C h a p t e r [6]

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[ Hunters POV ]

School sucks. A lot. I literally woke up at 7 in the damn morning to head to school and it was absolutely horrible. I got up changed into my ugly uniform and did my hair, after that I went downstairs and ate breakfast with Hope and headed to school. Mike thank god dropped us off at the entrance so we didn't have to walk further then we wanted to.

Call me lazy I don't care, but you would be doing the same dang thing. Anyways I was heading to my first class of the day with Hope until I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "Hunter!" Copeland said running towards me. "What's up Copeland!" I said with a smile. "Nothing much, just saw you and wanted to say hey haha." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh well in that case Hello, but we should probably head on in and find our seats before the teacher gets on to us." I smile walking in to the class. "Right." He says. Copeland's personality makes him even more attractive like woah how??

An hour passed and the class was over. Time for lunch. "What was that about in the beginning of class with Copeland?" Hope asked with a smirk placed on her face. "Nothing maybe he just wanted to be nice." I shrugged. "Maybe." Hope said sarcastically and I just rolled my eyes. Hope and I got our lunch and headed towards our quite place outside the cafeteria in the garden when I see Casedi Klayne coming towards us with her minions behind her.

"Hey Hope! Hey Hunter..." Casedi said with boringness when she said my name. "Hey Casedi." Hope and I said in sync. "Hey Hunter, you and Copeland looked very close together this morning, what were y'all talking about." Casedi popped in a question. "If you mean that you saw us talking, then yes we were talking. Like normal human beings communicate. And for the second question, it's not any of your business." I said while I continued eating my food. Hope just gave me a wtf look, but ignored it.

"Uh rude much, and it is my business if my boyfriend is talking to another girl." Casedi said with a fake smile. Wow Copeland must be nice and cute and all, but he definitely has a shitty taste in girls. "Well I didn't know y'all were dating, but like I said we were just talking. And if you so want to know what we were talking about it, why don't you ask him about it since he's your boyfriend." I say with the fakest smile I could pull.

"Alright I will." Casedi said whole stroking her hair. "Oh but by the way Hunter, you better stay away from him before I beat your ass to the ground. Copeland is mine and I'm not gonna let a skank like you take him away from me." Casedi said getting closer to my face. You have no idea of what I could do to you. "If you think you can beat my ass you might wanna think twice about it before you pull some shit stunt like that bitch." I said getting closer to her face. I could feel my anger getting out of control and I could feel my claws dig into my palm of my hands so I don't lash out on her.

Hope must of noticed because she immediately noticed and got up and held me back. "Fuck off Casedi, all you do is cause trouble. And your super annoying as well so please fuck off." Hope said raising her voice. Calm down Hunter, your bleeding bad and it's dropping everywhere, Hope said through our special mind link we had as twins. "Whatever slut twins, adios amigas." Casedi waved off and left.

I could feel my eyes turning that goldish yellowish color I get when I turn or get mad and I could slowly feel myself getting out of control. "Fucking bitch!" I yelled and punched the cement bench we were sitting on. "Hunter calm down, please." Hope said with a bit of fear in her voice and I immediately calmed down as I didn't like my sister feeling fear because of me.

"I'm sorry Hope, but she just gets into my skin and I absolutely hate it." I sighed. "I know, but we have to control it we have no other choice. We promised mom remember?" Hope said giving me a hug. "I know I remember." I slightly smiled.

So guys after like two months of guys waiting I finally have updated! I wanna say I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting this long but school really has me stressed out and I couldn't write and focus on my school work. Also this book just got over 6k reads that's fucking crazy! Thank you so so so much, that means the absolute world to me. 6k is a lot for me and i can't believe that many people have actually given this book a try, once again thank you so much! I'll definitely be updating A LOT more I promise. Love you all x E 🤩💛

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