Chapter 18: A story needs catharsis!

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The newcomer, known as Tichaona, crawled on the ground as he tried to find a spot where he could hide. His life bar was in the critical levels and he felt great suffering within his body. He had landed near the very entrance of the Ethereal Woods and could hear wolves nearby. He was petrified that the wolves would smell his blood and get drawn to him. He figured that he had to camouflage himself and hide at an obscure spot. He layered his body with dirt and leaves and made it seem as if he blended in with the environment. Tichaona knew that all he needed to do was rest for 2 or more days until he was completely healed. Since the purple entity had stated that all the 1000 were immortal, unless their life bar reached zero, his body would regenerate and put itself back together, however it also depended on the level of damage. The more battered the body was, the more likely it was going to take for it to fully recover, but that meant he had to recuperate for at least 2 days before planning on doing anything else, but what if they eventually found him?

Tichaona could still identify Shami and Tanatswa at a distance due to his navigation points gauging the distance between them. If the distance got shorter it would mean that they were in pursuit of him and he would have to move farther away to get to safety. Probably Tanatswa was working on making the girl recover before considering chasing after him and it would explain why he hadn't come to finish him off. What Tichaona didn't realize was that his ability, Barrier to Entry, could hide his presence from anyone's tracker. It was a passive quirk that came with his power, thus, he didn't need to worry about them because they clearly wouldn't be able to find him. This information wasn't apparent to him, thus, he lamented their possible arrival before he had fully healed. Apart from them, he felt unsafe with all the hollowing and the ghostly sounds that came from the woods. It was as if there was a gathering in there and he couldn't make out exactly if they were organic sounds or just the wind moving way too much to the point of misguiding his ears. It was a rather insomnia conducive situation and he would have to contend with laying low for now. As the time passed, he became more involved with talking to himself.

"So we failed to kill them, damn it, we have to recover quickly, we have to or else it's late for us. Yeah, that guy could stop my attacks, I think we underestimated them. Should we level up and then kill them? Wait, they would probably be doing the same, but if I were to just kill one of them I would have the upper hand, just think about it, level 5 up in this bitch and things would get better. But what if we made peace, no, no, it's too late for that. With what we did to his girlfriend, he is probably out for blood. We need to get stronger because only the strong have control. Wait, be quiet." he said to himself, getting jittered upon hearing something. He could hear violent thuds from afar, deep in the woods and he wondered what it was. Was it a wolf, a creature he had not encountered or a strange phenomenon? He reclined in anticipation, with his eyes looking at the woods. Soon enough, the source of this unrest was shown to be the dark figure who came riding his dragon with the black miasma of death around him. The beast of an entity, rode its dragon and seemed to be heading his direction. At this moment, Tichaona was met with a rather cruel predicament. Was he going to run? He was still far from being mobile and even if he tried, he would expose himself. His camouflage was well made and it was probably going to fool anyone, but could it fool this thing? He hoped that' that would be the case.

The dark figure paused close by but seemed to be scanning the area is if it wanted to identify something. In a matter of moments, the dragon's tail yanked his body from the ground and coiled around him. He felt squashed and the fear he had skyrocketed. The dark figure looked at the man's body and it was unclear what it's intent was. It's usual poisonous air ability was not used on him, but since it was his first time encountering the dark figure, he had no idea that he was lucky to be alive at the moment. The dark figure's body looked like it was wearing some military gear or armour, but the black miasma made it seem as if it was a silhouette of such since the smoke blurred out any necessary details. As Tichaona watched closely, he noticed the figure raising its hand and then trying to pull off something on its face. A clicking sound occured and he began to see the face of a light blue skinned lady with white eyes. Her hair seemed entangled by the rest of her outfit, but for the most part, Tichaona could only see her face. This came as a surprise, but moments later, the dark figure began to speak with a ghostly voice that seemed to have high reverberation.

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