Part 1

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Hi! this is my first alpha kind of story I hope you like it!


Hello! Welcome to our territory, we live in the northern lands. We get every season here, My name is (Y/N). I'm the new leader of this territory. I inherited it from my mother and father a year ago, normally a female would not be the leader of our tribe but since I am an Alpha the council agreed to it. Once I took over I made a lot of changes to this place. The council was not to thrilled with it but you need to challenge me in order to question me and since they are all old they just let everything I did go. Even if they whine about it but, with the changes I have made our tribe grow a lot over the last year. I had visited the other tribes and meet with their head Alphas in secret when dad was in charge. When dad goes and visits the leaders I go with him and talk to the other members, never the leaders so they don't know what I am. There are three other tribes in our nation. One in the South who is ruled by Fred, they call themselves the Wild Boars nice group but more about brute strength. Then there are the group of the West known as Night owls.There leader is a man named Sam, nice guy very sharp. Smart people a bit naive but strong. Then there are the people of the East the Raccoons their leader is Harry, sneaky and fast people. They are not bad people just I know better to not play a game of poker with them, with big money on the line. Why am I telling you all of this? Well remember when I said we had grown as a tribe? Well it's because some of their Omegas and Deltas have come and joined our tribe.One or two Alphas have come too, I tell them how our tribe treats their kind here.

It starts out as a visit then when they see how we are and how we treat them they want to stay. Omegas in the other tribes are treated like nothing more than a tool for breeding, some never get a mate just someone who comes by to use them. If you are a male Omega you are treated even worse I find it disgusting, Omegas may be weak but they have a great sixth sense, and very fast on their feet and some are the most caring people you will ever meet. I know it's in a Omgas nature to be caring but that's only after they have cubs and I know plenty who are great before they had cubs. Deltas are rare, they don't have a strong scent, but they are very strong. Not as strong as Alphas but strong. They can't claim a mate, if you are a Delta in other tribes. Most people think they are useless but we have a few uses for the ones who can keep a cool head. The few Alphas that have come are here because we don't make them fight we have other jobs for Alphas who don't want to fight and be part of the troops. But back to the point, more on the jobs later. "(Y/N), the council wants a word with you." Craig come up to me and whispers to me as I am playing with the cubs at the school.Craig is a fairly buff Delta with red hair and blue eyes. "NN- What do they want now?" I ask him as I pry some of the cubs off my back and arms. "Come along kids Alpha needs to go back to work." I hear Mrs. Blake tell the cubs and I hear them whine. "I'll be back in a few days." I tell the cubs and they nod and go with her.

"Must you play with the cubs when we have work to do?" I hear Craig scold me as we walk out of the playground "Must you worry so much mother hen?" I ask him in a laugh as we walk to the council's office. "The council wants to talk to you about some matters you don't want to address." He tells me as I greet others as we walk by them. "I swear if it's about me choosing a mate again i'll eat them." I tell him in a growl as we walk in the office and I scare a few Omegas with my growl. "Oh i'm sorry, are you okay?" I ask them and they nod yes and one of the council members rolls his eyes at me "What is it?" I ask him and I let some of my pheromones out on accident which scared the Omegas again and the council member. "N-never in m-my time have I seen an Alpha apologize to Omegas." He tells me going into the conference room. "I'm sorry about him and me, I did not know I did that." I tell them "I-it's fine Alpha we know you did not mean it at us." Anna tells me she is an Omega I have known since I was little she used to work for my dad I nod at Anna and the rest, as me and Craig turn and leave "I have never seen an Alpha apologise to Omagas before." I hear a new Omega whisper "That's our Alpha." I hear Anna tell her making me smile to myself.

We get into the conference room and I stand before the council with Craig a few steps behind me, they don't care for Craig I use to have him stand next to me to piss them off. But Craig says I cause enough problems as it is and now stands behind me, since the spot next to me is for my mate but I don't want one. "Alpha, we have called you here today to let you know that the next leaders of the Wild Boars, Night Owls, and Raccoons will be coming to meet you in three weeks." Martha tells me as I watch them all. "Why in three weeks?" I ask and I am now pissed, you can hear it in my tone. "Alpha, you are going to be 26 this year and you have still refused a mate." Greg tells me as I look over to him "So what? I don't need one." I tell him in a growl "You are going to hit a Red Heat soon and that will kill you if you don't find a mate." Martha tells me and she sounds mad. "I will not die if I go into a Red heat." I tell them thru my teeth "Yes you will! No one lives once they go into a Red Heat you will burn up and die!" William tells me and I turn and look at him. "Is that why you summoned the three other tribes new head leaders?" I ask them as I look at them all. "Yes and no, they want to know why their members keep leaving to come here. So the new leaders want to come and see how we work." Martha tells me.

"I will show them around and educate them, I am not choosing them for a mate." I tell them and turn to leave when Craig stands in front of me. "What are you doing?" I ask him confused and he looks at the council. "You will choose one of them as a mate or you will fight the Delta in our place." William tells me and I turn and look at them again and i'm sure my eyes are red because they all stand up.(An Alpha's eyes glow red when they are angry.) "Your going to use Craig as your substitute? Won't even fight me on your own, and you don't even like Craig." I ask them and turn and look at Craig. "We may not like him but he has agreed to it." Greg tells me and I tilt my head. "Why did you agree to do this?!" I ask him in a roar causing the council to shutter. "I'm doing this for you." he tells me and he looks like he is hurting. "I'm not fighting you Craig, I won't." I tell him and back up from him. "Then you will choose one of the new suiters." Martha tells me "Like hell I will!" I yell at her as I turn to face them and Craig stands in front of me. "(Y/N), you fight me not them." He tells me and he brings his claws out, and I do the same. I'm getting too mad for this nonsense.  


And that is it for this Chapter. Thank you for making it this far! Let me know if you liked it! 

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