Questions and answers

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We are now with John in his tent. I wanted to find some information about them. But now I can't because he's here.

"So, you can't walk on the rain too," John said as he's sitting behind the desk. Chris an I are sitting on some sort of sofa.

"Obviously," I said ironically. After that was that awkward silence. I'm looking around, Chris is looking on the ground and John's writing something into his maps and notebook.

"It looks like we'll be here longer than we thought," Chris said.

"Great. Longer with this idiot," I said and looked at John.

"I'm the idiot here? Why's that?" John looked up from his notes.

"You tortured my friend, you tried to beat me big mistake by the way and the last thing, you're just idiot," I said as I was counting on my fingers.

"I wouldn't if she told me what I wanted to know," he tried to defend.

"She hasn't told you that for a reason. Don't you think?" I said cause Clarke doesn't like to talk about her past.

"Good point," Chris supported me. 

"Shut up," John said as he pointed a finger at him. He looked down right after that.

"If you want to know the answer for the question you asked Clarke, tell me why are you here," I tried to shut him up, but he isn't afraid to talk about his past.

"I killed tens of people.  And I liked it," he said with no regrets. 

"Me too. That's a common thing these days," I said not impressed.

"Not only killed. I tortured them for hours, days some wretches for months. People've been buying my services for years," he said still looking into my eyes.

"But I was involved with the mafia and they betrayed me. They rather let down me than one of them," he said, but I have no idea what the mafia is. The knowledge of the old Earth is my weakness.

"If I would be a normal person I'd say I'm sorry. Luckily, I'm not," I said. Everyone has a bad story about his life. He's not an exception.

"What has happened to you that you're so mean?" he said curiously. 

"A lot of things happened that I'm not gonna tell you about," I said and he's more curious now.

"You know what? I'm gonna ask you a different question. What are you doing here?" he stood up. He's coming slowly closer to me.

"Well, I'm here, because of the rain," I said with a smile. He looked at me with anger.

"Here's your answer for the question and I'm not gonna tell you anything more," I said cause I answered him exactly what he wanted the answer for.

"I have a better idea. You'll ask a question, I'll ask a question and we'll both get answers," he said. I'm gonna get some answers from him. But I can't tell him anything about us. Nothing important at least. 

"I agree," I said and he nodded. Chris is just sitting on the couch and listening.

"You first," he said as he's looking at me.

"Is this your only camp?" I asked. He didn't hesitate at all.

"Yes, we were focused on building and surviving. We haven't thought about more camps. We don't need it," he said honestly.

"My turn. Why did you leave the Earth?" he asked. Lying is not a wise decision. It could turn out against me.

"The Earth is no longer survivable," I said in a really short version. He looked at me shocked.

"What happened?" he asked waiting for the explanation.

"It's not how it works. It's my turn now," I said because it'll be more answers for me. He nodded even though he wants to know that so badly.

"What do you eat to survive? I haven't seen any animals out here," I asked. Cause you know a food is pretty important.

"Around the camp isn't any animals. We scared them off, but they're not so far from here," he said and I just nodded. This is really handful information.

"So what happened to the Earth?" he asked.

"The missile destroyed everything. On the ground couldn't be planted anything. We've waited for years, but it was the same," I told him. He thought about it for a while. He wanted to ask another question, but he realized, that it's my turn.

"What about two suns here?" I asked. It's interesting that there's a night even though two suns.

"We haven't figured it out yet. But there's an interval about the days. It's always day, night, day, day and night again. There's always double day," he said.

"Double day. Interesting," I said as thought about that. More time to gather supplies, but less time to sleep.

"Can I have a question?" Chris asked and raised his hand. John looked at him and nodded in agreement. Maybe he's just curious about his question.

"What did you mean by "Again?" when started to run?" he asked and I know I have to reveal a little bit of our past. John looked at me even more curious than before.

"It happened on the Earth too," I said with no explanation how it happened. I hope they won't ask about it. They try to find out how it could've happened.

"You know what? I think we should take some rest," I said stopping them from another question. They nodded.

"Do you have any blankets?" I asked after a while.

"No," he said and lay on a little bed he has in a corner of the room.

"What is this then?" I asked ironically as I came to some blankets, which are behind his desk. He rolled his eyes.

"Take it," he said angrily. I noticed them when we were talking. John leid against the bed.

I went back to Chris with two blankets. He thanked me.

"Take the couch," he said kindly.

"You don't have to. I can sleep on the ground," I said as I'm putting the blanket on the ground.

"I keen on it," he said as he's taking mine blanket and putting it on the couch.

"Alright," I gave up.

I don't know if I'm dealing with kindness or stupidity. There'll be really cold on the ground. I got used to it when I was in the Bunker or when I was camping outside, but he has no experience.

I lay on the couch and he on the ground. I'm trying to sleep, but I've slept for 125 years. I'm pretty sure I don't need to sleep right now.

"Are you sure?" I heard someone whispering. It sounds like they're in front of the house

"Yes, I am. She ran into John's house," another man said. They're talking about me obviously. I'm not moving, just listening.

"Alright, let's end it," the third man said.

I heard how they're slowly opening the door. I took a little knife from my sleeve. Even though Bell wanted me to have no knives with me. I'm ready for them to come at me. And I don't care if I kill them.

Hi there. I'm so sorry for not updating, but I've had family issues. But I promise that I'll update the new chapter soon.

And I promise you that I'll finish this book till April.

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