Part 4

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Hello I'm going to try and make this a longer chapter. Well here we go again let dive right back in!


 "I need to choose one for a mate." I tell him in a growl and some of the others flinch. "Sorry." I tell them and put my hands up and the others nod and David is just looking at me. "How old are you now Spits Fire?" David asks me he gave me that nickname the day I spit fire at a party I snuck them into the village for. "I am 25 i'm going to be 26." I tell him and his eyes go wide. "You need to get one, choose one from your own clan or mine! Not them." he tells me and I snicker a bit "I know David, I don't want one." I tell him as his mate comes over and sits next to him. "Hello Lui, how are you?" I ask him as I smile at him. "I'm Good Spits Fire. Our first cub will be here soon." He tells me and rubs his stomach. "Aww that's great!" I tell them and Lui grabs my hand puts it on his stomach and I smile as I feel the baby kick. "You be godparent." Lui tells me and I look at them "What?" I ask them still with a smile on my face. "You always good to us,if something happens to us you take care of." David tells me and I nod yes. "Do you guys need anything food? Water? Blackets?" I ask them "That we do." Lui tells me

"Okay go to the tents we made for you and I will bring some over in a bit." I tell them and David sends the rest of the tribe there. "Now spits fire, about your mate why not have your Delta?" he asks me as he knows Craig is always with me. "I would but Delta does not love me like that." I tell him "Just mark him and you will be fine." David tells me as he helps Lui up and they walk to the tents. That is where we differ you are not allowed to mark another without their consent, anymore. "Okay i'll be back in a few hours with things for you guys, okay?" I ask David and he nods and as i'm about to climb back up the wall when I feel it, a hand on my shoulder. "Wait we have not had match yet." David tells me and i'm going to be in trouble with Craig for this. "A quick one I can't be gone for to long." I tell him and we start fighting no claws though. "You have gotten very strong Alpha!" David tells me as we lay on the ground panting. "You have to be if you are leading people." I tell him and we shake holding thee others forearm and nod at each other. "I get next when Alpha gets back!" I hear another say as I start making my way to the wall. "I'll fight you now I can't fight you when I get back." I tell them jumping off the wall and turn around and there is a line.

"Group fight, make this quicker." I tell them and I hear David laugh after I beat everyone senseless I climb up the wall and just lay up there for a second to catch my breath. "Hurry it up Alpha, you can rest after food!" I hear David yell at me in a laugh. "Your lucky I like your mate!" I yell down to him in a laugh and their tribe laughs as I get up and make my way to the storage place. I'm trying to sneak and not have anyone see me, since I now have a ripped shirt and i'm now dirty as all hell. "Where the hell is Alpha!" I hear Craig yell as I get to the storage place and I slide in and close the door. I start grabbing things for the outlanders as I hear the door open behind me and I inhale and I can smell that it is Craig. "What in the name of the moon happened to you!" I hear him yell at me as I turn and look at him. "Hey Craig-I don't even want to know i'm guessing David and Lui are here." He cuts me off and tells me as some other Alphas come in and pick up the things I got for them. "Go give those to David and there tribe.You go get clean again!" He yells at me and I run out of the storage place and the other Alphas are laughing as I make my way to my house when I notice Craig is following me.

"I am going to go shower, you don't need to worry mother hen." I tell him as we walk past the hall where we are going to meet the leaders. "At least pretend you want to meet them." Craig tells me as we go into my house. "I want to meet them that way I can hopefully get them to change their minds on how they treat everyone." I tell him getting new clothes and he takes the clothes from me "Nice clothes!" He tells me throwing other clothes at me. "I am not looking to have them as a mate." I tell him as I go into the shower and I hear Craig groan from outside the door. "What am I going to do with you!" I hear him yell as I get the dirt off me and I laugh a bit hearing him. "Just stay with me, till you find your mate." I tell him as I get out of the shower and go into my room. "At least wait for me to get out of the room!" I hear Craig tell me as I come out of the shower. "I have a towel on!" I tell him as he closes the door. "You are way to trusting with me!" I hear him tell me thru the door as I get dressed. "Should I really not trust you as much as I do?" I ask him as I open the door and he is sitting at the table looking at me. "Don't trust guys who only want one thing." He tells me turning me around and zipping the back of the dress i'm now in.

"You don't want me like that so why should I not trust you."I tell him kissing his cheek and walking out of my house. "Hey I never said I didn't!" Craig tells me running up behind me and starts walking next to me. "You don't have to tell me I know you." I tell him as I smile at him. We make our way to the hall, Craig has never said it out loud but I am almost sure Craig is bi and is looking for a male more than a female. "(Y/N)... I do love you, but I know you don't see me as that." Craig tells me grabbing my hand. "I love you too, I can see you like that you maybe the only one I would allow to touch me. But we love each other as a mutual thing otherwise our pheromones would work on each other." I tell him as I hold his hand and walk into the hall. "Then how about if... you don't find a mate the day of your red heat you allow me to actually knot you just so you don't die." he tells me and I freeze to the spot I am standing in. "What?" I ask him not looking at him and just looking forward. "You know I work in the Omega caves I know what i'm doing I won't hurt you." He tells me and turns me to look at him and I don't know how to answer that. "Craig-They are here!" I here Anna yell coming into the hall. "Think about it and tell me later." Craig tells me and takes a few steps behind me. When the doors open up dad walks into the hall with six other Alphas behind him and I can smell them all from here.

(God, reel it in boys.) I whisper to Craig and I hear him snicker a bit (Shut it and be nice. You have yours all the way off.) he tells me back in a whisper and I snicker to and stand up straight as they walk up to me. "Fred, Sam, Harry I would like you to meet my daughter (Y/N)." Dad tells them and I smile at them and shake their hands. "Hello Fred, Sam, and Harry." I greet them and they have a puzzling look on their face. "(Y/N), have we seen you before?" Sam asks me as he stands in front of me. "Maybe I have been to your village once I think." I tell him and they are still looking at me when Fred pushes to stand in front of me "What are you? I can't smell you." Fred tells me and they are all smelling around me and I smirk "I'm an Alpha." I tell them but don't let my pheromones out. "Dad you could have been a little more tact full." I hear his son tell him I guess "Right. Whatever wanted to make sure." Fred tells him as they all pull their sons in front of them and let me see them.

"This is my son Tyler, strong as an ox he is!" Fred tells me.Tyler is a wild Boar alright, build like a bus and tall like one and looks about as strong as an ox, easy on the eyes though they are a dark green, light brown hair. "Nice to meet you Tyler." I tell him and shake his hand, and I hear him sniff at me and I think he smells Craig not me... 'Oh my god Craigs mate.' I think to myself. "This is my son Evan, Smart and just as strong as titanium." Sam tells me and Evan is tall too but a foot shorter than Tyler but he is leaner than Tyler too. Nice frame tan skin tone, Jet black hair, Golden eyes they are pretty. "Nice to meet you Evan."I tell him and shake his hand "My son Johnathen! Fast on his feet and very clever." Harry tells me Johnathen is a few inches shorter than Evan. Jet black hair too but he is porcelain white skin and deep blue eyes, they are beautiful looking. "Nice to meet you too Johnathen." I tell him and smile at him and he smiles back and shakes my hand 'great moon goddess he has dimples!' I think to myself then slap myself mentally. "Nice to meet you all this is Craig, he helps me keep this place running." I tell them and the fathers just look at him and nod but the boys shake his hand and I see the way Tyler and Craig looked at each other when they shook hands. 'I knew it! Oh I can't wait to poke fun at him later .' I think to myself

"Alpha!" Anna calls to me as she comes up to me in a pant "What is it Anna?" I ask her as I have her sit down she is old what was she doing if she is out of breathe? Then I realise the Alphas pheromones "David wants you to take two of his men as suiters too." she tells me in a whisper. "What gave him the idea to be adding people to this?" I ask her. "He said he wanted you to have a better option." she tells me in a whisper. "Craig." I call to him and you can hear me trying to not laugh. " What is it?" he asks me then I whisper what Anna just told me and he snickers to himself too. "Is there a problem (Y/N)?" My dad asks me and I shake my head no laughing abit. "No there is no problem I just need to go have a word at the gate real quick." I tell him and go to turn to leave when Craig grabs my arm. "Don't you dare come back dirty." he whispers in my ear and I laugh "No promises." I tell him and open the door. "What do you think your doing touching an Alpha like that?" I hear Fred ask Craig and I turn my head and look at him as Anna now runs out of the room knowing my pheromones are going to come out too now. "Why don't you all come with me so you can see what this place is really like." I tell them I did not ask and had my pheromones come out just enough to let them know i'm not asking them. 


when I said long I did not think it was going to be this long lol. Anyway I hope your having fun see you in the next part!

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