C h a p t e r [7]

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[ Hunters POV ]

"Thank you for dropping us off home Mike!" I said with a big smile to my chauffeur Mike. "No problem Mrs. Hunter." Mike said tipping his chauffeur hat.

I hadn't notice that their was blood on the end of my uniforms sleeve from when I was clutching my hands so far, after Casedi pissed me off. "Theirs blood on the end of my sleeve Hope." I said. "Oh no don't let mom or especially dad see it, cause she and him will question us." Hope said with slight nervous smile.

"Hey girls, how was school." Hailey said with a smile. I quickly started hiding my arms, so she wouldn't see the blood on my sleeves. "I-it was good mom!" Hope stuttered. Oh fuck. "Oh um well that's good, come on over to the living room, we're having a family meeting." Mom said walking into the living room. We didn't have a choice so we walked in behind her.

"Hi beautiful's." Aunt Rebekah said with a big smile. "Hello." Hope and I said in sync.

"Hunter. Love, why are you hiding your arms?" Klaus, my father asked out of the nowhere. I immediately froze 'I'm about to get caught' i mind linked to Hope 'Just act natural, maybe he won't ask anymore questions'. "Um for no reason." I chuckled a bit. "Then why do you sound so nervous?" Klaus asks again. Oh god who do I think I am trying to outsmart thousand year old vampires.

Oh well fuck it. I immediately drop my arms and start displaying it to everyone. "Oh my god, is that blood on your sleeves?!" Hailey starts freaking out. "Blood, who hurt you Hunter. Tell me so I can make them pay with their life for touching my daughter." My dad says getting up. Everyone's attention was on me now. Great.

"Nobody hurt me, I'm fine. I promise. I got into a heated argument with this girl at school and I got really mad to the point I was digging my nails into my palm, so I wouldn't lash out on her. Oh and I also punched the crap out of the cement bench, to I guess quote on quote release my anger." I spat out. "Oh thank god." Hailey said with a relief. "Who knows what would of been left of the poor girl." Uncle Kol said out of the nowhere. Yeah same.

"I'm fine though seriously guys don't worry, but right now i would really like to go to my room and get changed and wash the blood out of my uniform, cause I still have school tomorrow." I said with a small smile. "Yeah um go ahead." Hailey said with a reassuring smile. Me and hope left the family meeting and went into our rooms.

The rest of the evening I spent it in my bathroom, cleaning the blood out of my uniform and then putting in the washer and washing it for tomorrow. Today was a very long day, but it didn't turn out so bad if I say so myself. I mean i could of killed a girl, but I didn't. I'm proud.

I was laying in bed and slowly start fading away into my sleep.

"Hunter wake up! Your gonna be late for school." I hear somebody say while shaking me awake. "Huh? Hope?" I say rubbing my eyes. "Yes Hope, who the hell else! Now get up, cause I don't want to be late for school." Hope says rolling her eyes with a chuckle. "School? OH MY GOSH SCHOOL! I'm gonna be late!" I say taking off my bed and heading straight to my bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair in a bun and changing into my uniform.

I grabbed my book bag and bolted in my vampire speed to the kitchen, where Hailey was eating breakfast with the rest of the family. "Woah slow down love." Uncle Elijah said wiping the side of his mouth. "Sorry me and Hope are gonna be late, so we can't eat breakfast today, but we promise to get something at the school." I say quickly. "Oh ok well have a good day girls, see you in a bit." Hailey says with a smile.

Me and Hope speed off and hop into the car. "Hey Mike, do you mind driving a little bit faster this morning, cause we're gonna be late." Hope says with a smile. "No problem Mrs. Hope." Mike says and starts speeding away to the school.

Before we know it, we're at school. I check my time and see that we're actually on time, thank god. "Thank you so much Mike, we owe you one." I say while patting his back. Hope and I get out of the car and start heading into our school and go start heading straight to our class before the bell rings.

Right when we enter our class, the bell rings. Right on fucking time. The Mikaelson's are never late. Me and Hope take our seat and the teacher starts doing her stuff, teaching. "You were almost late." I hear Copeland whispering. I decide to ignore him since I remembered what happened yesterday.

An hour goes by and the bell rings. I start heading out of the class, but get stopped by someone pulling me back. "Hey is something wrong? Did I do something?" Copeland asks with a worried face. "No of course you didn't do  anything." I slightly smile. "Then why did you ignore me back there?" Copeland says while scratching the back of his neck.

"I just don't wanna cause any problems between me and your girlfriend." I say. "G-girlfriend?" Copeland reveals a wtf look. "Yeah your girlfriend... Casedi?" I say stating the obvious. "Um no... Casedi and I are definitely not dating whatsoever, who told you that?" Copeland says with a chuckle. That lying stuck up son of a bitch, of course she was lying, how the hell did I believe her. "Oh well I got into an argument with her and she told me y'all were dating and I believed it haha sorry." I say laughing.

"Well yeah were not dating, just to state that." Copeland let's out a chuckle. "Well that's good. Thank god for that." I say. Wait wtf did I just say?

Guys I'm finally back! I literally haven't updated since last year, Holy shit. I'm so sorry for being so busy, school really has me going crazy and i also play sports, so it's really difficult to update. Right now we have a week off of school so I have a lot of time to update. I promise to try to update whenever I can. But I can promise that you will be getting more chapters this week. Thank you for the 12k reads btw I can't believe it has gotten that many reads, thank you so much! Love you all x E 💛

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