Part 9

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hello! this one is going to be a shorter chapter then my last one! in the middle of moving things around my house so not much free time. We starting where we left off!Lets dive in shall we!


 I wake up and feel a hell of a lot better. Though I know it's summer and my bedroom is really hot... 'Or it could be the extra two sleeping alphas next to me!' I yell in my head as Evan and Johnathen I see are now sleeping next to me. "It's still early." I hear Johnathen tell me as I go to sit up and he holds me to him. 'Smells like the ocean is giving me a hug.' I think to myself as Evan rolls over and is now holding me too. "Alpha! We brought the doctor with us!" I hear my dad yell as they come into the house and I start to panic about what to do about these two. I wiggle out and throw a blanket over their heads and turn the ac on high, when my door opens up. "Ah good your awake!" Mom tells me coming into my room and she has me sit at the edge of the bed. "Morning Alpha! Let's see how your doing shall we?" the doctor asks as he starts checking me over. When he is done he says i'm in better shape than yesterday. Mom thanks him and they walk him out. When Evan rolls over and has a hand around my waist as dad walks in and I cover my arm with the blanket and hold Evans hand like it's my own.

"Glad the doctor said you are doing good Alpha." my dad tells me as he sits in front of me. "Yeah I feel a lot better too." I tell him as Evans hand goes to my stomach and rubs it a bit 'AHHH!' "Are you hungry? Mom went to go make food." dad tells me standing up "Yeah I only ate the one time yesterday." I tell him and take Evans hand off my stomach and hold it. "Right, alright let's go eat." he tells me and leaves the room. I go to throw Evans arm back when dad sticks his head back in the door "Oh and wake those two up behind you so they can eat." dad tells me with a smile on his face and leaves my room again and I groan but I hear Evan and Johnathen snicker. "How long have you been awake!?" I ask pulling the blanket off them "Since you sat up." Johnathen tells me sitting up along with Evan "You could have saved me the trouble of trying to hide you both!" I tell them and they laugh at me "Morning my Alpha." Evan tells me pulling me to kiss him and it's light and sweet. "Morning my Alpha." Johnathen tells me now as Evan pulls away and Johnathen gives me a little deeper of a kiss.

"Morning my Alphas." I tell them and they have a smile on there face. They hop out of the bed and follow me out into the kitchen. "Good morning you lot." dad tells me and snickers. "Really throwing a blanket over them thinking it was going to hide them?" mom tells me and they laugh at me "Shut it! I did not know what to do!" I tell them as they sit down. "Then trying to act like his hand was yours. He is a tad darker then you Alpha." dad tells me and I just cover my face and they snicker. "So I don't see a mark but I can smell you on her are you just seeing them?" dad asks me and I look at them. "We like her but we want her to get to know us too, we learned a lot last night." Johnathen tells them and mom raises her eyebrow at me as she puts food down in front of us. "We talked! Don't give me that look. They know what happened before." I tell her and she nods and dad sighs " These two are better than the last one I have known them since they were cubs." dad tells me "We never knew what's his name he just appeared one day in town." mom tells us as we eat.

"Leave him in the past, I have other things to work for now." I tell her "(Y/N) you think we could go to the amusement park today?" Johnathen asks me and I smile at him. "Yeah can we!?" I hear as Brock and Brian come out of their room. "Don't you have go learn something today?" dad asks "No! Alpha said if we slept in our room we would not have to go today!" Brian tells him and my parents look at me "What?!" I ask as I eat "Does everyone sleep in your nest?!" mom asks "Well, no not everyone." I tell her as I finish eating. "Your comfy to sleep next to." Evan tells me as I feel his nose glide across my neck inhaling. "Your scent in your room makes it feel homie." Johnathen tells me doing the same thing on his side. "Would you not do that in front of my parents!?"I ask them and mom and dad laugh I go put my plate in the sink when mom leans over to me "Your eyes are yellow." she whispers and I use a spoon to look at my eyes and she is right they are almost completely yellow. "Don't look alarmed, they were like that yesterday to in the arena." she tells me "Alpha can we go with you?" I hear Brock ask and I hear the boys growl a bit.

"You can come with us and go play be yourself,I'll howl when it's time to leave." I tell them and they all look happy. "I'll go put clothes on." I tell them as I go to my room and mom follows me in. "What are you doing in here?" I ask her and she goes thru my clothes and finds me nice ones to put on. "There you need to look nice not like a- how you normally do." she tells me "I wear nice normal clothes!" I protest and she rolls her eyes at me "Jeans and a nice shirt don't count." she tells me as I get dressed "I am going to the amusement park i'm not going any place fancy." I tell her putting the skirt on and slip the shirt on. "Sue me, now go!" she tells me and pushes me out of my room and the boys are dressed kind of nice too. "Wow, Alpha can clean up nice." Brian tells me "I was in a dress yesterday!" I tell him and he laughs at me "We normally see Alpha covered in dirt." Brock tells me nudging me "You mean when I go for a walk in the woods and you ambush me in the mud, and I have to fight you lot." I tell them and they laugh.

"You two look cute for your date." I tell Brock and Brain kissing their forehead and they blush "Come on (Y/N)." Evan calls to me in a growl a bit. "Don't be mad they are like cubs." I tell him as he pulls me to him and I nuzzle his neck and I feel him relax and he lets his pheromones out a little bit and I inhale. "You look good in your outfit." I tell him and Johnathen as I pull him to us and I nuzzle his neck and I feel him put a hand on my waist and relax. "You look good too." they tell me and nuzzle my neck and I let mine out on low and leave it there for the day. We leave for the amusement park and we are holding hands and I ask them about themselves as we walk and I learn Evan is a real night owl. He is very smart, and a little naive but very caring. Even if his Alpha is a little possessive we all are. Johnathen is a true Raccoon too. He is sneaky and he has a bit of a mischievous side so does Evan a bit. Johnathen is a clever thing he can get Evan away from me so he can be closer to me. He smirks everytime his plan works. They are really not bad guys, they are nice and sweet. It's almost the end of the day when I howl to call Brian and Brock back to find us.

"You know today was not so bad." Johnathen tells me pulling me to lean on him. "Yeah I know I had fun with you two." I tell him as Evan leans on me. "I want you." I hear Johnathen tell me in a purr and good god it sent a shiver up my back. "I want you too." I see Evan tell me in a purr coming closer to my face, and I see his eyes go yellow again as he kisses me. "Mine." He tells me as Johnathen turns me to face him and kisses me now. "Mine." Johnathen tells me now and I think I know what is wrong with me I need David now. "Alpha!" I hear Brock call to me as the boys lick my neck and I pant "Brock, Brian take them home I'll be there in a minute." I tell them as I step back and I hear Evan and Johnathen whine "It's okay I want you too." I tell them and give them a kiss and they look happy and let me go when they are away from me and I pant more. "Run." I say to the Omegas who are close by me as they make a path for me to the wall and I run up it and run to David's camp 


what is going on? I'll tell you in the next chapter! lol thanks for reading see you soon! 

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