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[cue Jack's cute wave]

Before I get into anything else I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has stayed this long with Arya and I. This was the very first book that I've put real time and effort into and I would just like to say thank you. Thank you so much for reading even when my writing was terrible and I had no clue that I would continue to this point. Thank you for voting and commenting, they mean the world to me and always make me smile. And thank you to the silent readers who enjoyed this book. Thank you all so much for everything.

As you can see from the title of this there is going to be a second book! It'll be called Silver Stars. The intro was the prologue should be out tomorrow.

I can't wait to continue Arya and Jack's story with you all. Until then please enjoy this sneak peek and please remember to take care of yourselves and others.

sneak peek!

A girl laid in an open field, her skin glowed like the stars that watched above her. Her hickory-colored hair was spread around her head in a halo.

She wore a long gray dress that flowed down her body in waves. The wind stirred around the woman, shifting the dress making the silver ocean shine in the moonlight.

It's time to wake up, Arya

The wind continued to pick up, her hair twisting and curling around her face though never dulled her ethereal beauty.

Wake up

With the stars watching silently and the moon shining down like a spotlight, the woman stirred.

Open your eyes

Silver eyes met the infinite darkness of the sky.

"Arya, get up!"

✓ Golden Eyes ➣ j. klineWhere stories live. Discover now