You won't beat me

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Right after Bellamy and Madi left I wanted to look around. To find some dirty secrets or something like that. But every step I take, that guy is following me.

"Can you stop?" I said as I turned around at him.

"No I can't," he said with no emotion.

"You don't want to, or you can't?" I said even though I know the answer, cause I was there when it was ordered him to. He was quiet.

"Just leave me alone, okay!" I said when I was looking in his eyes. I walked away from him. Hi didn't follow me and that surprised me a little bit.

I'm going through their camp. They build their own buildings and even signs above them. First thing I need to find out is where is their main place of charge. In the middle, I'd guess.

I went in the right direction. A big guy is going against me. I thought he'll just miss me. But I was wrong.

The guy hit my shoulder and continued in his way.

"Hey, idiot. Watch your way," I said at him and he turned around. Everyone was looking at us. They are slowly doing a circle around us. It looks like they know exactly what's going to happen.

"Why? This is our camp. You are the intruder in here. You should watch your way," he said discussed. And I don't like it.

"You should stop talking, before I rip out your tongue out of your mouth," I threatened him when I was looking in his eyes. He looks pissed, by that my goal is done.

When I was looking at him, I heard someone running.

"Leave her alone," Chris yelled at him. Him again, doesn't he have better things to do, than stalking me?

"I don't need your help," I turned around and that was a mistake.

When I turned back to see him, he just punched me in the face. It was the weakest punch I've ever taken. I started to laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny?" punching guy asked me with no clue what I am laughing at.

"You've just made the biggest mistake of your entire life," right after I said it I punched him into the face and he fell on the ground.

"That was easier than I thought," I said surprised. These guys are really weak as I see. They rely only on their weapons.

"What is going on?" John went into the circle.

"She attacked him," the one man far from me said. Unfortunately, I can't see him, so I can't beat his soul out of his body.

"Yes it's true," the other one yelled. Everyone started to yell the same.

"Punishment. Punishment. Punishment," John raised his hand up and everybody went silent.

"Okay then. Are there any volunteers?" John asked and showed at raised hands. But still, I don't know what is going on. All of the people John showed at, they came into the circle. All of them are in front of me.

"What the hell?" I asked cause I don't know what to expect.

"For you to understand," John said like I'm stupid like I should know it, "there are ten volunteers. They will fight you all until you won't be able to fight." He said and that made me laugh. 

John raised his hand again. They made a little circle around me. 

"On three," one of them said. I am ready.

"One, two," before he said three I took an element of the surprise.

I punched the one who was counting in the nose. The rest of them didn't know what to do first. I used it. I jumped and in a spin, I kicked another one into the stomach. One of them has thrown a punch at me, but I moved so he hit his own friend. I was kicking and punching around me. Every single punch or kick has a certain direction. Every volunteer is on the ground by now.

"Just be glad I didn't kill them," I said and went out of the circle. All of them were shocked.

They are afraid of me and they should be. They have respect for me. None of them didn't even look me in the eyes. Except for Chris, who is again stalking me.

"Wanna end up like your friends?" I threatened him. I'm tired a little, but this was easier then I thought and I can handle another one.

"No, I just wanted to say that they got what they deserve," Chris said and gave me a glass of water.

I didn't trust him that much. You never know if they put you something in the water. I looked at him with an untrusted look.

"You really don't trust people so easily, do you?" I shook my head to an agreement.

He took the glass from me. He drank a little from it to show me that there's nothing in it.

"See?" He gave it back to me and I drank it at once.

"Why don't you defend them? They're your people. I'm not," I said.

"They aren't my people. They're criminals," he said hurt. I looked at him and he knew that I have no clue what he's talking about.

"For you to know, I'm not a criminal like the others. Before the uprising, I was a guard here. I didn't meet the criminals I was carrying for food, water, and other stuff, so no one knew me. When it began I took a criminal uniform and they thought I was one of them. Because of that, I'm still alive," he said hurt.

"That night I lost a lot of friends." He said and looked down. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I lost a lot of friends too. I know how you feel," he looked at me thankfully.

At that moment on my hand fell a drop, which burned.

"Ahh. Are you kidding me? Again?" I said as I'm heading inside some house and Chris right behind me. As we are inside one of the houses Chris asked me a question.

"What do you mean again?" he was curious. 

"A long story," I said as I'm looking around me. The rain is more intensive, that I can tell from the sound of falling drops on the house.

"Wait, we're not supposed to be here," he seems scared a little bit.

Right after he said that John ran into the building.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked a little bit angry.

"We're hiding from the black rain obviously," I said cause I saw that Chris's not gonna say anything to his boss.

"Black rain? You know what? I don't even care just get out." He said and turned to obviously his place.

Chris's already turned and headed outside. Before he did it I caught him.

"We're not going anywhere. As you can see there's raining outside," I said with no emotion in my face. He didn't know what to say.

"I said get out," he tried to threatened to me.

"You saw I can take down ten men at once. Do you really want to start a fight with me?" That was my secret weapon and he was defenseless.

"I hope it will stop raining soon," he said and by that, I won.

Hi there. Yes, I am still alive. I'm sorry I wasn't updating. I've had some school issues, which needed to be solved. But I promise I update soon.

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