Hunter and the pray

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I'm so excited to see Madi in action. I'd like to know how the flame works. Is it telling her tips? Or is she talking to it in her mind? I have even more questions, but now I'm gonna hope we can get through these big guys. I'm helpless in a fight. Like, I know the basics, but I'm not a professional. I can defend myself.

"Jordan, now stay here okay?" She said and I nodded.

I'm not planning to go anywhere alone. I'll hide here and stay here until it's over. But no one said nothing about watching.

I looked over the rock. There was a man looking into the bushes if we're not hiding there. Madi was sneaking to him from behind. By the way, she took the sharpest rock she saw.

"Nothing here I guess," he said to himself as he was about to turn around. Madi panicked a little and rolled to the closest bush. It made a sound of course.

"What the hell?" The man said and came closer to the bush where Madi was hiding.

I have to do something, but what? I haven't hit a person in my life. Or should I only make a distraction? I'm so confused. This is my first time on the ground and I have to kill someone already. I think I'll make a distraction. Yeah, that will be easier. Come on Jordan you can do it.

I stood up with courage.

"Hey," that was the only word I was able to say. I'm glad I even said the one word. He turned around and aimed the gun at me. I just hope Madi understood what I'm doing here.

At that moment Madi jumped out of the bush and with all of her strength hit the guy in the head. He fell on the ground immediately. I'm so relieved right now.

"Thanks," Madi said as she came closer to me. I only nodded.

"Number three come in," we heard say from the radio, which has the guy in the pocket. We looked at each other.

"Should we answer it?" I asked with no clue what to do next. Madi looked at me and took the radio. She has the spark in her eyes that she has an idea.

"Tell in a deep voice "yeah all clear"," she told me and gave me that radio.

"Yeah, all clear," I tried to sound like the big cool guy.

"Change the area and investigate it there," the voice said.

"Okay," I said and gave it back to Madi.

"Let's make a little trap," she smiled wickedly.

We gathered a few leaves, which we tangled into the ropes and tree trunks. We were running through the forest and tried to gather everything we needed. It was almost 30 minutes before everything was done.

"Can you climb up and prepare it?" Madi pointed at the tree next to me. This forest was different from the one we were walking on the way from ship to the camp. This forest actually has the branches.

"I have never climb anything in my life before," I defended myself.

"It's easy. Look," she said and started to climb at the branches. She jumped from one to another. It looks so easy as she showed me. But it wouldn't be me if I didn't fall on the ground on a first branch. Madi started to laugh.

"You know what?" You can do it all by yourself," I said as I'm getting up from the ground.

"Alright then go for the radio," she said when she stopped laughing and I went for what she asked.

"Now what?" I asked. Cause all the time we were preparing, she was only telling me what to do, what to bring and what to do not.

"Say this: "Here's number three. I found them"," Madi said and I only nodded.

In my opinion, telling them where we are exactly is the worst thing we could do. But I'm not the commander here. I don't even know if she is my commander. When I think about that she is just a friend to me, not a leader. I met her a while ago and now she's supposed to be my leader. That's kinda stupid for me. And I'm not talking about the age. She's a way younger than me.

"Here's number three. I found them," I said into the radio in a big cool voice.

"Just kill them already," the voice came out. I panicked, but I figured out what should I say without Madi's help.

"I can't they're just kids," I said still in a cool voice but I tried to sound sad.

"You're softer than I thought. Okay, we're coming," he said disappointedly.

They didn't even need to know the exact location, because I think they know exactly where each one went.

"Stay down and if something happens I'll cover you from up here," she said and I nodded.

I hid into the bush, from which I have the perfect view. The trees are far from each other so there's a lot of space. We put the body of the man to the place where the trap is. We've waited for so long. Or I think it was that long. It felt like it anyway. I heard someone talking and turned to Madi. She nodded, cause she heard them too. I hid further into the bush, so they won't see me.

"This is his area," the man said with the same voice as from the radio.

"Boss," the man next to him said because the guy was looking into the map so didn't look in front of him.

"Check it out," he ordered him. He came to the body.

"He's dead sir," he said sadly. Maybe it was a friend of his.

"What?" The boss said and all of them get to the body. Madi smiled at their stupidity. She turned out the trap on.

The first tree trunk was falling their way. They didn't notice. It hit the leader of theirs. The rest of them was looking around what was it. It all happened really fast. Madi was turning the traps one by one and it hit all of them. When no one was getting up I got out of the bush and Madi jumped down from the tree.

"That was easier than I thought, " Madi said surprised by that.

"Right?" I agreed with her. I thought there'll be some sort of problem or something. But here we are.

"Now let's go tell the others. I hope it isn't too late, " Madi said with worry in her voice.

We ran for so long. When we finally reached the camp and saw the others we started to run even faster. When the first one of them saw us, the others turned too. They are still in front of the main building.

"Hey, guys. What's the rush?" Raven asked.

"We have some really bad news," I said as I was breathing heavily.

At that moment Bellamy and Clarke came out of the building.

"What's happening?" Clarke asked and everyone turned at her. She was leaning on Bellamy so I figured out that something happened.

"You shouldn't be up Clarke," Abby said a little angry.

"Why? What happened?" Madi started to freak out.

"It's nothing Madi, really," Clarke tried to calm her down. But I know that Madi will remember it.

"We'll finish this conversation later. But now we have some bad news," Madi said and all of them looked at us worried.

"They will try to kill us. I think as soon as possible," I said and looked at each one with a serious face.

Because I'm the new one here I thought that someone will come out with a great idea but there's nothing. I really don't know what to do and I think that no one here does.

Hi there. I'm so sorry again. I had a tough two weeks. But no worries I think there will be two chapters left or a few more. So sooner or later this book will be ended. Thank you so much for reading.

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