Not a good guy

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I helped my mum as much as I could. I did everything she asked for. My mum has the experience with Jordan, but for me, this was the first time. I was literally flying through the room. By the injury on top of my head, the whole Earth was spinning. But I got through it and tried not to think about that.

The baby is healthy and cute as can be. I left my mum and Dyioza to take care of the baby. I don't even know how Dyioza named her.

I came out of the building and saw almost everyone standing here and waiting.

"Is the baby okay?" Raven asked first.

"Yeah, she's okay," I said with a smile.

"So it's a girl," Murphy said one hundred percent sure that he's right. I only nodded.

"And what about you?" Bellamy asked and came closer to me.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I think," as I said it I started to think about the injury made in storage. It feels like my head is gonna explode. My vision is blurrier than before and the whole Earth is spinning even more.

"Clarke, you don't look okay," Octavia said the one thought that everybody thinks right now.

"I only hit my head a little," I said slowly and put my hand on my head. I looked at the hand, which was all covered with blood. I've already known it's gonna be bad when I hit myself, but this is much worse.

Then I started to lose contact with reality. Bellamy was talking at me, but I didn't hear anything. I only saw his lips moving and everyone's terrified faces. I started to fading and falling. The last thing I remember is fall and then I was in Bellamy's arms. Then all went black.


"Clarke, Clarke," I shouted at her, but she seemed like she's not even there. Then she started to fall. I caught her and took in my arms.

"Take her inside. Quick," Raven told me. I turned around and opened the door by my leg.

"Abby!" I shouted before I came in. I didn't want her head to hit the door, so I was really careful.

"Bellamy, you're not supposed to be here. At least not yet," she said as she was cleaning the desk. She didn't even look at me. Dyioza is sleeping in the bed with the baby by her side. I'm not surprised by that.

"Abby!" I shouted louder this time.

She jumped a little as I started to yell. She turned around because she understood, it's important.

Unfortunately, I woke up Dyioza and the baby. But the baby didn't start to cry. It reminds me O. As I was little I had to keep her silent. It tore my heart apart every time.

"Oh my God. What happened?" She almost ran to me as she noticed Clarke in my arms unconsciousness.

"Before she passed out, she said she hit her head. I think it was when she went for the blankets," I said not sure, but I would notice if it was before.

"Put her on the table. Carefully," Abby said still in a shock. She took a few books that were on the table and put them somewhere else. I put her as carefully as I could on the table.

"Will she be okay?" I asked with a shaky voice. From Abby's face, I can tell it's bad.

"She lost to much blood. But if we do something now, she'll survive," Abby said and started to prepare some things. She would do anything for her daughter. I took a chair and sat next to her. I took her hand into mine.

"Bellamy, you can wait outside," Abby said as she wanted to start. I shook my head in disagreement. She only nodded and started.

I won't leave her side until the rest of my life. I will protect her whatever it takes. She did so much for me. Now it's time to pay it back to her. Without her, I would be dead. And not only once. You're gonna make it Clarke. You'll survive like always.

I've been sitting here for almost half an hour. Dyioza came outside with the baby. Abby told her that she should rest but she didn't listen. Abby finished a while ago. And now I'm just waiting for her to wake up, still holding her hand. I was looking on the ground all the time. I couldn't handle that I didn't protect her. I know it was an accident, but in some way, I feel responsible for that.

"Bell," I heard Clarke saying. I looked up at her.

"Clarke, I'm so glad you're okay," I said relieved that she's okay. At least awake.

"I wouldn't leave you that easily," she said and smiled. She tried to sit but she started to feel pain. I could see it from her face.

"Wait, you should rest. You badly hit your head," I said and she smiled ironically. I helped her sit and she leaned on the wall.

"You know, I usually screw things up," she laughed a little and I joined.

"That's not true," I said and softly smiled at her.

"Okay, it's not. But you have to admit sometimes I do," she smiled again and I shook my head defended. She's right sometimes she does some sort of stupid things.

"Bell, something happened to me and I need to tell it, someone," she said sadly still looking into my eyes.

"What is it?" I said as I squeezed her hand a little for her to know that I'm there always for her.

"They gave me the serum, which shows you who did you kill or for which death are you responsible," she said hurt and looked another way than me. As she looked back at me I could see tears coming from her eyes.

"I killed so many people Bell," she said and looked away again.

"Clarke listen to me. You did it to survive," I told her and that gave her at least a little hope that she's a good guy.

"But there's always another way. I didn't even look for another way. Why didn't I?" She started to cry even more. I hugged her and squeezed her as hard as I could, but not to hurt her. She cried on my shoulder.

"There was no time to think, Clarke," I tried to calm her down, but this was the sensitive topic.

"I know, but it could all be different. So many people would be alive," she said between sobs.

"Do you know how many familiar faces I saw?" she said as she pulled out. I guess she asked the rhetorical question. I didn't answer. I don't want to make it even worse.

"I saw Jasper ... Finn ... Lexa. And I could tell you much more," she made a pause after every name she said.

As she thought about those people she started to cry harder. I took her again into the hug.

"Don't worry. I'll be there for you. Whenever you want. And I'm sure that the others too," I said.

At that moment I heard some shouting outside. I pulled out and turned to doors.

"Stay here," I said. Of course, as I stood up. Clarke tried to stand up.

"Clarke, are you serious?" I asked and she only looked at me with a smile and pointed at me her hand. By that, she meant if I help her up. Of course, there's no point in arguing with Clarke. It would be a death sentence.

She leaned at me and put my hand around my neck. We got out and first I saw was Madi and Jordan trying to catch a breath.

"What's happening?" Clarke asked and everyone turned around at us.

"You shouldn't be up Clarke," Abby said a little angry.

"Why? What happened?" Madi asked scared for Clarke's health.

"It's nothing Madi, really," Clarke tried to calm her down.

"We'll finish this conversation later. But now we have some bad news," Madi said and all of us got serious.

"They will try to kill us. I think as soon as possible," Jordan said. We all looked at each other and waited for someone to have a great idea.

Hi there. This chapter is on time. At least once. Did you see the season 6 trailer? I don't know what to expect. But it will be great as always.

Thank you all for reading and voting. I hope next time it'll be on time.

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