Chapter 9: You were always a noob, get Good! part 3

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Shami was the first to wake up and yawned like a sleep deprived fool as she got out of her hay made bed. She peeked through the curtain to check on Tanatswa and noticed that he was sleeping peacefully. She dressed up quickly and left the hut and went off to pee and to take a shit at the same time. She had made her own hole where she did her business, just outside the fortress and really hoped that no living creature would ever find her taking a shit. The call of nature was her special moment, just like how some people would read their favourite book during a defecation session in the toilet. To her, relieving herself, was the same as freeing herself from the stresses of life and she always felt better after releasing a huge chunk. Shami would thus rip off a piece of the fur and use it to wipe her ass. The process was raw and she didn't see herself as a conventional woman after doing that, but she clearly didn't have a choice. Maybe she could just make a functioning toilet as her new custom goal as well as figuring out how to make tissues or alternatives to tissues. If Tanatswa knew how to make soap then definitely, with a little effort, she would be able to solve her sanitary issues. Speaking of sanitary issues, Shami wondered what she would have to use as a substitute for a tampon or maxi pad. Her biological functions were no different from her past self, so she would have to deal with that eventually, and hopefully in a convenient fashion. She remembered that women in primitive societies used soil or ash to pad their loins but some cultures would just rinse off the menstrual blood. But having to do that in a river, to what extent was that healthy? She postulated that maybe with a higher mithridatism level she would be able to weather any kind of infection but she would have to invest her xp into leveling it up. She then thought about what Tanatswa had said last night and felt conflicted; one side of her's hated how blunt and cold his remark was, and the other side was thinking that the coldness was just a front to hide his troubled feelings. She would have to cohabit with him for now as they figure out how to live in this foreign world.

When Shami was done, she disposed of the animal fur and used her bare hands to shovel dirt into the hole. She then bolted quickly to the wall and then jumped up so high that she managed to grab a hold of the edge of one of the top rocks. She then climbed down, and trotted towards the hut. As she got close and noticed Tanatswa exiting the front door. The morning light shined on him and his tattered clothes exposed his fine build. Regardless of what he had said last night, there was no denying that his body was dazzling. She kept a face of disapproval and gave him a blank to keep appearances. Tanatswa noticed her and said, "Good morning." Shami swallowed a bit of saliva and then uttered, "Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I did, um, about last night..." he said, lowering his eyebrows and squinting his eyes before getting interjected by her.

"It's okay. I mean if that occupied your mind for the entirety of your sleep then I would feel bad." she said, placing her arms on her hips.

"You sure, I mean I could have said that a bit better." he said, looking rather sad.

"Well you might make things worse by nagging me. Just know that I am the type of girl who says no once and her no is definitely a no. No uncertainty here buddy." said Shami who proceeded to pat him on the shoulder to emphasize her insistence. Tanatswa noticed her rather expressive face and decided to back down on trying to even things out between them. He then told her, "Okay cool, I will be back, give me 5 minutes."

"Where too? I hope you're not going for round 2 in those woods. You barely made it the last time." she said, slightly surprised by his plans.

"I am just going for the call of nature." he said, trying to apply courteous euphemism.

"You mean to do number 1 and 2?"

"Yeah, those 2 things." he said slightly embarrassed.

"Well you could have just said you are going to poop. Well just make sure you shovel your shit and keep it as far away from this place. Like outside the walls." she said with a serious face. Tanatswa couldn't help but cringe at her brazenness towards the subject. She then told him, "Wait here." Shami speed into the hut and began to search for a specific item. After a couple of seconds she arrived with a small ripped piece of animal fur. Tanatswa looked at her all confused and asked, "What's this for?"

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