Bad dream

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I woke up in a tent. A really big tent. I'm trying to stand up. Yes, trying. I fell for like 3 times. It's like my legs don't listen. On the 4th time, I succeeded. I'm standing, but I need to hold onto something. Otherwise, I would fall. 

I came out of the tent. I can see a few familiar faces. But this must be a dream or hallucination. Cause all around me are a familiar people, yes. But they all have in common that they are dead.

"Lexa?" When I said her name she turned around. I know that it's just a dream or something like that. But she's really here.

"You killed us." She said with anger in her face. She commands some guys something and after that, they are going straight to me. I'm trying to retreat, but they grabbed my hands and started to drag me somewhere.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I'm fighting, but they're stronger than me.

"For what you've done you'll be punished by death," Lexa said. 

They stopped dragging me and started to tie my hands above my head to the tree. Actually to the bloody tree. Oh, God. I know what this is. It's death by a thousand cuts. But it's just a dream so I shouldn't feel any pain right? These guys who tied me are done. They stepped aside and I'm trying to get out of the rope. Meanwhile, Lexa came closer to me.

"Because of you, I'm dead." She pulled out her knife.

"No, It was an accident. And I didn't kill you, it was Titus." I defended myself.

"You're right. But it was your fault." She looked into my eyes. She is full of anger. I don't know her like that. She cut me first. Maybe it is just a dream, but I fell everything. I closed my eyes and I tried not to think about that.

"Now is my turn," I heard somebody else say. I opened my eyes.

"Finn," he is looking at me also angrily. I guess that everyone here is mad at me.

"You could save me, but you. . . .  You didn't. You just made yourself a murderer. Congratulation." Now I have some tears in my eyes.

"They would torture you to the death. I had to do it." He doesn't care. He came to me and cut me. I looked up. Now there are here a lot of people behind themselves and waiting for cutting me.

"I should never have trusted you," Anya said and cut me. I don't even want to answer. It doesn't matter. They all are going to hurt me anyway.

I heard mostly something like "You killed me", or "Because of you I'm dead". First I counted it, but I stopped somewhere between 100 and 200. I feel every part of my body burn. I just hope that this pain stops soon. 

"It's a miracle that you are still alive," Lexa said with a surprise in her voice.

"I would say a bad karma," I said sarcastically. I'm exhausted. Lexa pulled out her sword. She's gonna end my suffering. 

"Just end it," my last words left my mouth. There's no sign of regret in her eyes. She made her final move straight into my heart. 

I woke up from that nightmare. I'm looking around me. I'm in some kind of building. I tried to stand up, but of course, I'm tied up to the chair.

"Why am I always the kidnapped one?" I whispered to myself. Someone came in.

"Oh, you're finally awake," That's the guy who talked to me before. I don't even listen to him. I tried to think about that dream or rather a nightmare. And I think he knows what I'm thinking about.

"Yes, that dream which you had was real. Sort of. But you . . . you were sleeping for 5 hours." He looked at me like on the murderer. But I know now, that I actually am. After all of that cuts, I know how many people I killed.

"For example, I killed 50 people and I was sleeping just one and a half hour. But you slept for 6 hours." I looked at him with a confused look.

"You said I slept for 5 hours," I said the fact.

"Yes, but the first hour sleeps everyone. So how many did you killed?" He took a chair and sat in front of me. He's waiting for my answer.

"Something around a thousand," I said and smiled. He was shocked a little.

"Wow, it must have been a terrible death in that dream. How did they kill you?" It's like he knows everything about me. But he doesn't.

"Every single one, cut me and after that my . . ." I stopped, cause I don't want to tell him something personal. " . . . my friend made the last step to kill me." In my eyes are tears, but they are gone in a second. I can't show him that I'm weak.

"Interesting. But now I'm going to ask questions. First one is, What are you doing here?" He asked. But I'm not going to answer any question. Even if they'd torture me. He learns from my face that I'm not going to cooperate.

"If you want it the harder way. Be my guest." He stood up from the chair and looked at me, smiling.

"Charlie, here's your patient." He shouted and this Charlie showed up. He also brings some tools. Tools for torture. 

I just hope that my friends are going for me.

Hi there. I just want to thank all of you for reading. It means a lot to me.

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