C h a p t e r [4]

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[ Hunter's POV ]

"W-hat do you mean I'm grounded!" Hope shouted at our mother. "You know what you did and you really thought their wasn't gonna be a consequence towards your action? Well your wrong Hope, hopefully this time you will learn your lesson." Hayley my mother said walking up the stairs.

"I'm a witch you can't ground me!" Hope said trying to state the obvious. "Just did." My mother smirked and disappeared into the dark hallway. Honestly I would of rather thought that my sister and mother get a long well, but I guess not. Disappointing, but I'd have to get used to it. "Ugh why does she always have to do this to me." Hope grabbed her hair in frustration.

"I just got here like a day ago, don't ask me." I said shrugging. "Enough of that though I just found out I have a sister and not just any sister, but a twin sister! Here follow me to my room." Hope said walking up the stairs towards her room.

"We're twins, but we don't look nothing alike. You have grey hair, your taller then me, and your so pretty unlike me." Hope said sighing. "Not true. Your absolutely beautiful and for my hair well I dyed it, but my natural hair color is exactly just like yours. We also have the same eyes. And we're also tribids the only ones of our kind." I smiled.

"Woah wait your a tribrid? Wait of course you are duhh." Hope said chuckling.

"Yeah I'm a tribrid, but-" I was gonna say but got caught off. "But what?" Hope said frowning. "I haven't unlocked my werewolf side." I frowned ducking my head down. "Oh no, it's fine. But how? I already did." Hope questioned.

"I don't know, my mother well the person that raised me never told me that I had a werewolf side. I knew that I was a tribrid she told me, but never told me what that other side of me was." I said. "That horrible I'm so sorry, but hey I'm sure Aunt Freya could help you with that." Hope said with a reassuring smile.

"No! I don't want anyone to know that I haven't unlocked my werewolf side, I-it's embarrassing and I'll bring embarrassment to the Mikaelson name. I could never." I say. "What of course not, you could never. Aunt Freya is the one that helped me." Hope said. "Still please don't tell anyone, especially not mom and dad. Promise me please. Not until I'm ready." I say. "Of course I won't say anything until your ready, your secret is safe with me." Hope smiled.

"Thank you thank you thank you. It means a lot." I say hugging her. "No problem Sister." She hugged back.

After I left Hope's room I went back to my room and just layed their going through my phone. I still can't believe I'm a Mikaelson like it sounds so weird Hunter Mikaelson. It sounds so wrong but so right at the same time. Anyways sooner or later I'm gonna have to tell my biological parents that Hey your other daughter hasn't unlocked her werewolf side. Gawh lee so fucking embarrassing. Im a baby tribrid jeez.

It's kinda funny cause I hadn't realize how much my life drastically changed in the past two days. It's absolutely crazy.

I hear a knock on my door, so I go over and open it and to my surprise its Hayley. "Hey Hunter, we need to talk to you and Hope." She says with a serious tone. "Um yeah sure." I say following her to what I'm assuming is the library. I immediately see Hope sitting in a chair on her phone, with my dad Klaus sitting beside her waiting.

"So were enrolling you at the Salvatore Boarding School." Hayley said. "That's awesome, we're gonna be going to the same school!" Hope said with excitement in her voice. "No." I say blankly. "N-no? Well why not love?" My father asked out of the blue. "I want to go to a normal school, not saying that the Salvatore Boarding School isn't normal, but it's for like werewolf's, vampires, witches, and hybrids. I just wanna go to a regular school in New Orleans. Sorry Hope." I say.

"But you would be risking exposing yourself to all the humans, and we're not going to risk that happening." Klaus said with a serious tone. "Mom I'll join her, she's my sister and plus I promise to be careful, I understand the risks." Hope said out of the nowhere. "Alright, i will enroll both of you at St Peterson High." Hayley said. "Hayley no! They could be in danger if they expose themselves." Klaus snaps and slams his palm on the table.

"It's the least I can do Klaus I don't have a choice!" My mother shouts back. My father Klaus didn't even respond he just speeded away without a word. "It's not a public school, it's a private school, so yall are still gonna have to wear uniforms, but I'm sure their not that bad. I'll call them tonight to let them know and fill all the paper work out." Hayley said with a reassuring smile. "Thank you." I smiled.

Guys I finally updated thank god ! I'm sorry that I made you all wait so long, but school was really taking a big toll on me and then right now I have fall break so yeah. Anyways I know it's not that long of a chapter, but I tried to make it as long as I could, because y'all deserve it. Thank you so much for 1k reads that fucking crazy ass hell, also thank you to everyone who has supported this story since the start it absolutely means so much to me that you all actually like reading my book. Anyways I hope yall liked the chapter as much as I liked writing it once again and again thank you thank you thank you. Remember I love you all x E 💞

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