Part 5

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Wow this is turning into a longer story then I had planed lol. But if you had made it this far with me thank you! You know the drill we are continuing from where I left before! 


They nod and follow me thru the village. "Hi Alpha!" one of the cubs from the school comes up and greets me as we walk by "Hello Jimmy!" I greet him and he jumps up to me and I hug him and he runs back to his mother. "That was an omega..." Harry tells me as we walk. "Yes he is. He is getting better at controlling his pheromones." I tell them as we continue to walk. "Alpha! Want some cookies?" I hear the baker ask me as we walk by, "Yeah!" I tell him as he gives us all a cookie and we keep walking. "That was an Alpha..." I hear Sam now say as we walk "Yes he is, best damn cookie maker we got." I tell them as we get to the gate. "Alpha, David wants to have a word with you." Susie tells me as she opens the gate "That's a Delta in your military...." I hear Fred say "Yup best stealth agent I got." I tell him as the gate is opened up and David walks in "Outlanders?!" I hear them all say. "Spits fire, I bring you two more better ones." David tells me and I look past him and there are two guys behind him and we know these two. "Are you sure?" I ask David and he nods "It's fine you beat up tribe earlier you train them again tomorrow." David tells me and walks back out.

"You beat up a tribe of Outlanders and they are fine with that?!" I hear Sam ask me "That is a story, I tell you when we get back to the hall but first. Brock, Brian what are you doing here?" I ask them as I go up to them Brian is a dirty blond with light blue eyes and Brock is a brunette with hazel eyes. "We want to stay here and live here." Brian tell me "You could have just asked that and I would have let you stay." I tell them and they look up to me. "No. David would not let us but with what you told him earlier we figured good plan to leave and can stay with you." Brock tells me and I lean down to them both by their ears and whisper. "You two are already mates what are you doing trying to just add me into it?" I ask them and there faces go red. "We a-are not." they stutter "Yes you are. You may stay." I tell them and they come and hug me and go to bite my neck "Ah- no you don't." I tell them and spin them away from me. "You are your own mates you don't need to add me to yours." I tell them "But if we don't mark you David will make us go back." He tells me and I look over to Craig he will leave me to go with Tyler soon "Here bite down here on my wrists." I tell them and my dad steps forward "You, Brock and Brain do you promise to watch out for Alpha when she is in danger and protect her with your life?" my dad asks them and Brock and Brian get on a knee and bow down holding my wrist

"We do." they tell him "Then you two are now Alphas guards." Dad tells them and they bite down on my wrist and I let some of my pheromones out so they absorb it "Now give me your wrist" I tell them and they give me there wrist and I bite down on Brian and he releases his pheromones and I absorb some of his and I do the same with Brock. "Now, Dad you mind taking these two over to the school? They need to learn how we do things around here." I ask him and he nods and has Brian and Brock follow him "What in the blue hell was that about?" I hear Tyler ask me as I lick the blood off my wrists "That my good sir was a contract pack." I tell him as I turn to look at them all "They will defend me and protect me with their lives." I tell them as I see the holes stop bleeding and I put my arms down. "So they are not your new mates?" Evan asks me "No they are not if I take a mate that mark goes on our necks to show all that we will hold their head high and support them." I tell him "Where do you mark your mates?" I ask them all as I have them follow me to the hall.

"Well for us in the West we mark by our hearts to show our love for our mate." Evan tells me and it's kind of cute where they put there mark. "Well for us it's on our upper arm to show we are protecting our mate with all our strength." Tyler tells me but glances at Craig and I smile to myself. "For us we mark our mate on the leg to show we will stand with them." Johnathen tells me and that one is cute too. "Before it was just where ever you could sink your teeth into." I hear Fred tell us as we walk into the hall and I see the older Alphas nod in agreement. "So is the marking kind of new to your clans I mean on those spots? " I ask them as I see the food has been brought out for us. "Kind of we never used to really mark a mate unless we want them for ourselves." Harry tells me and it's disgusting to hear really but I try and keep a normal face. "So when did you start it?" I ask them "About a year ago, when some of our Omegas started leaving." Sam tells me and he is looking right at me and I smirk at him.

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