Part 2

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Hello welcome back! We are jumping right in to this from where I left off last time!


"I said NO!" I roar at him and run up to him and throw him out of my way and stock up to the council. "You could not even fight me... and you try and use my Delta like that?" I tell them and Craig runs in between me and them. "Alpha!" Craig yells at me and grabs at my neck,slamming me to the floor and holds me to the floor. I struggle just looking at him he only calls me alpha when my eyes are completely red. 'Come on wake up!' I think to myself. "I will never pick a mate!" Alpha yells and kicks Craig off me and stand back up shaking the dirt off me going to the door when I feel a hand on my arm and I'm pulled back. "Alpha this is not over till one of us is dead or unconscious." Craig tells me then charges at me I grab Craig by his neck and hold him up and I can see him gasp for air, and he claws at my arm making it bleed but he is slowing down as I hold down tighter and my claws dig into his neck and I see blood go down his neck. 'Wake the fuck up! This is Craig! He is your best friend! Alpha STOP!' I yell at myself and drop Craig and he sucks as much air in as he can get in. I stand there and crack my neck, trying to wake up more. When Craig gets up I walk up to the doors. "I-I will meet them nothing more, If I like one I will pick one. No promises." I tell them and leave the room, as I walk out I have no control over my pheromones as they go up and down which makes the Omegas freeze in place as I walk out "Sorry." I tell them as I continue to just make my way out and into my home.

When I get home I just go and lay down on my nest and curl into a ball and just close my eyes and drift to sleep. I wake up to Craig walking into my room and it's dark I can see is his eyes glowing a light blue in the dark. "Are you okay Craig?" I ask him as I sit up and my eyes are back to there normal brown color. "I'm okay (Y/N)." He tells me turning on the lights and I groan as my eyes are now a little sensitive to the light. "Dick I don't need the light on to see you." I tell him as he sits down next to me "Yeah well, I can't see your wounds in the dark bitch." He tells me taking my arm and looking at it. "It will be fine, I'll be healed up in a few days." I tell him taking my arm from him "Now how about you, let me see your neck." I tell him moving his head around his neck is bruised and you can see the holes where my claws went into his neck and I sigh. "Don't make that face your arm looks worse then my neck." He tells me grabbing my arm and putting medicine on it and I hiss at him. "Warning you ass!" I tell him and he snickers at me. "You big baby, suck it up." he tells me coating my arm in the stuff. "I could have just licked it and it would have been fine in a day."

I tell him. Alphas saliva has some healing properties, Omegas are better but my friend who is an Omega is gone right now. "You know Omegas are better, this is some I had put away from Lucy." Craig tells me "There is not enough for you now, I don't need that much." I tell him looking at the empty jar. "I don't need it you do, you need to look your best when the leaders come by." Craig tells me "God your such an ass." I tell him pulling him to lay down on the bed. " What you think your doing?" He asks me as I sit on him. "This is what you get for trying to get me to find a mate, and almost killing you." I tell him leaning down to his neck and lickinging over the holes and you can see them close a bit. "(Y/N) I swear!" He tells me trying to shake me off him. "Oh shut it bitch, i'm done." I tell him and get off him and lay down next to him. "You know I hate it when you do that." he tells me going to wipe it off his neck but I hold his hand. "Don't, please?" I ask him as I look at the marks on his neck,and he just sighs and lays back down next to me. "You can't blame yourself, I asked for it." He tells me putting his arm around my shoulders "I know you did, but it did not mean I had to go so far and hurt you like that." I tell him relaxing a bit now that I can smell his scent better. "I did it for you, I know how bad your heat's have been getting." He tells me

"They have not gotten that bad." I tell him and roll my eyes at him. "(Y/N), I have to chain you down! And put you in the lowest cell since your pheromones are so strong!" he tells me sitting up and looking at me. "Craig, I will be fine. Get stronger chains." I tell him in a laugh. "(Y/N) you can't think everyone is like him." he tells me and backs up from me as he says it. "Don't bring him up!" I tell him and growl, and he just sighs. "Alpha calm yourself, I just meant not everyone is out to use you." he tells me and I breathe slowly for a few minutes and he comes back over and puts my face to the nap of his neck and I can smell his scent and i'm back to normal. "I know their not, but... never again" I tell him and he pins me to the bed. "You are going to die and I rather not be the one who has to watch it!" he yells at me and I can see a tear go down his face, and I get my hands out and hold him to me. "I'm sorry Craig. I know it's a simple fix..." I tell him and just sigh. "I don't want this place going back to the way it was before, no one does but if you die it will. The council will be incharge since your brother can't take over for you." Craig tells me and he holds me.

"I can't die till I fix that stupid law." I tell him in a laugh. "You're the only Alpha to change the way people view us all. We need you, and if you ever tell anyone I cried i'll kill you!" he tells me in a half growl and I laugh at him "You're an idiot." I tell him hugging him. "I'm your Delta." he tells me with a smirk on his face. "Oh god I called you mine again didn't I? Alpha gets so damn possessive." I tell him and sigh. "I'm sorry about your neck and I know you are not mine Craig." I tell him pinching his cheeks. "If he was this shit would be over with already." I hear as Lucy walk into the room. "Hey Lucy, welcome back!" I tell her as she sits on the bed next to us and Craig gets off me and sits next to me. "I came by to make sure you two were okay I heard your fight from the walls." she tells us checking out my arm but its almost done healing. "I swear you two, I can't leave you alone for two days to be on patrol." she scolds us now looking at Craigs neck. "He started it." I tell her and stand up stretching.

" Listen hear my alpha if your ass would choose a damn suiter I would not of had to fight you on the council's behalf." Craig gets up and tells me poking at my arm that's healing making me growl a bit. "Don't get cocky, I could have killed you earlier today..." I tell him and sigh and sit back down. "Alpha... you know Craig is right, we don't need you dying from something like this." Lucy tells me and I nod. "I know everyone would be in trouble if I kicked the bucket." I tell them and rub the back of my head and sigh. "Alright enough of this shit, I said I would see them. Now I want to sleep, and think by myself." I tell them and they nod and Lucy leaves and Craig is still here as I lay back down on the bed. "What is it now Craig?" I ask him as he turns the lights off but I can see him sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry about your arm." He tells me and lays down next to me which is normal for us, I turn on my side to look at him. "It's okay, I know. Get some sleep." I tell him and he just stays there "You want to sleep here?" I ask him and he nods. "Alright. Good night Craig." I tell him "Goodnight (Y/N)." I watch him close his eyes and he goes to sleep a few minutes later. I have never know Craig to be clingy to much but I know he likes it when I call him my Delta he likes feeling wanted, since Deltas are not normally wanted creatures.

He might just be worried about me too, he hates it when I get hurt. The next morning I wake up to the sound of light snoring, and I look up to see Craig has wrapped around me and was holding me to him. I half chuckle to myself but i'm in a good spot by his neck and I lick over the holes again and they close up completely. 'Good, he should feel better when he wakes up.' I think to myself. "What did I tell you about licking me." I hear Craig groan as he squeezes me more. "You like it when I do it, don't lie." I tell him and put my face more into his neck and breathe in his scent more making him shiver a bit. "I do not, you dumb Alpha." he tells me pushing me away from him making me laugh. "Whatever you want to tell yourself Delta." I tell him and get up and grab clothes and go shower. When I get out Craig is in my kitchen cooking. "Shower is free go ahead." I tell him as I take over for him cooking and he grabs his spare clothes he has in my house and heads to the shower. When he comes out the food is just finishing and I put it on a plate and give him his and we go sit down and eat. "Morning Alpha! Morning Craig!" I hear as my mom and dad walk into the house. "Good morning Alphas." Craig greets them as he stands up. "Morning mom, dad." I tell them as they come over and sit down next to me and Craig sits down. "You don't have to call us Alphas anymore Craig, it's just Betty and Kevin now." mom tells him and Craig nods but he is going to still do it, I know him. "How is my Alpha this morning?" dad asks as I just eat. "She is fine, despite you sending for suiters." I tell them as Craigs eyes go wide. 


Oh wow I did not think I would type that much lol. Thanks for reading I'll see you in the next part! Leave a like if you are enjoying the story! 

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