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[ M I A ]

➣ [ M I A ] ➣

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THE NEXT DAY they had heard about another murder. Arya sat with Jack in the car once more as Sam and Dean walked over to the crime scene. She watched as they talked. Dean looked over at them for a moment, the continued their argument.

"Arya?" She looked over at Jack who looked between her and the men outside.

"They don't hate you -"

"Stop saying that." Jack said resting his head against the back of his seat. "Both you and Sam keep saying that but I know Dean hates me and Sam just wants to use me as an interdimensional can opener."

Arya sucked in a breath, realizing that Jack had hear their conversation.

"You shouldn't have heard that."

"But I did." Jack spat, still facing away from the girl.

"Jack -"

"Why do you care so much?" Jack demanded, finally looking at the girl.

"Because I do Jack!" Arya shouted "I just...I care about you Jack. I just do."

Arya walked out of the building with Sam. He'd insisted that she come with him even if she wasn't in her FBI attire. This, of course, left Dean alone with Jack.

"Where's Jack?" Arya asked Dean. He glanced up at the two.

"Across the street. Food run." Dean answered. Arya rolled her eyes.

"Dean, he's not our intern. I asked you to keep an eye on him." Sam said.

"I can see him." Dean said defensivly, then took a glance at Jack. "He keeps staring at me."

"He wants you to like him Dean." Arya said. There was a sudden pain in her forehead. "I'll be right back."

Arya was around the corner of the police station before either could react. She shut her eyes as the pain grew with every passing second. There was a scream. Arya opened her eyes to be met with a young girl. She was sitting up her bed, looking as if she had just woken from a nightmare. Her black hair was stuck to her face, dark skin shining with sweat. There was another flash of pain and she was gone, replaced with the stone of the police station. The cans around Arya began to rattle as light began to escape her hands.

"No no no.." Arya panicked. Not here. Not now. Arya's breath was ragged as she tried to push back on her power. She fell to her knees, gripping her head as the pounding continued to grow.

"Breath Arya" There was a hand on her arm. Then the pain was gone. Arya looked up at the person through blurry vision. His eyes were a soft gold that dimmed as she relaxed.

✓ Golden Eyes ➣ j. klineWhere stories live. Discover now