Part 8

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Rue Rue Rue!Translation: Welcome back! sorry me and my friends lately have been barking to get each others attention when we are together lol anyway lets get back to the story its going to be a long chapter!


Craig is standing their and freezes in his spot and I look at him "Now this won't hurt at all." my Alpha tells him and he books it out of the roller ring on all fours with me on his tail "Alpha!" I hear Evan yell and I turn and look and his and Jonathan's eyes are red too. "I'm busy i'll get back to you two later." Alpha tells them as Craig runs into the arena and I follow him and Craig is high up on the rafters. "Come down here you little shit." I call to him and jump up to one of the lower beams "Alpha you can't be afraid of others getting close to you." He tells me as I jump higher up. "I don't want anyone close to me." I tell him and I see the other two jump on the lower beam. "You like being close to others! You just need to let others in again." he tells me moving to a higher post. "I let someone get to close once i'm not letting her get hurt again." Alpha tells him jumping in front of Craig. "He is never coming back, you know that Alpha." Craig tells her and jumps to a beam lower. "She has been hurt enough today and still in pain." Alpha tells him and Craig stops jumping down and looks at me. "She is still in pain?" he asks Alpha who just jumps down in front of him 'shut up and wake up'. "She is in a lot of pain and not just in body but heart." Alpha tells him and jumps down to the floor as Evan and Johnathen make it up to Craig "Don't follow us anymore, go to your mate." Alpha tells him and we run out on all fours and up the closest wall and go into the woods.

"What are you doing you stupid alpha?" I ask her. 'You need to tell others how you feel that's why no one knows you.' she tells me before she goes away. "Up a tree and hide." I tell myself and get in the tallest tree I can find and hide in the middle of it and I now realise how much my body hurts, I just lay back against a branch and go to sleep. I feel a little better when I wake up but I don't open my eyes.Till I smell the ocean. When I open my eyes Evan and Johnathen are just coming in the middle where I am. "Found you (Y/N)." they tell me as I sit up and there eyes are still red. 'Oh shit I don't think I have the strength to fight them right now.' I tell myself and backup. "You forgot to turn your pheromones off." Evan tells me coming closer to me 'oh fuck you alpha for turning them on halfway!' I yell at her "Did not take us to long to find you." Johnathen tells me coming closer and he sits on one side as Evan sits on the other side of me and I can hear them smell and get closer to my neck inhaling my scent and I start turning it off "Don't turn it off yet." Evan tells me moving his nose along my neck and I freeze.

"You smell very sweet." Johnathen tells me now doing the same thing Evan is doing and I want to scream but I can't. "Here." Evan tells me and he turns my face and puts it into the nap of his neck and has me breathe his scent in. I hate to admit it he smells better than the forest we are in. I move my nose up his neck smelling him now, when Johnathen takes my face and puts it to his neck. 'I love the damn ocean smell too.' I think as I move my nose up his neck smelling him. Johnathen pulls away to look at me and I can see his eyes are completely yellow Evan pulls away and is now looking at me and his eyes are yellow too. When they start to come closer to my face I realise they are going to kiss me and I move back and slide out between the branches and I have no strength to save myself from this fall. "Spits fire!" I hear David yell as he runs underneath me and catches me before I hit the floor.

"Thanks David." I tell him in a pant. "What is wrong?" he asks me and I fall asleep again, but not before the images of Johnathen and Evan climbing down the tree slowly with there eyes half yellow and there normal color. "What has happened to Spits Fire?!" I hear David ask as I start waking up. "She broke her bond with the Delta." I hear Brock tell him. "Why would she do that?!" I hear Lui ask in a panic, and I can feel him touch my face. "The Deltas mate came along, and she broke it so they could really be together." Brian tells him and I feel him pet my head "The Delta has thrown her away?" David asks and he sounds pissed. "The one thing he had to do was be with her after the last incident and he left her?!" David yells and I sit up and look at him "I let him go do not get angry at him." I tell him "Alpha!" they yell but it's no use I fall back down and i'm asleep again. "Where is she?!" I hear now as I wake up and I feel a little weight on me and I look down and it's Jack asleep on my stomach. "She is sleeping! Calm your ass Delta!" I hear David tell him and I turn my scent off but when I do Jack starts to whine so I leave it on a little bit for him as I sit up and hold him.

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