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[W A K E UP]

 ➣ [W A K E  UP] ➣

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What's happening?

That loud beeping sound. .

Why is it so loud?

How do you turn it off?

Arya's eyes opened, but closed as soon as the bright light reached them. Thinking she was still in her own realm she tried to turn everything off. The materials in the room only shook in the slightest then stopped and continued as they were before. What the hell?

"She's awake!" a woman called. Arya slowly started to move but was gently pushed back down by a nurse. "Don't even think about movin' girly. Been in a damn coma for 2 months and the first think you do is get up?" The woman seemed to say the last part to herself as the doctor walked in, smiling.

"Where am I?" Arya asked wondering if she was in someone's very real dream. She hadn't felt this much pain since she had fallen off of that building when she was last in the human world.

"Northside Hospital in Lemmington, Washington." The doctor stated looking over the machines. The girl's eyes widened in shock. She was back in the real world. How?

"What happened?" The girl questioned needing to get out of here as soon as possible. She could feel her power shifting through her veins even if it was weak.

"You were found in the middle of the forest. Knocked out cold." The nurse answered smiling down at the girl.

"What's your name?" the doctor asked.

"Arya Warner." Arya answered honestly.

"Well Arya, where are your parents?"

"I..I don't know.." she had to come up with a lie quickly if she wanted to get out of here and figure out why the hell she was here. The doctor and nurse shared a look.

"Do you know their phone number?" the nurse asked. Arya paused. Shit. Both adults took notice of this and smiled down at the girl.

"You know what? We'll give you some time to wake up and gather yourself. Push that button if you need anything." the doctor said pointing over to a blue button with a white cross on it. Arya nodded and leaned back. After the adults left the room Arya listened in on what some called the Angel Radio. Multiple voices shifted through her mind. Some spoke softly, others yelling. It still hurt whenever she used it. They were always so loud. She tried to stay in the shadows of it all and not be detected. She only needed to make contact with one angel without anyone else listening in.

Castiel she called out into his mind. She knew he heard it because soon enough it seemed as though a light switch had been turned on signaling that he could hear and respond. I'm at the Northside Hospital in Lemminton, Washington. I need help. With that final message out she could feel the other angels starting to notice the strange silence so she fled back into her own mind and blocked out any sort of communication. She just had to hope that he had listened and on his way.

✓ Golden Eyes ➣ j. klineWhere stories live. Discover now