Part 3

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Hello! i'm back with the next part! I hope you are enjoying this! but just like before we are jumping right back into the story! see you at the end of this chapter!


"Bet you didn't think I figured that out huh?" I ask Craig and he rolls his eyes at me like bitch "You need one, and it's about time you found a better one then the last one you had." dad tells me and I put the food down and look at him from the side of my eye. "He is the reason I don't want one." I tell him as I push the food away from me. "Stop acting like that he was a blemish and you got rid of him." mother tells me pushing the food back to me. " Where is Matt?" I ask them "Your brother is with the rest of the Omegas his heat week should be starting soon." Dad tells me and he sounds displeased. "He can't help what he is. There is nothing wrong with him." I tell them as I put my fork back down. "We know that!" dad growls at me "Then don't make it sound like you are ashamed of him!" I growl back as mom steps in the middle of us. "Enough you two! Alpha we know you are trying to make this place into a place where everyone fits in,but it is still going to take us some time to really see it." mom tells me and I sigh. "Fine i'll visit him later before he starts, I hope." I tell them as me and dad crack our necks. "You two are so much alike." mom tells me and dad as she sits back down. "I learned it from watching him." I tell them and dads face softens up, and he pats my head. They leave a while after and I wash the dishes and Craig is standing next to me watching me.

"You going to help dry or just stare at me!" I tell him splashing water at him and he wipes his face off on my sleeve. "You should not go down and see Matt if he is close to his heat week.He is with others who are in their heat as well you may get mugged down there if your not careful." Craig tells me as he starts to dry. "I know but I can just go for a few seconds just to see him just so he knows I still love him." I tell him as I finish washing and I dry my hands on Craigs shirt. "Hey!" He yells at me as he finishes and I run out the front of my house with him close behind me. I greet others as I laugh and run thru the crowds and make it to the cave in the back of the village and Craig crashes into me as I stop in front of it and we fall on the floor. "You dumb Alpha i'm going to need another shower and new clothes now!" he yells at me wiping his sweat off on my shirt. "Hey! You idiot Delta,you crashed into me!" I yell at him in a laugh wiping my sweat off on him. "Morning Alpha are you here to see your brother?" I hear one of the newer Deltas ask me "Yes I am. Has he started or is there still time for me to see him real quick?" I ask him standing back up and he looks at the papers. "He is still fine you can go in." He tells me and I roll my neck and shut all my pheromones down I hope and walk in. "He is in the back room on the left." he tells me and we make our way thru the cave and you can hear others whine and cry a bit as we walk by them.

I get to my brothers door and knock on it. "W-who is i-it?" I hear him ask in a pant. "It's me, Matt. I just came to see how you were." I tell him and I hear him shuffle off the bed and open the door. "(Y/N) and Craig, it's good to see you before this really starts." He tells me and hugs me tight. 'Good gravy are he's pheromones strong it will be very soon.' I think to myself. "I just wanted to come see you, and tell you I love you." I tell him and kiss his forehead and he gives me a faint smile. But I can see his eyes start to fog over. "We are going to go,i'll see you when you get out of here." I tell him as I can smell his pheromones getting stronger. "Y-yeah o-okay." He tells me and he closes the door and I hear him lock it. "Let's go Alpha before you are drenched in this smell." Craig tells me and we start to walk out when I feel my arm has been grabbed by another Omega who must of heard the word Alpha.

"A-alpha can you help me~?" he purrs at me and his is a very strong smell and I shake my head to clear it. "A Delta will be by soon to help you." I tell him as I take his hand and push him back into his room and close it and lock it and I start walking faster out of the cave when I make it out I breathe the clean air to calm down "Cell 23 has started its heat." Craig tells the guard out front and he nods and calls for someone to go help him. "You okay there Alpha?" I hear Craig ask me coming closer and giving me his neck and I put my face in his neck and breathe again and my head clears. "Yeah I'm okay now, thanks man." I tell him pulling my face away from his neck and he has a smirk on his face. "What's with the face?" I ask him as we walk to my office. "The way you were trying to get out of the cave as calmly and normally as possible, before you started to sprint out of the cave" he tells me starting to laugh at me "I am not attacking anyone or ridding anyone." I tell him as we walk into the office shaking my head. "I was still funny." he tells me snickering.

"Bite me, let's start work there is stuff we now need to plan now that the leaders are coming." I tell him as I sit in my chair. "I will bite you! But yes there are a few things we are low on." He tells me and we plan things out and make sure we have everything the day they are here. It's finally the day the leaders are supposed to be here and Craig has been running around like a mad man trying to make sure everything is perfect for them when they arrive. I have snuck off to go patrol for Lucy since her heat week is a week early. I sent her to the cave for her safety and took over for her watch for a few hours. "Hey Alpha Wolf!" I hear below me as I have my legs hanging off the wall. "Hey outlanders!" I call to them and jump off the wall and go down to them. "Alpha how are you?" They greet me and I headbutt them. "What are you doing in this part of the woods?" I ask them as we sit on the floor and talk. The outlanders are a group of wolfs who choose to not stay in one place for to long. They are like the nomads not very smart they are cavemen kind of. They don't get along with any other tribe but mine. "So what brings you out this way I thought you were in the west for summer?" I ask David there leader. "We were then we noticed a shiny car headed this way we wanted to take the car but it very guarded." he tells me. "So the leader form the west is here." I say more to myself then him. "What you doing with their kind? They are not like us." David asks me the outlanders have some of the same ways as us. "They want to see how we live they want to be like us..." I tell him then I sigh.

"What else Alpha? They are here for something else aren't they?" David asks me and he sits up straighter.


Okay that is it for right now sorry had to cut this one a little shorter! But like always thank you for reading! leave a like please if you are liking the story!

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