Part 10

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HELLO! How are you? How is life? let me know. Here is the next part of the story! it's a little short but I hope you have fun!


"David!" I yell for him and he comes out of his tent. "Spits fire-" He tells me then has his people get back from me. "Is it time?" he asks coming over to me and I sit on my knees panting "Y-yes is it done?" I ask him in a pant. "Yes we finished not long ago." he tells me and he picks me up and others cover their nose as we walk by and David leads me into the woods and to a hole and we go down and it feels like we have been walking for hours. "Hold on Alpha almost there." David tells me as it's getting harder to walk. We make it to the bottom of the tunnel to a room that has a chair in the room and a lot of chains around it. "Hurry." I tell him and he puts me in the chair and starts putting the chains around me and they are heavy. David locks me up and Lui comes in with Jack "Alpha we came to see you." Lui tells me and I look up to them and my eyes are going red I can feel it. "H-hi Lui, Jack. I hope to see you again in a week." I tell him and groan at the pain. "You can make it fine, you have Jack waiting for you." Lui tells me as Jack coos at me and touches me face and I have a tear go down my face.

"I know. Hurry go close the hole and let no one in here." I tell David and he nods and they leave a little while later I hear a boulder get rolled and I hear it rest over the opening and I have some light coming thru from the holes above me, for air. I let my pheromones go to 100 and my eyes are now bright red "So where do you have us now?" Alpha talks me but I don't answer her "We have two perfectly good mates at home that I would not mind riding." she tells me 'I know we do but it is too soon I just decided I liked them.' I tell her and I hear her laugh "Then let me out and we mark them as ours!" she growls and shakes the chains. 'No we will make it past this and then we can go back to them.' I tell her and stop answering her two days go by with her yelling and screaming and trying to get out of the chains and she subsides and I'm let back out and all I can do is cry at the pain i'm in it's almost night time when all I can do is whine when I can hear someone talk.

"Where is she David!?" I hear Craig ask him "What do you care you left her to go with your mate.She is no concern of yours now." David tells him 'David- don't be so mean.' I think to myself because it hurts to talk "I love her still! She broke the bond we had!" Craig yells at him. "Because she knew you should be with the one you really love and if it was her you would have not let him mark you!" David yells back "You can't blame him! Alpha said it was fine!" I now hear Tyler growl "Delta do you really think Alpha would force you to stay with her after she knew you found the person you love?" Lui I now hear ask in a squeak "...No, she would let me go even if I told her I want to stay." I hear him say and he sounds sad "She is so focused on others finding happiness but never her own." I hear Craig tell them "She is gone now to, too spare people." Lui tells him and I hear David growl at Lui I think "What do you mean?! Where is our ALPHA!?" I hear Evan and Johnathen roar out and I whine a bit wanting them "I can smell her she was here!" Evan tells them and I hear David growl. "She is safe from others." Lui tells them "Lui where is she? She is going to die if she is in a red heat?!" I hear Craig tell him "She is where she wants to be, because she rather not have others watch her die!" David tells him and I know that was a jab at Craig I told David what Craig told me.

"You got a mate the same day you told her to think about having you knot her if she went in a red heat, how were you going to keep that promise?" David asks him "Do you know Alpha at all?! She trusts you so much and yet she came to us to ask for a favor so she would not hurt you all!" I now hear David yell at him. "Where is she please!? We don't want her in anymore pain!" I hear Johnathen tell him and I hear David sigh "Go home and I will ask her. I'll send for you if she wants to see you." David tells them and I can hear them whine and growl. I fall asleep and wake up to the sound of the boulder moving. The pain starts up again and I start to yell and scream. When David makes it down to me my eyes are half red and brown. You can also see the claw marks in the chains Alpha made. "It's okay spits fire it's just me." David tells me and I just low growl at him. "You don't look so good... they came looking for you. Do you want to see them?" David asks me and I whine and he moves some hair from my face "Come on spits fire, talk." he tells me and I pant "N-no only two more days." I tell him and I pass out from the pain.

I wake up a bit as I smell the ocean and the forest and I open my eyes and I see Evan and Johnathen coming down the tunnel and I swallow as I look around and the doctor is looking at me "Alpha! Alpha! Are you awake?!" I hear him ask me but i'm more focused on Evan and Johnathen. "She is burning up we need to cool her down!" I hear the doctor yell and I feel ice hit my back and I hiss "Alpha it's okay!" I hear them tell me as I try and shake them off me and get out of the chains. "Alpha~" I now hear Evan purr at me and I stop moving and look at him he comes up to me and has me inhale his scent and I stop moving as they put more ice on me. "Alpha~" I now hear Johnathen call to me and does the same thing and I inhale and relax. "Your eyes are golden my Alpha~" they tell me holding my face and Johnathen kisses me. When he pulls back his eyes are golden ,and Evan turns me to kiss me and it's a long deep kiss. When he pulls back his eyes are a shiny gold then his normal gold color.


OOOhh we getting down to the ending here soon I think! I hope you are liking this. I am lol Thank you for reading see you soon!

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