C h a p t e r [8]

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                       ( a gif of Billie ^^)

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( a gif of Billie ^^)

[ Hunter's POV ]

"Huh? What do you mean by thank god for that?" Copeland asks right after my slip out statement. Could I be anymore stupid? Like seriously. "Um j-just like thank god, that your not dating a person as bitchy as Casedi." I smiled nervously.

"Oh haha yeah THANK GOD." Copeland laughed. Yeah thank god. "We should probably head out to lunch if not, we're gonna be starving for the rest of the day." I say.

"Yeah you're probably right." Copeland and Hope say.

We go into lunch and got our tray, and went to our spot outside the school cafeteria. The lunch food was not good today, which was a bummer, cause I was really hungry and I'd expect for an elite private school to have good lunch food.

Anyways me and Hope were done finishing, when of course Casedi fucking Klayne comes up to us with her army of minions behind her.

"What do you want Casedi?" I say in a bored tone, not looking up from my phone. "Well hello to you too Hunter." She says an obvious fake tone.

"What did I tell you yesterday? To stay-" Casedi was about to say, but I cut her off. "To stay away from your boyfriend and blah blah. But in fact I spoke to Copeland today and he said y'all aren't dating and never were, and I definitely trust Copeland's word over yours, sooo I think not. If I were you Casedi I'd stop with the lies, they're unnecessary and on top of that annoying. So just stop." I say with a small smile and shrug.

I get up and stand right in front of her face. "Plus no one, absolutely no one tells me what to fucking do, especially not a person like you. So chose your words right next time, Ca-se-di." I say.

I was about to turn around to go back to my seat, when I get punched out of the nowhere. I hit the ground. "What the hell is your problem Casedi?!" Hope shouts while she kneels down towards me. I get up and feel blood pouring out of the side of my left cheek.

"BIG.FUCKING.MISTAKE." I say and feel my eyes turn yellow. 'Hunter no, remember what mom said. Please calm down, you could literally kill her, she's just human.' Hope said. 'I don't fucking care, she's dead.' I say and turn off my mind link.

I get back up and run towards Casedi and slam her to the ground. "What the hell get off of me!" Casedi stars shouting. Right then and their I start punching her left and right. My claws were out, so I take that as an advantage and scratch her on the neck, not enough to kill her, but enough for her to start bleeding a little bit. Her whole face was bloody, blood coming out of her nose and lip and cheek.

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