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The following day was worser then the last. Mobs of confused and angry protesters wanted answers from last nights roit.

The President never left his room and was on lock down. People were throwing anything they could find at the barred windows. Not only did they find out that he lied about the protest but the reason why. To cover up his termination of the emotional y/ns he was sending to the robot disposal dimension and replaced them with emotionless new ones.

Members of his police and FBI were turning in their badges and they wanted answers. It was too much for the president to handle he had had enough of the commotion being caused ; he made a final decision....

002's  pov

What was it I felt after that riot? Hatred? Loss? Sorrow? I couldn't compute. I stood there staring into the distance off a large balcony. This planet said it all. We were still recovering.... we loss one of our most skilful members on line of duty.....I could recall Yanna's face marvelling in defeat and Renji hitting the wall. The other y/n taking a moment of silence to let her very existence immerse into their artificial hearts.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I hook my body over the ledge, my glassy eyes reflecting the warm lights from above.

'Why?.....' I whisper self consciously. The wind answers back with a sharp breeze.

'Y/n.....' A faint voice hints ringing from above. I whip my head around to see Renji- his face forlorn, cold with melancholy.

I turn to face him.

Have you lost hope yet two face?


Renji walks beside me. His white hair flowing in the cool wind. 'It's such a sad world Two face....before you know it everyone you know is gone or dead....'

'Then I'll protect them...the people left...' I clench of fist on the ledge.

'No you're wrong....'we' will protect them....if not then what the hell's the point of being a team?'

We make eye contact. His fingers entwine with mine on that balcony. His slivery hands turn warm, mine turning wiry and metallic. Our faces were inching towards each other. I could feel the heat from his breath hit my lips.

How long have I waited for a warm embrace? Through my sorrow why was it I was still able to love? Was it because we were linked? After the tragic sacrifice of my friend why was I still able to connect with him?

Our noses, then our breathes and finally our lips. Despite his rough looks, Renji's kiss,was the exact opposite. I felt myself melting under him, I may have lost someone but I sure wasn't gonna lose another.

His kiss travels behind to my ear where I could hear his faint whispers. I feel a small tremble down my spine. He plants small kissed down my neck, I felt like I was bypassing override when he pulls down my collar to caress my cleavage with his lips. I try my best not to utter a word.

It wasn't long until he stopped, we couldn't go on forever. We still had them to worry about. Renji pulls away adjusting himself. I do the same.

I hear him mutter an apology.

I slowly nod. I rub his arm. 'We have work to do...' I whisper, leaving him there to digest what had happened.

001 pov

After an iris scan and a voice recognition, I am let through the large golden doors leading to the President's palace.

I am not greeted by him but some thing else. A tall young lady. I knew by first glance she was a robot.


Long red hair. She stares at me with glinting blue eyes. She says nothing. Just stares. She was quite pretty.

'I'm looking for President Morty have you seen him?' I say trying to make sense in my words.

No reply.

I was growing impatient. Before I could transfer info by touching her arm I hear a booming voice.

'Don't touch it D-oo1!!!'

I jolt and my head snaps up to see the president in bath robes sauntering over.

He extends a hand around the model and giggles.

'This is Marie-D008 ' He chimes. I tilt my head in confusion.


'You're no longer of use to me D-001'

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