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Y/n 001's pov

'Let's get out of this dump..' Jessica says opening the door to the police car. 'Fucking idiot killed himself before he could be delt with by the government...'she mutters starting up the car.

'Detective jessi put on your belt you could get seriously hurt in an accident'

She brushes it off. '005 said the same thing but ya know with more emotion' she turns on the ignition. I make no further comment and look out the car window. People in the streets working like they should be. Manufactured y/ns working in shops and Ricks and Morty walking down streets respectfully.

'You know it was hard to find a place where the citadel guards couldn't see or hear you speak your mind but y/n 005 found could see the whole city from was so peaceful it made me forget we were in the citadel' Jessica was staring out onto the road with peaceful eyes. Her fleshy red lips illuminated in the dim street lights.

We step out of the car near an abandoned block like building. I had the whole map of the citadel installed into my program but I surprisingly had never seen this building before. She opens the creaky door.

'People used to trade weapons here...' she says as we walk through the empty space to a lift.

'It still works somehow...' she says stepping in. I follow her. Inspecting the structure first.

There is silence in the lift as I watch the buttons change. 12 floors and a rooftop.

'It's here....The roof top...' She says stepping out first.

I follow after. The sky glows a steamy orange. I could see the President's residents from here. The cool wind blows past my face as I watch Jessica lean against the wall. She lights her cigarette and puffs out sliver smoke into the air.

'You need to stop smoking Jessica you could suffer a life threatening disease that could severely damage your body inside and out'

She glares at me and folds her arms. 'Stop acting like you care dipshit it's only been a few days since you showed up and fucked up my life....'

'Care to elaborate Detective?'

She puts the cigar between her teeth and looks up for a second before signing. She looked in pain.

'5 and I we....' her voice begins to thicken. 'We were lovers.....I awaited the day I could hold her again, she made me forget the cruelty of this place, the boredom of my job, she made me actually enjoy this place , for once I felt loved I felt happy....but then our time was up, She left and I never said Goodbye....Then you came into my office to rePLACE she was just a number....SHE WAS MINE AND NOW SHE'S GONE!!' Her voice trembles and she throws her cigarette to the floor. I stand watching her. She crushes it with such force.

I just stood there staring at her with a motionless expression. Was there something I was meant to say?

'What are you staring at JACKASS?!' She roars at me making me jolt from the multitude of her voice.

'I understand it's hard for you Detective Jessica but in the name of the Citadel we must be strong'

She spits on the floor. 'Don't you ever feel anything at all?'

'Feel?feel what?' I tilt my head waiting for her to respond.

She sighs and rubs her face with her palms. 'Never mind....Jackass...' she opens the crooked door and exits. I stand and watch her leave.


Y/n 002 pov

'Whoa she looks just like you!' Says the girl scanning my stiff figure. Yanna was her name. She wore long blonde extensions and had beautiful dark skin. A very charismatic personality and a short temper.

Y/n laughs and reassures her. ' That's because it's me as a Robot from another universe, I call her two face because back at the citadel D-002 is what she was known as'

The other boy known as Renji was using a special device to change the data in the government files to make it readable, he was just waiting for it to download. He had snowy white hair and wore piercings. The ones on his lips caught my attention they looked a little unnerving. He wore a red leather jacket, sleeves rolled to his elbows. I could see his strong muscly frame through the leather.He looked a little attractive. 'That citadel is a creepy place, I think whatever we do to them is what they deserve' he says not looking away from his laptop.

Y/n managed to fix up the portal gun and gave it back to me. 'Thank you Y/n....' I bow my head in gratitude.

Then it hit me again our plan. I stand up and demand attention. 'Remember Our goal is to get the mostly the y/ns of the citadel against their leader, we send these files in article form to the people and watch them rebel against their leader, he will have no choice but to stand down and we could take things on from there...'

Yanna grins with satisfaction. 'That way we won't need to worry about any war because if they find out two face set them free they'll go begging for you to take over, Evil Morty doesn't have a chance!!' I smile at my support.

Renji frowns. 'But what if they're too scared to react and end up throwing it in the trash leaving his government to take action they are a bunch of obeying robots remember?'

I clench my fist. 'Then we make a band of our own and do our best to take them down!!'

Renji nods closing his laptop. 'Then I'm in'

'Leave the band to me! I know many y/ns, Ricks, Morty and whatnot from across the multiverse that will help us!' Yanna chimes in.

'So we have it planned?' I say looking at my group of companions.

Y/n smiles proudly. 'Let's make that article!'

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