Part 7

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Woof! This is going to be a trip! hi everyone! You know the drill we starting off where I left off! have fun!


I sigh and wait and I hear my front door close then a few seconds later I hear it open and close again and I smile to myself but then sigh and sit at the edge of the bed. I hear my bedroom door open up as I'm just looking out the window and staring at the moon. "Alpha what is wrong?" I hear Brian ask me as I smelled him and Brock comes in the room closing the door. "Nothing is wrong i'm fine." I tell them as they sit next to me as I continue to look at the moon. "You are sad and happy. Why are you sad?" Brock asks me turning my head to look at them. "You are crying." Brian tells me whipping my face off. "Did not even know I was crying." I tell them as I whip my face. "I'm not sad, i'm fine. Why are you two up?" I ask them "We felt you were sad." they tell me and rub my wrist where they marked me. "Oh I forgot you can feel what i'm feeling now." I tell them and I sigh and crack my neck. "Now what is wrong?" Brain asks me "Nothing it's something stupid."I tell them and Brock puts his head under my chin

"Tell us." he tells me "Nothing, I'm let Craig go." I tell them and I can now feel them they are shocked. "You love the Delta though." Brian tells me "I do in a way but I want him happy and he is not with me." I tell them and Brian holds me as more tears fall down my face again. "I'll be fine you two go to bed." I tell them and go to stand up but i'm held in place. "We will sleep in here with Alpha tonight instead of the Delta." They tell me and I laugh a bit wiping my face. "I'll be fine I'm never this emotional anyway it will pass." I tell them and they just push me back on the bed and they hold me till they fall asleep. "Wake your ass up right now!" I hear Craig yell as he gets in my room waking us up. "What the hell happened?" I ask him as my head hurts. "What did you do?!" he asks me as he closes my door. "What are you talking about?" I ask him as Brock and Brian go get changed for school. "I was have a great time last night when Tyler told me I had a tear going down my face and I could not figure out why." he tells me and looks at me. "I didn't do anything I was just here when the kids came in, and we went to sleep." I tell him and he comes up to me and looks at my face.

"You were crying too." he tells me and he now looks angry. "You severed our bond." He tells me and I sigh "You can't do that unless you are my mate." I tell him and he looks hurt a bit "Why would you do that?" He asks me as he hits me in the arm. "You can't be bound to me and be with Tyler you know that." I tell him and he hits me again but I don't do anything. "You would let me go so easily?" He asks me and he hits me again. "No...I don't even want to let you know how long I sat here fighting with myself to go after you." I tell him and he just looks at me "When did you start crying?" I ask him and he shrugs "I started the second Tyler went after you... I started severing it little by little as hours past and about 5 this morning I cut it almost fully." I tell him and he looks like he is going to cry and I get out of bed. "I want you happy, and that's not with me obviously." I tell him in a laugh and hold my own tears back "You need to be bound to the person you want as a mate." I tell him walking up to him a bit and putting a hand to his face and smiling at him "Goodbye my Delta." I tell him and sever our bound, we fall to the floor. "Alpha No!" I hear Craig scream at me as he crawls over to me and I can see the mark on Craigs neck better now.(Severing a vow like this is hard on both parties they fell due to the force of the bound it hurts the one who breaks it 10 times worse than the one who doesn't) "I was right." I tell him and I point to his neck as Tyler comes in knowing something is wrong with Craig

"What the fuck happened?!" he yells as he comes in and Johnathen and Evan come in. Tyler picks up Craig and I pass out due to the pain. "This is my fault!" I hear Craig yell as I wake up and it looks like we are in the hospital. "I did this not you, you stupid Delta." I tell him as he looks over to me. "You damn stupid Alpha, who asked you to do this!?" he yells at me crying "Tyler you could not feel Craigs feelings till he screamed could you?" I ask Tyler who is behind him "... Yeah after he screamed I could feel he was in pain." He tells me and he looks at me as I sit up "Oh- i'm going to feel that later." I tell them holding my back. "What are you doing lay down!" Craig yells at me. " I am fine i'm not even in pain anymore." I tell him going to stand up and I fall to the ground and I feel Brock and Brian pull me up "Alpha full of shit, we can feel it." They tell me and throw me back into bed. "Things to do can't sit here all day." I tell them swinging my legs over the bed again and stretching my legs. "You just fell on your face!" Tyler tells me. "Yeah I know but there will be far worse pain later if I don't start giving two others a chance." I say as I stand up slowly and I manage to stand. "Congratulations you two by the way." I tell them pointing to Craigs neck and Tylers arm as I shuffle by them. "Thank you Alpha....your not mad?" Tyler asks me

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