Part 6

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Hello! This is going to be a long chapter bare with me! lol I'll see you at the end of this!


 "Alpha, down." I hear Craig call to me and he puts my face to his neck and I breathe in and sigh "Thanks Craig, i'm good." I tell him and pull back from him. "A-alpha, w-we came to t-take the food a-away if that's okay?" I hear the new Omega ask me and I shut off my pheromones and everyone breathes as I go up to her but stay a few feet back "Are you okay?" I ask her and the others that are behind her.

"Y-yeah." she tells me trying to smile "I'm sorry, I don't normally put them out that high." I tell her and they nod its okay and they smile better and I tell them they can take the food. "Did you just apologise to those Omegas?" Fred asks me "Yes I did. I scared them and hurt them." I tell him "How did you hurt them?" Harry asks not understanding "When we let our pheromones out around them it causes there body to just submit to us and that can physically hurt them." I tell them and give the Omegas a worried look "It's okay Alpha we know you did not mean it." They tell me and they leave a little giddy. "I did not know it hurt them." Sam tells me "Have you ever asked them? We use it to fight each other or just to attract a mate. Never asked how Omegas feel anytime we used it on them." I tell him "So you asked one of them?" Tyler asks me and his eyes are a little red, maybe because I called Craig mine again. Note to self apologise to him again. "Yes I did when I was younger and I had my pheromones run loose. I came across a Omega that just fell over and just screamed and whined when she got close to me. Till I asked her why she did that she said it hurt her to be near me... so I learned how to lower it that day and I can turn them off and on now or just relax a little at a time." I tell them

"What happened to that Omega?" Evan asks me and I smile a bit "She is one of my closest friends, like him." I tell them and Craig smiles at me "You said something about a cave earlier?" Harry asks me "Yes it is a place I set up for our Omegas who are in heat. It's a safe place for them." I tell them "Let's see more of this place." Fred tells me and I nod and we take them to the cave. "This is our cave, Omegas check themselves in here if they don't have a mate." I tell them "God it reeks." Tyler tells us covering his nose. "They can't control there pheromones in a heat which is why they are in the back to keep them safe from being forced into being someones mate." I tell them as we walk in the cave, us who don't have a mate cover our noises and walk thru.(If you have a mate it does not affect you as much) "In each room there is a place where they can make a nest and take a shower and food and water is brought to them by the Deltas that work here." I tell them as I see there is a room being made up and they look in the room.

"What do the Deltas do?" Sam asks and I know what he ment. "Deltas go thru a hard training program here to make sure they can hold back and take care of the Omegas in there time of need, they use toys to help them." I tell them "Are you one of the ones who help?" I hear Tyler ask Craig "Yes I am. I help manage this place." Craig tells him as we walk back out. "You have guards out front?" Fred asks "Yes to keep any one from forcing themselves on one of them." I tell him as we walk away from the smell "But they are looking for a knot just let them have it." Fred tells me 'oh dear moon' I think to myself "Not by choice and no on should be forced to spend there life with someone in a moment of weakness." I tell him and the older Alphas shrug "This is why we lost our Omegas we treat them like things, not equals." Evan tells his dad 'hmm' "We lost our Alpha's because we only use them to do the tough jobs,and the military." I hear Johnathen tell his dad. "We think Deltas are worthless and have no purpose, which is why we lost them." Tyler tells his dad "What made you look at them differently?" They ask me "Nothing, I look at them the same way I always do. I never thought any of the things you guys do about them and I set out to prove that they can do whatever they wanted to do." I tell them and the rest of the day goes by with them going around the village and just observing things in the town when it gets late the fathers go home, the sons will be staying a week with us. The council wants to see them and dad takes them, while I go with Craig to pick up Brian and Brock up from school.

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