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001 pov

Jessica and I had arrived at the robot disposal centre were the sudden commotion had taken place. It was a dimly lit, indoor garage dump. I look up at all the dismantled robot parts not only old y/ns were being thrown here.

If we look long enough we can find one of the y/ns that tried to escape during the breach, if I scan its memory I'll be able to find out if it was 002 and if were lucky it's location at this point in time...'

Jessica stood near the pile of destroyed robot pieces an apologetic look in her eyes. She sighs shaking her head. 'What a waste of metal...image all the weapons you could of made outta this...'

I scan the area using my eyes. 'You can't make anything out of defective robots Jessica....'

I hear her scoff from behind me. 'Don't you feel a sense of unease being in a place like this? 'Y/ns' are being thrown here don't you fear of becoming like this?' I slowly turn to her.

' It's just bits of metal, I was once like this and I will one day go back to being it, all that matters now is-'

Jessica stomps her heeled shoe on the floor in protest. 'SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR DAMN MISSION JACKASS!!'

I close my mouth and stare at Jessica fuming with anger. 'There must be something or someone you care about apart from your damn mission, there has to be a reason you care about it so damn much!!'

She grabs me by my collar and shakes me like a maraca. 'Is it the President?!Answer me!!' She snaps through clenched teeth. I stare into her deep emerald eyes until she pushes me down. She curses and turns her back.

I get back up and pick up a signal. 'I found something!!' I say running to a relatively dark corner.

A y/n who had no legs was muttering incoherently to itself. I kneel to it. Jessica close behind me.

'I only have a few minutes if I want to learn something I must be quick!' I tap the side of it's head and it begins gasping uncontrollably.

'W-who's there?!' It says looking around. 'J-Jessica?! Jessica?! Where are you?!' It suddenly screams.

I put a hand on it shoulder 'it's okay I just need to know about the break in tha-' Jessica shoves me aside.

'OH MY GOD 5!! ITS ME JESSICA!! HANG IN THERE!!' Jessica grabs the hand of the dying robot muttering prayers.

'Jessica I'm running out of time, we need to get information out of her!!'

She turns to face me with tears streaming down her face. 'ITS MY GIRLFRIEND FIVE!! AT A TIME LIKE THIS- THATS ALL YOU CARE ABOUT CANT YOU SEE I'M AT LEAST SAYING GOODBYE?!' She hugs the legless, tattered robot to herself the robot hugging back.

I watch her and the robot conversing, apologising and embracing over and over until her time ran out. Jessica was still hugging her dead robot companion.

Damn it I missed my chance...

'Jessica you have wasted enough of my time so now I'm going to have to do this the hard way...'

'What?!...?!' I pull Jessica and her robot companion away from each other. 'I'm sorry Jessica please...let me do my job...' I say using pressing my hands against the robot's temple.

'T-that's my lover...' she says pushing me away violently. 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!'

Jessica's face was as red as her tongue as she screamed at me for prying open her beloved.  This time I lost my patience and with a fleeting chop to her neck I knock her out. As soon as her body hits the floor I set to work. Taking the chip from 005 and inserting it into the input cartridge behind my ear. I close my eyes.

Found you


002 pov

One of the y/ns states that they knew a safe way into the citadel without getting caught. She stated there was a sight far from the eyes of the guards and security cameras couldn't catch them enter. The citadel wastelands that was left unsecured, if we made it there then we will all be able to enter the citadel unlocated.

We were making alot of progress. We were going back to the citadel to declare innocence of 002 to confuse the people. He will have no choice but to face his people with the truth. But we weren't gonna peacefully shout on streets we were gonna wreak everything resembling his presence. Statues buildings, posters, banners we were gonna vandalised and leave him and his people a message.

Two face will prevail!!

The waste lands were used to throw away unwanted weaponry that was no longer useable. Like rats looking for food we grab anything we could find. I retrieve a long metal pole. Others grab old scraps of metal and some smart y/ns even crafted useful weapons and utility.

I stand in the front and smile at Yanna, Y/n and Renji who had weapons and spray cans at the ready.
I raise my hand in the air.


I shout. I point towards the city streets laying beyond the gates of the waste land. 'TODAY WE HAVE THE UPPER HAND!!'

There is a roar of a satisfied crowd as we venture forward to wreak chaos.

A tall golden statue of Evil Morty was knocked down by Renji and repeatedly beaten by another group of Renjis. Yanna using a spray can was drawing crazy hair and writing dirty words on a Evil Morty poster.

Y/n was giving her own crafted fire crackers to other y/ns who began throwing them at Evil Morty patriarchy merchandise shops. Other writing over walls declaring 002's innocence and how Morty was the real criminal.

I felt a smile creep onto my face. I was batting in a advertisement on a shop window of how great the government was. It was thick and challenging but it had to be done. Renji puts a hand on my shoulder.

'Let me help' he says punching a silver fist into the glass. It shatters into oblivion. I stare at him in awe. Before I could compliment Yanna calls out to me.

'We have company ' she says nodding her head to a group of Ricks and mortys of the citadel it's self.

I slowly approach them.

One of the Ricks approaches me. 'Is it true? 002 is innocent? Was she not the one who slaughtered our people during the protest?

I shake my head. 'He lied to you all, he's no leader you deserve, he slaughtered his own people and blamed 002 to protect his image!!' I almost mention myself as 002 but I stop myself.

The Rick turns to his companions briskly. ''ROIT WHILE YOU CAAAAN!! He shouts to his squad. Then he turns to me. 'There aren't many guards at this side of town anymore cuz most of them upset the President...'

I nod quickly at him. 'Thank you, make sure the innocence of 002 spreads around the citadel we need that man out of power!!' The Rick nods and continues his riot.

It was a madhouse down here.

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