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[ P R O T E C T O R ]

➣ [ P R O T E C T O R ] ➣

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"FAVORITE COLOR?" Arya asked, leaning back on the wall behind her bed. Jack thought for a moment before answering.


"Grey? Why?" Jack shrugged at her question.

"Because I just think it's a very pretty color. Your turn."

"Yellow or blue." Arya answered.


"Sun and sky I guess." Arya answered.

They had been at this for a few minuets. Exchanging likes and dislikes after they had watched almost all the movies Sam had given Jack, Arya decided to have a brain break.

"Favorite character. Movie or book." Arya said. She already had hers but she was interested in what Jack would pick.

"Luke Skywalker." Jack said with no hesitation. Arya laughed. "What?"

"You've been practically attached to Star Wars since Sam introduced you to it."

"Like you are to Harry Potter." Jack retorted. Arya gasped placing a hand on her heart, acting hurt.

"You have damaged my soul!" She said. Jack laughed. Arya joined.




Arya looked on her bedside table to see her phone buzzing. Their laughter quieted as she picked up the phone reading Sam. She held a finger to her lips as she pressed the phone to her ear.


"Hey this hunt is gonna take longer than we expected. Another kid just disappeared." Sam spoke.

"You doin' okay Arya?" Dean called further away.

"I'm fine Dean. Jack and I are just fine here for a few more days. When you come back though make sure to bring something." Arya answered with a small laugh.

"Sure kiddo." Dean chuckled.

"Talk to you later."

"See ya." Sam answered.

Arya pressed the end button, setting the phone to the side.

✓ Golden Eyes ➣ j. klineWhere stories live. Discover now