Part 11

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WOOF! Translation: What up!? Nice to see you again! Have fun hope you enjoy!


 "She is cooling down!" I hear the doctor tell them but we are in the process of covering the other in our scent which is us rubbing our faces on each other. "So it's not a red heat yet?" I hear dad ask him "No but she don't have much longer the next one will most likely be it." I hear him tell dad but i'm more interested in getting out of my chains and getting at Evan and Johnathen "Let me out~" I purr at them and you can hear them pant and Craig comes over and pulls them from me and they growl but back up "You don't mean that right now, (Y/N)" Craig tells me but when I look at him he looks like he has not slept and my eyes are red "What is wrong? You look like you have not slept little one~" Alpha purrs at him in a laugh "I have been looking for you since you did not come home." Craig tells her in a growl. "She told you to stop looking for us we are no longer your concern. You take care of your mate and be happy." Alpa tells him then looks over to Evan and Johnathen "Get me out of here and let's go home." Alpha tells the boys winking at them and I see them come over and dad stands in front of them and they growl then stop and backup.

"You all wanted her to move on and find someone, and she likes those two so what's wrong?" Alpha tells them shaking the chains "She came down here because she did not want to force them into something to early." Craig tells me thru his teeth. "Oh~ look at you. Did you even know she asked david and them to do this? This whole plan was hers from the beginning!" Alpha laughs "What do you mean?" Craig asks her sitting on his knees in front of me and Alpha laughs "Did you think it was a little odd she was angry when the council said three weeks to meet them? She knew her heat week would be around that time and so did the council. They were hoping to just have her go into heat with one of them close by her and that would be the end of it. But (Y/N) made a plan to counter it she had sent a message to David who was in the west and had him pick up the chains and on his way here he spotted their car coming here and (Y/N) asked them to build this place." Alpha tells them looking at the cell.

"She just ment it to be away so she would not hurt others. She thought about your offer Craig but once she knew your mate had appeared she was not going to make you choose she knew you would choose him. And hey look you did." She tells him and laughs again. "Why are you telling us this where is (Y/N)?" Craig asks getting mad "She will not tell you! She said you don't need to worry anymore remember? she is letting my Delta get away from me." she tells him and tries to reach Craig "She is willing to let this be our tomb. She thought you did love her till he came along then she knew she was wrong again! It was just wishful thinking. You think your the only one who no one ever wants? Try growing up being the strongest and having others fear you and no one wanting to play with you out of fear then when you thought you had someone love you. to learn the whole thing was a lie." Alpha tells him and leaves when I wake up I have tears going down my face.

"What did I miss?" I ask in a pant. "You planned to die down here by yourself!" Craig yells at me and I chuckle "I'm not forcing someone into this to soon." I tell him in a pant and whine "You like us?" Evan asks me nuzzling me again and Johnathen does the same "Yeah I do." I tell them in a laugh "What about me?" I hear Craig ask me and I tilt my head confused. "You told me once you loved me, was that actually true!?" Craig yells at me "I have never lied to you before, what made you think I was joking?" I ask him and he hits me in my arm and I whine which make Evan and Johnathen growl at him "She is in enough pain!" they roar at him and he growls at them too "David get me the keys!" Craig yells at him "NO!" I yell and Craig looks at me "You need to eat, shower and add us as your god damn mates!" Craig yells at me "You may have broken our bond but I still love you like I love Tyler. It's not unusual for us to have multiple mates." Craig tells me rubbing my cheek "I already figured I would have to share him with you, because of the bond you had but when you severed it the look on his face and the pain he had was horrible to see and feel." Tyler tells me as he stands behind Craig.

"Give it time you won't love me like you love Tyler." I tell him leaning into his hand "I have loved you since the day you picked me up to go play with you since we were pups." Craig tells me and he kisses me and holds my head as he kisses me and my pheromones explode and I can smell Craigs scent, he smells like sweet caramel. "I can smell you..." I tell him when he pulls back and his eyes are golden. "I can smell you too finally." he tells me smelling me "You really do smell sweet." he tells me crying a bit. "Get me the keys David." I tell him and you can hear Lui squeal and come over to me and unlock me and the boys throw the chains off me "Let's get you home." Craig tells me and Evan picks me up and runs with me over his shoulder out of the tunnel and over the wall with Johnathen and Craig right behind him. We get into the house and Evan puts me down and I stager to my room and to the bathroom to shower. "Hey (Y/N) when you get out eat then we will go back to your room~" I hear Craig purr at me thru the door and I chuckle "Don't start purring at me or I will flare up again!" I yell at him and I hear him laugh I feel a little better having taken a shower.

When I come out of the bathroom I put just a really long shirt on and go to the living room and I hear the boys pant out "Hello boys~" I purr at them and they come over and nuzzle me and take in my scent as I take in theirs. "Loves food first." I tell them and they just walk me to the table. I eat and feel a lot better when I look up to the boys they have a grin on their face. "What is it?" I ask them with a smile "Your eyes are completely Golden now." Even tells me as they get up and come over to me "Because I have my Alphas and my Delta." I tell them and all there eyes turn gold in a second. I start to feel my body get hot again and I start to pant. "Time to go~." I purr at them and Johnathen picks me up and takes me to the room and the others follow us in.

2 days later

"Alpha it's time to get up." Evan calls to me as I roll off Craig and onto Evan "Do we have to?" I ask him licking his mark I gave him over his heart and he shutters. "Don't do that we have already been in here for two days straight."Evan tells me giving me a kiss and licking my mark over my heart. "Hey I want a kiss too." Johnathen tells me pulling me to lay on him and giving him a kiss. "How you feel my Alpha?" Johnathen asks me as he rubs my sides "Just fine, we should keep going." I bend down and have a finger go over his mark on his leg "Alpha you are going to get it again."Johnathen tells me pulling my leg up and biting on my mark a bit "Hey want her too." I hear Craig tell them pulling me to him and kissing me and I bite on his mark I gave him on the other side of his neck and he bites mine "You had here first since you showed us." Evan tells him as I'm pulled back to him and Johnathen. "My Alphas, My Delta stop it. There is enough of me for you all." I tell them and get off the bed. "Should you be getting up just yet?!" Evan and Johnathen ask me as I stand and almost fall "Not really." Craig tells us and we all go in the shower and wash up.

When we get out David and Lui and Jack are in my living room. "Spits fire!" David calls to me and hugs me but the boys growl as he hugs me "Down boys i'm all yours" I tell them as David puts me down "You look better. Soon Jack will have friends!" Lui tells me putting a hand to my stomach. "Maybe he will." I tell him and he hugs me the boys don't growl because Lui is a Omega and not viewed as a threat. Tyler walks in my house now and Craig goes over and hugs him and I smile at them. "Morning everyone, I thought you were done since the house stopped shaking." Tyler tells us in a laugh and sitting down. "Yeah i'm sure the house shook with four of us." I tell him in a laugh. "Think you guys made a litter?" Tyler asks looking at my stomach "Who know sometimes you can on the first time sometimes no." I tell him "No you are." Lui tells me smelling me "How can you be so sure?" I ask him in a laugh "Jack knows!" He tells me handing me Jack and he don't want me "See? Jack liked your scent before but now no." Lui tells me "Maybe he don't like one of there scents?" I ask and point to the boys and Lui gets up and hands Jack to the boys and he is fine with them.

"Would you look at that." Craig says surprise "We maybe fathers?" I hear the boy grunt and they come up and touch my stomach they run from me and go outside and howl. Evan howls to his dad he is going to be a grandfather, Johnathen howl's to his dad the same thing and Craig just told the whole village I'm pregnant. "Would you three stop it!?" I yell at them but it's too late the whole village is in front of my house along with my mom and dad and Matt. Which now starts a party in the village, Evans and Johnathen dads and mothers get to the village in a few hours and we meet and talk more and the mothers are nice. 


Ohh I'm almost done! next chapter will be the last I promise!  Hope you are having fun see you soon! Thank you for reading!

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