C h a p t e r [12]

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[ Hunter's POV ]

"Shit. We have until Friday to turn this thing in and we still have halfway to go." I groaned. Copeland grabs my remote control and puts on a scary movie. "No no Copeland we gotta finish this thing." I sighed. "Aw come on why, we have until Friday that's two days." Copeland pouted.

"Yeah, but I'm not only stressed about that; the full moon is tonight and it's my first change and I'm feeling nervous as hell." I said. "Yeah I know." Copeland sighed.

"I gotta go though anyways, my parents are waiting on me to eat dinner. Call me after your done with the transformation. I really wanna go and see how it goes and I wish you would let me see. Anyways im sure you'll do great and you'll be able to do it." Copeland gave me a sweet smile. "Thank you." I smiled.

I was shutting my door after Copeland left when I hear a loud bang echo through my house walls. Wtf. Copeland!

I run out of my room and look down the balcony and see Copeland laying down at the bottom of the stairs, I see blood everywhere. I immediately vamp speed over to him. "Copeland! Oh my gosh. Hope! Aunt Rebekah! Uncle Kol! Someone!" I shout through the house.

"Hunter? What's wrong? What the hell happened!" Uncle Kol vamp speeds to me. "Help me please I don't know what happened, I can barely hear his heartbeat and he's lost a lot of blood. Do something please!" I cried. Uncle Kol gets Copeland and sits him on the living room couch. "I can do one thing, but you gotta trust me Hunter." Uncle Kol said looking at me.

"Whatever I don't care! Just help him please Uncle Kol." I say with tears in my eyes. My Uncle Kol bites his wrist and blood starts coming out of it. He brings his wrist up to Copeland's mouth and lets blood enter his mouth. "My vampire blood will heal him." He says and pulls his wrist away. After a minute or so Copeland opens his eyes.

I immediately hug him and he groans. "Hunter? What the hell happened." Copeland groans. "Are you feeling okay Copeland?" Uncle Kol asks. "Thank you so much Uncle Kol I owe you one, I appreciate it so much." I smile. "Of course sweet girl, anytime." He smiles back and vamps speed off to somewhere.

"Hunter what happened?" Copeland asks. "I don't know ask yourself love, you left my room and then all of a sudden I hear a loud thump and I see you at the bottom of the stairs with blood pouring out of your head. I scream and Uncle Kol heard me and came and helped you.

"When you say that your uncle came and helped me, what do you exactly mean by that?" Copeland asks. "So vampires blood can heal human beings if they drink it, and that's what my Uncle Kol did, he gave you some of his blood and healed you." I said. "That's pretty cool. And I think I tripped that's why I felt and I obviously didn't hold on to something in time." Copeland groaned holding his head.

"I gotta go though my parents are gonna be wondering why I haven't came home yet, let me just get cleaned up." Copeland gets up. "Be careful we don't want you falling again, and don't worry about the blood, I'll clean it up." I smiled.

After I helped Copeland clean himself up and he left to go home, I go and get a rag and water and start cleaning up the puddle of blood. "We're home." I hear Hayley and Hope shout.

"What the hell happened! Why the hell is there a puddle of blood on the floor?!" Hayley shouts and rushes over to me. "Copeland fell and hit his head hard. Obviously. And I'm cleaning it up." I said calmly. "Well is he ok? Jesus he lost a lot of blood." Hope said. "Yeah he's fine now. Uncle Kol helped him." I sighed. I finished cleaning up and got up.

"Well are you ready for your first transformation." Hope said excitedly. "It's creeping me out about the fact that your excited that your twin sister is about to endure a lot of pain and break every single bone in her body, but yeah sure I guess I'm ready. It's not like I have to do this every once a month." I chuckled. "About that i was just playing when I said we turn every full moon, we're tribrids. We can turn any time we want." Hope laughed.

"Oh thank god. Wait then why do I have to turn into a wolf this full moon." I asked curiously. "Because it's your first transformation. Then your wolf side will actually be fully unlocked." Hope shrugged. "I mean I will turn with you if you want." Hope smiled. "No it's fine I got this. I mean you can be their with mom and dad if you like. Their gonna be helping me through it." I smiled back.

"Yeah i think I'll do that." Hope answered.

A few hours later I was in the forest where my birth mother had her first change. "Are you nervous love?" My father Klaus asked. "Not really. I just don't want to have to go through the whole pain process." I sighed. "You'll be fine Hunter, we promise. Don't fight it, the more you fight it the more painful it will be and the longer it will take. Let your wolf consume you and you'll be changed within seconds." Hayley smiled.

"Alright it's time. Here drink this it will make the process a lot quicker." Klaus handed me the blue liquid in a glass bottle. "Good luck sis. You got this." Hope smiled. I feel my left ankle break and I fall to the ground. Ouch what the hell.

I think about what my parents and Hope told me and I let my wolf consume me. Before I know it I'm in my werewolf side. "Now run wild and free my littlest wolf." I hear Klaus say. I start running into the woods and just keep running. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot, but I don't pay much attention to it and I keep running. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore.

I wake up and I'm laying on dirt with my body fully naked. I vamp speed to my room and change into clothing. I immediately hear shouting coming from downstairs. I put a hoodie on and I head downstairs. "Klaus? Hayley? Hope?" I say. "Hope go back upstairs." Hope shouts to me. "What the hell is going on." I ask. I look over to the kitchen table and I see Copeland laying there. "Copeland! What the hell. Why is he covered in blood. Copeland!" I vamp speed to him and start shaking him. "Hunter stop. Stop!" Hayley holds me. "He's gone love he's gone." Klaus says with tears eyes. Gone?

I immediately feel my heart break. No he can't be gone. No! I have vampire blood in me, I can heal him just like Uncle Kol did. I put my wrist on my teeth and I bite down. Bloods starts pouring out and I put my wrist up to Copeland's mouth. Nothing happens. He's gone really gone.

"What are you doing Hunter!" Hope shouts. "I'm trying to save him goddamnit!" I cry. "What the hell is happening why is everyone shouting?" I hear Uncle Kol. I see enter the kitchen and immediately stops in his tracks and stares at Copeland's dead body. "W-what the hell happened to him!" Uncle Kol shouts. "He's dead. Copeland's dead." I cry. "N-no no. Klaus. Hayley. He's not dead. He's transitioning." Uncle Kol grabs his head with both of his hands and sighs.

"What the bloody hell do you mean he's transitioning Kol!" Klaus stares at my uncle. "When he fell down the stairs and lost a lot of blood, the only way to help him was to give him my blood. So I did." Uncle Kol says in distraught. "Oh fuck." My father closes his eyes and sighs deeply. "What? What the hell are you talking about! Transitioning?! Transitioning into what." I scream.

"Hunter listen to me. When somebody dies with a vampires blood in their system their in transition to turn into a vampire." Hayley looks at me in the eyes. "Not anymore atleast. Hunter you gave your blood to Copeland so he's not transitioning into a vampire. He's transitioning into a hybrid. Our blood makes a vampire a hybrid." Hope sighs.

I have finally updated!! Thank god.  After 4 months I have finally updated. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long for this chapter, but this year has been my busiest year yet and I'm so sorry about it. Anyways I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! What do y'all think about hybrid Copeland? What do y'all think is gonna happen next? Leave your comments and I'll read them! Once again thank you so much for reading my book ❤️

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