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001's pov

Jessica scrolls through her tablet at the current news mocking and laughing. 'Hey y/n what do you think about the President's idea of propaganda eh?' I leave no response. She sips her mug of coffee. And goes back to scrolling.

Her smile fades. 'The citizens are blind while the government know it all, why you're an emotionless zombie and why my precious 005 was thrown away...bullshit...if we try to quit we get shot on sight it's like we're no better then those emotional y/ns'

I was blindly staring at the desk the whole time. Jessica hits the desk demanding attention. I jolt stiffly.

'H-hey Jackass are you even listening?!' She gives me a surprising look because normally I'd be quick to respond.

'What are you thinking about there?'

'Jessica I felt what it was like to finally feel something....I tried recording it into my memory but it won't compute.....' Jessica movements become more slow as her eyes fix on me. She puts down the tablet.


'When I was with the President , I felt something I could no longer recall....I felt-'

Jessica looks at me with confused eyes. 'So basically you're in love with the President?...'

I shake my head. 'No....he let me feel emotions for a while by doing something at the back of my head....I felt different somehow....'

Jessica blinks wildly for a while. 'You? Feeling emotions? YOU?' She bursts into an eruption of laughter. She slams the table rapidly trying to catch her breath.

'Are you finished Detective Jessica?'

'Ah, best thing I've heard all day...yeah I'm done...' she sighs straightening up and picking her Tablet again.

'This morning I went to The Factory were the Y/ns were being made and found some very useful information on 002'

Jessica's eyes were glued to her tablet. 'Really? Then what are you waiting for?! Spill it!!'

I raise a finger ' The workers said they were getting strange reports from the robot disposal dimension where the President was throwing away all his unwanted y/ns like something had tampered with the system there, what I'm assuming is an instance of D-002 broke in somehow and tried to free them...'

Jessica doesn't look amused. ' What makes you think it was 002's doing?'

I stand up and grab her car keys. 'That's what we are going to find out...' I spin the keys round my fingers making it go round each individual one. Jessica stares in frustration.

'Gimme that!!' She snaps snatching it from my hands and walks out the office.

002's pov

After a motivational speech to my crowd of new found followers I sit upon the dusty podium thinking through another effective plan to get into the real action.

'I wanted to thank you again Yanna with out you we wouldn't have all these people...I knew I could count on you, but how did you get all these people?' I smile warmly at her.

'I got into contact with other Yannas from other dimensions to help me....'

'Are you sure they won't track us down I mean those manufactured y/ns going missing could raise an alarm....'

'I knew they were thrown to the robot disposal center to be destroyed and who ever worries about broken y/ns anyways?!'

I nod slowly.' I guess your right....' I look around the church I see Y/n helping fix some broken y/ns and I peer to the corner to see Renji sitting by himself looking down at his hands.

Yanna elbows my arm, 'Ever since you changed your look Renji's been staring at you....'

'What's the matter with that?'

She laughs and leans in closer to me. 'I think he's in love~' she sings as I nudge her away slightly. Yanna takes the hit and apologies. 'Ok I'm sorry...but I think you should talk to him he looks a bit...lost....'

I peer over at him.

I stand up and take a short cut to his side of the room. 'Renji are you look a little lost...'

He looks at me with a slow smile, the silver rings on his lips shining a little. 'My arm feels a little stiff that's all...' he twitches his fingers slightly.

His left arm was tattooed with numbers. '5676' I squint my eyes. What does it mean? He clenches his fist and his arm turns a shiny silver colour. I gasp.

'I was nothing but a test subject...turned into a machine to fight countless wars...I hated it but my friends there were just like me I had people to turn to and who felt my pain but it wasn't long till they were all killed by our enemies....I was the only one left and I couldn't save them...I lost hope but unlike me you still have can still save those at the Citadel....'


The skin on my hand fades and my robot hand entwines with his silver one. I close my eyes as we squeeze.

'I won't ever...' I whisper releasing his silver hand.

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