The end!

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I hope you like it see you at the end!


9 months later

I am close to my due date and according to the doctor I am having a litter. By the size of me it's true. Evan and Johnathen went home after the party that lasted a week and no one really remembers most of it. Evan and Johnathen setup there home like ours Craig went with Tyler and helped them set up and I bounced back and forth between Evans and Jonathan's place. I am just at home though right now with Brock who is 9 months along as well they had there own party while we partied and we are a week apart. "(Y/N) are you cold?" Brock asks me as he comes in my room "A little. Are you cold?" I ask him and he nods and I pull the blankets back and he comes in the bed and gets comfortable next to me as I go over papers that need to be signed. "Stop working and relax. The cubs are due soon and all you have done is work." Brock tells me and taps the papers. They have adapted pretty well here but the outlander is still in them. "Alright look i'll put the papers down." I tell him putting them down and he smiles and gets closer to me. "Where is Brian?" I ask Brock as I put my arm around him "I had him go get an alphas special." he tells me in a giggle and I chuckle. "Ah okay." I tell him and start to relax a bit.

"Evan and Johnathen should be here soon so should Craig and Tyler right?" Brock asks me in a yawn "Yeah they should be. Not much longer now and the pups should be here." I tell him and Brock rubs my stomach "I can't wait to see them." he tells me falling asleep which is not a bad idea so I drift off to sleep too. I wake up to a familiar scent coming into my room and it's Brian. "I'm back." He whispers to me and picks up Brock and takes him to their room, they have a house next to mine but are still in the same room as the first day they moved in. "Alpha, I got one for you too." Brian comes back in and tells me handing me a donut and kisses my forehead, then leaves me in my room. Now I just feel a little lonely just sitting in my room by myself I put the food down and curl in a ball and try and go back to sleep but I hear the sound of howling getting closer.

"(Y/N)! We are home....your Alphas and...your Delta." I laugh and translate and get myself out of bed when I get to the front door Tyler is at the front door and he hugs me and Evan and Johnathen come over with Craig and kiss at my stomach then get up and kiss me "What are you doing out of bed." They tell me pulling me back into the house and having me sit down. "I heard you coming so I got out of bed. You know how long it takes me to sit up now?! It's ridiculous!" I tell and they laugh and sit next to me. "We won't be leaving again." Evan tells me nuzzling me "I don't have to go back either for a month." Johnathen tell me now nuzzling me "It depends how much work you left me." Craig tells me making me laugh "There is no work for you." I tell him and he don't believe me.

"Go look in my room." I tell him and he goes and looks at the stacks of papers in my room. "What in the blue moon is this!?" I hear Craig ask me from the room and Tyler goes in with him "One pile is the stuff for this month and the other is for the next month!"I tell him and he looks out of the room at me. "Have you slept?!" He asks me as I yawn "No not really I took a nap with Brock earlier though before I finished." I tell him and they all just give me this look like really bitch? "What?! I was left here by myself for a month with no one, I can't even climb over the wall to go to the forest!" I huff and they nuzzle me to calm me "We know, we did not want to leave you for so long." Johnathen whines at me and I sigh "I know you didn't. I just don't like this sitting still waiting thing." I tell them and go to stand up and I can't and whine "Come on, up you go!" Craig tells me pulling me up and Evan and Johnathen pushing me up. "Did you guys see David and Lui around yet?" I ask them as I go to the door.

"Wait! I want to go outside too!" I hear Brock call to us and I smile and wait for him and he holds my hand as we walk out. "Your my mate, why are you clinging to Alpha?" I hear Brian whine "Alpha is like...mother? No sister?" I hear Brock ask me "I'm kind of like both, lets just say family." I tell him and he has a wide smile on his face and he holds my arm. Brock has no real family other than his mate we found Brock in the desert one day as a pup he was abandoned because he was an Omega but David's tribe was going by and they took him in instead we are 4 years apart in age. "Oh right, mate yes they are on there way they should be here tomorrow by his howl I heard coming home." Craig tells me as we walk thru the village and we have to stop every five seconds for people coming over and wanting to say hi and feel the pups. "Maybe I should have stayed in the house." Me and Brock whine as we walk and the others laugh. "Can we go home?" I hear Brock call to me tugging in my shirt.

"Yeah let's go back i'm getting tired." I tell him and he lets out a relieved sigh and we go back to the house. When we get back Craig and Tyler take all the paperwork in my room out and take it to the office. "(Y/N) why is there food in here?" I hear Tyler ask me holding the donut "Oh Brian got it for me earlier but I was feeling lonely so I never ate it." I tell him and I hear the boys whine at me "I'm not lonely anymore." I tell them pulling them closer to me and I inhale there scent and start to doze off I feel myself get picked up and i'm put on the bed I feel Johnathen and Evan lay down with their heads on my stomach and Craig is by my head rubbing my head and I pull him to me more and I here him chuckle and kiss me forehead. I wake in the middle of the night and Evan is my pillow and Craig and Johnathen are laying next to me with Tyler on the other side of Craig "It's warm." I mumble and pull them closer and go back to sleep. We wake up the next morning to David howling inside my house and i'm going to kill him.

"Spits fire! Brock! Brian! We are here!" is what he howled and I growled when I woke up and David walks in and has Jack in front of him as he comes in "Put my godson down so I can kill you!" I growl at him and he laughs "The sun is high, time to get up!" he tells me putting Jack on the bed and he comes over and headbutts me. "Hello Jack, how's my pumpkin king?" I ask him and he just baby talks to me as the boys sit up now and groan "Can't you come in quietly?" Evan asks David and Jack jumps on Johnathen "Oh- you little!" I hear Johnathen groan and Jack laughs "Come on let's go wake Brian and Brock up I tell Jack handing him to David and I kiss Jonathan's chest where Jack jumped on him and he purrs at me bringing me back to kiss him "Stop it we have a kid here." I tell him and he laughs "Ours will be here soon." Evan tells me pulling me up and Lui and Brian and Brock are in the kitchen already. "Afternoon everyone." we greet them and sit and talk David's tribe is running around the front of our house and thru Brock's and Brian's house next door.

We feed them and walk in the woods for a bit we walk back to the house when it gets late and we are about to go to bed when I get a sharp pain in my side and I whine in the bedroom and everyone runs in "What's wrong?!" They yell coming in and I whine and hold my stomach "Labor pains!" Brock tells them and they pick me up and run with me to the hospital. Evan, Johnathen, Craig and Tyler are in the room with me and 12 hours later I had three cubs, and they all look like their fathers. Evans daughter looks just like him beautiful skin color and golden eye's. Jonathan's son has his eyes and looks like me and Jonathan's hair color. Craig's son has his eye color and his red hair. After a few hours Evans, Johnathan's and Tyler's parents come in the room. "Hello! Where our grandpups?!" Fred asks as they all run in the room "He is right here." Craig tells him as he holds him, since Craig is a Delta he can't bare children so this is as close to a grandkid as they are getting for now. "He is an Alpha?" I hear Fred ask as Evan and Johnathen hand their cubs to their parents.

"They are all Alpha's" I tell him "Don't sound so bum about it." Tyler tells me in a laugh sitting next to me"I'm not bumed...It's just I wanted a Delta and an Omega." I tell them and Craig comes over and kisses me "Maybe the next litter will have them." Evan tells me now kissing me and my eyes go wide "What next litter?!" I ask them and they laugh "You want a Delta and an Omega means we need to try again." Johnathen tells me and our parents laugh at the face I make "It will be fun making more." Evan tells me and I laugh "Not for a while." I tell them and they pout. "We can still have fun but i'm going on the pill till next time." I tell them and I see them pant making me laugh.


A week later Brock has his cub and he wants me in there with him along with Brian. They have a little boy who is an Alpha. You should have seen how proud Brian looked. He looked just as bad as my mates when the cubs came out. David and Lui meet the cubs and so did there tribe. Evan's, Jonathan's parents and Tyler's were worried when they came in and started playing with the cubs but relaxed after a while. Our world started to change for the better now with everyone starting to change their views. After a while the council had finally agreed to change a law I had been trying to change, about how an Omega can't rule if he or she is next in line. After a few years I got my wish and got my Delta and Omega cubs which are Evan's son and Jonathan's Daughter Craig and me had one more too she is a Delta too. Tyler and Craig adopted a cub from an orphanage she is a few weeks old and she is a Delta. We got rid of our walls and we started expanding the lands closer together. We ended up merging into one big clan which made our other councils butt heads but we worked thru it.


Ah and with that this story has come to an end! It has been a heck of a ride! I hope you had fun let me know what you thought! Please leave a like! Thank you so much for making it this far! <3 Till the next time and next story see you soon!

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