mine was a manufactured Y/n that felt emotions but they took her from me and replaced her with this dipshit....I was waiting for the day you'd show up and save the day....Thank you...' The woman gives me a bright smile.

I do a quick smile back. She removed her Citadel badge and crushes her earpiece. Without hesitation she grabs my arm and helps me over to the portal.

'Quick before they come!' She drags me into the portal and it vanishes.

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